Chapter 36

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I'm woken up by the sound of vibrations and then the piercing ringtone of someone's phone. My eyes snap open as I feel Sophie spring from my grip to answer her phone.

''Hello?!'' she answers frantically, her eyes wide as she sits upright on the bed.

I watch her with wide eyes as she listens to the person on the other end of the phone. A yawn forces it's way through my lips as I try to fight the sudden tiredness that hits me. I need to be fully awake and here for Sophie. She needs me now and I will not leave her side until we know for certain what is going on.

''Okay, thank God for that. Have her parents been in touch?'' Sophie asks as she gives me the thumbs up.

A wave of relief washes over me at whatever the good news must be. I don't think it was that serious what happened to her. Sophie said she was attacked but after her reaction and giving the thumbs up, I think it may actually be just a misunderstanding.

''Okay, good. Would you mind calling me when she is allowed visitors? I will be there immediately!'' Sophie says before nodding her head and ending the call with the thank yous etc.

She lets a big breath out before discarding her phone on the duvet then turning to face me in bed.

''Baby, what's going on? Is she alright? Who was on the phone?'' I ask her quickly without stopping for a breath.

Instantly, she calms me down and tells me that all is okay. Calmly, she places both of her hands against my cheeks and tells me not to worry. 

''Ssshhh sshh, babe. All is okay. It's just a big misunderstanding. As it turns out, she wasn't attacked. She just got really drunk after having a fight with her ex. She bumped into him last night and he wanted to get back together, but she was having none of it'' she starts off, taking my hands in hers and rubbing the pads of her thumbs against the back of my hands.

''So, in true Chloe fashion, she decided to get really, really drunk to try and forget about it. She ended up leaving the bar and then she was outside with her friends and she hit the deck hard. Her friends feared the worst after what had happened, Chloe said that she was not attacked. She was just pissed!''

I listen to her with wide eyes and then I genuinely cannot help the small smirk begin to play on my lips.

''Don't laugh, Gary. It's not funny!'' she exclaims to me playfully hitting my against my chest.

Even as she is saying it, I see her trying to fight back the giggles herself also. Before long, we are both on our backs and in stitches laughing at the situation together. It really is not something that we should be laughing at; the girl is in hospital after all, but after Sophie also telling me that she is going to be let out this morning and that all she has in a really bad headache and fat lip, we have both agreed that she is going to be just fine.

''I think I'm going to go and collect her from the hospital though and maybe go for lunch with her. Just to make sure that she's alright'' Sophie says to me, as she cuddles in to my side resting her head on my chest and wrapping an arm around my waist.

''Yeah, that would be nice, babe. She'll be happy to see a familiar face when she is ready to leave the hospital. Just be careful, OK?'' I say her with slight concern in my voice, automatically pulling closer to my naked frame underneath the duvet covers.

I feel her smile against my chest and I can picture her rolling her eyes at me being overprotective of her. I can't help it but be that way, even after only a few months of dating. I've fallen hard for this girl. I mean, really hard.

''Alright, babe. I need to get up and grab a shower as I am meeting the band at the studio as we have a rehearsal for a gig or two coming up in the next few weeks'' I say to her as I lean over and swiftly kiss her on the lips before pulling back to covers and padding over the bathroom.

Grabbing a towel from the towel rack on the wall of the bathroom, I look back in to the bedroom at Sophie and give her a cheeky wink before closing the door and flicking on the shower.


''Morning, how is everyone?'' I say spritely as I walk in to the studio just over 2 hours later.

I'm greeted with a chorus of ''Hello's'' and ''Morning Gaz'' as I pad through the studio and drop my laptop bag on the chair next to the mixing table in the middle of the room.

''You alright, mate?'' I say to Mike as he enters the room with a tray of coffees from Starbucks and begins to hand them out around the room.

He hands me a large coffee and my eyes light up in response. Nothing beats a good cup of coffee in the morning - especially after the last 12 hours or so that I've had.

''Morning, Gaz. Yeah, I'm alright now, you?'' he replies as he takes a seat of the chair next to me as we all gather around to drink our morning brews to warm up the vocal chords before we get in to the rehearsals for the rest of the morning.


''Sounding as good as ever, Gary. These next few gigs should go very well!'' Mikes exclaims, as he gives me the thumbs up once more after I finish singing Back For Good in preparation for the gig this weekend.

''Thanks, Mike. Yeah, these gigs should be a great bit of fun'' I say as I get back to the mixing table and begin to pack up my laptop and charger.

Making sure I have everything in my bag that I brought with me, I bid my farewells to the lads as I need to get back to the house to meet Sophie when she gets back to the house after having lunch with Chloe.

''OK, lads. I shall see you all on Friday for the first gig and then again on Sunday for the gig at The Shard'' I say to them as I sling my laptop bag over my shoulder and head for the door.

''Have a great weekend everyone'' and with that, I leave the studio to a chorus of ''Goodbyes'' once more.

Just as I get out of the building my phone begins to ring in my back pocket. I slide on my sunglasses as I answer the call.

''Hello? Gary Barlow..''

''Hello? Am I speaking with Mr. Gary Barlow?'' the voice on the other end of the line speaks in a confident but gentle manner.

''Yes, you are. May I ask who's calling?'' I say swiftly as I unlock my car and sit in at the drivers side.

''Mr. Barlow, this is Sean Truman from ITV. I was asked to contact you about the upcoming special being aired about your recent solo album. Would you have a few minutes to answer some questions?'' he asks me, this time in a much more chirpy manner.

'Great, just what I need on my journey home; another TV Exec drip burning my ear with questions'

''Sure thing, mate. Just let me put you on the blue tooth in the car and then I'm all ears''

I enable the blue tooth and the phone call is then connected.

''Alright, I'm all ears. Fire away'' I say to him, as I pull out in to the London traffic and head west to get home.

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