Chapter 9

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We've just ordered our drinks in the bar as we settle into the nice plush seating area of the VIP section here in Dukemont. I still feel a little bit hesitant when I'm around Sophie, as I don't really know where she stands with this. She did say that she will go on another date with me so I may as well go on as I would normally but just have to take it a bit slower than usual.

''So, tell me something about you that I don't already know'' I say to her as I take a sip of the double JD & Coke that has just been brought to the table along with Sophie's Vodka and Lemonade. 

''Well, what's there to know? Erm, I guess that I've always been in to sport and stuff, but I broke my leg when I was playing football at 11 years of age and the doctors said that I couldn't play again so I had to give that up, as I had no choice, but got back in to my swimming training and became almost addicted to it I was in the pool so much! Sorry, sorry I'm blabbing on and on about silly swimming...'' she mumbles out as I continue to stare at her in sheer amazement as she continues to entrance me with her angelic voice and dazzling blue eyes.

This is the real thing, I just know it. I've never been like this with a girl before. It's the first time I've been completely entranced by a girl in years. Ever since...well, ever since Nicole.

''No no, please continue. Please carry on, honestly. I always find myself talking about the same things all the time, so I love it when I get a chance to listen'' I chuckle at her as I take a sip of my drink.

The alcoholic bubbles instantly quench my thirst as they break against my taste-buds. Sophie continues to tell me about her childhood and I find it quite refreshing to find out about her in, what some people say, the old fashioned way; simply asking the questions that you wish to know the answers to. I end up finding out a lot about Sophie in the time we spend talking to each other; she's a lawyer here in London with one of the big legal firms in the city center, she has lived here since graduating from university in Manchester and happens to live not too far away from me.

'I'll drop her home tonight' I think to myself.

I'll call a car later when we're finished here for the evening. I wave over to the barman in the corner of the roped off area where we're sitting. He bounces over with a big smile on his face.

''Evening, Mr. Barlow. May I get you anything, sir?'' he says in an Irish accent.

''Alright mate, erm could we get another round if that's no hassle, please?'' I say to him as I drain the last few dregs of my JD & Coke as Sophie continues to sip away on her vodka white.

''That OK with you,Sophie?'' I lean in and whisper in her ear as I place a hand upon her knee.

''Sounds great. Thank you'' she rests her hand on top of mine and slides her fingers underneath my palm.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as she links her fingers with mine. Wow, it feels amazing and would never like it to stop. The barman strolls away and begins to make our cocktails behind the fully stocked bar. I take the time to have a proper look around the bar. I see a few of the Chelsea football lads are over there on the other side of the area we are having a quiet drink. One of them catches my eye and winks at me and waves. I casually wave back and hold my hand to my ear indicating that I'll call him in the next day or so. They played today so I'd say they've been given the night off by the boss. That reminds me, they play Liverpool next weekend. I might text Olly and James to see if they want to go and watch the game. I see a man with a camera come around the corner and I immediately slide my hand away from Sophie's. I don't want to be papped just yet holding her hand as we have only known each other for about 12 hours and we are still on her first date. Luckily the barman pads back over with our next round of drinks so Sophie makes nothing of it. 

A few hours and also a few more drinks later, we slightly stumble our way out of Dukemont to our car which has arrived for us. I check the time and notice that we stayed a little longer than originally planned.


'Ouch, definitely going to reward myself with a little bit of a lie-in tomorrow' I say to myself as I hold the door open for Sophie to slide in, then I join her in the back seat.

''Erm, can you make a quick stop in Chelsea to drop off Sophie, then on home? Cheers, mate'' I say to the driver.

With a simple nod of the head, he starts the engine and pulls out on to the empty streets of West London. A few minutes later, we pull up along a row of beautiful townhouses.  We both step out of the car.

''I'll be back in a tick, won't be long'' I slur slightly to the driver as I close the door and join Sophie as we ascend the steps to her front door.

''Thank you for tonight, Gary. I had a wonderful time, I really did'' she smiles sweetly at me as she fishes out her keys from her purse.

''Ah, it was my pleasure. Maybe we could do it again sometime?'' I ask her, hoping that she will still agree to going out with me again.

''Oh, I'm sure we could arrange something. Are you sure you don't want to come in for a coffee or anything?'' she asks me as she puts the key in the door and unlocks it.

''Yeah I'm sure, Sophie. See the thing is, I like you, I really do and I don't want to do anything too fast that could possibly make you think less of me, you know? Being a 'pop star' and all that. I want to do this the right way, if that's OK with you, of course?'' I say hoping that she won't be too disappointed with me not coming up.

''Wow, aren't you quite the gentleman, Gary. Not many of them left nowadays'' she smiles at me again.

''And by the way, I like you too. A lot..'' she whispers in my ear before she quickly captures my lips with hers in a fleeting kiss that lasts no more than a second but sends shivers down my shivers nonetheless.

''Thanks again, Gary. Text me when you get home safely, OK?'' she says as she spins on her heels, head in through the door and closes it behind.

I can only help but smirk, as I step off her doorstep. I bring my fingers to my lips where I can taste the strawberry lip gloss she was wearing. I breathe in deeply and exhale loudly before turning on my heels and bouncing down the steps towards the car. Hopping in the back seat, I slide my phone out from my pocket and click open the Twitter icon on my home screen.

''Kensington please, mate'' I say to the driver as I scroll through my timeline as he once again puts the car in gear and pulls away from Sophie's house and on towards home.

As I pad down the wooden floored hallway of my over-sized house here in West London, I can't get the events of this evening out of my mind. I remember then that Sophie told me to text her when I got home. I pull out my phone as I make my way over to the always fully stocked bar in the lounge as I decide to pour myself a nightcap and see if there has been anything good happening in the world of sport over the weekend that I may have missed. Sitting down on the couch with my tumbler of whiskey, I flick on Sky Sports News. It ends up being some boring discussion about cricket so nothing that really captures my attention. I open up a new message and quickly type out a text to Sophie like I said I would.

Recipient: Sophie Brooks


''Hey Sophie, I'm home safe and sound now. Just having a nightcap now before I toddle off to bed. I'll text you in the morning and maybe we could go for lunch or something if you're free ? Night, Gary xx''

Clicking send, I lock the phone and place it on the arm rest of the couch as the topic of conversation on the telly moves to the weekend's football.

''Excellent, I can catch up on all the goals'' I smile as I speak to myself as I slide off my suede shoes and pull out the recliner and settle down with my feet up to watch the highlights from all the weekends footie.


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