Chapter 40

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***Gary's POV***

***The next morning***

I'm in the studio trying to get the nerves of meeting Sophie's parents out of my head, but it's no good. I can't help but think about how Sophie's folks are going to react when it's me, not that I'm expecting them to know me, but being who I am and how much of my life is in the spotlight, I won't be surprised if her mum knows who I am. I'm a little scared if I'm honest.

What if her Dad does not approve of me? Considering my lifestyle, he could easily go online and read about me and what I was like when I was younger. Sure, that was over 15 years ago and it's nowhere near any relation to the person that I am today, but Sophie still is his baby girl and that is something that is very precious and almost unbreakable. It is how I want my relationship with my own daughter to be, should I be lucky enough to have one.

Almost as if a switch comes on in my head, a river of lyrics and melody pour out of me in the space of about 20 minutes. I manage to take all of the apprehension and butterflies that were flying around in my tummy and turn them in to somewhat of a song that I would almost record. It's filled with some of the most honest and soul-bearing lyrics that I have ever written in my life, and with some of the songs that I've written over my career, that is saying something!

My phone brings me out of my writer's bubble when my phone goes off on top of the piano. Taking the phone in my hand, I sit back on the piano stool and slide open the message;

Sender: Marko x


'Hi Gaz, how're you? Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night at mine and then studio on Monday? Hope Sophie will let you escape for some recording M.O x'

Cheeky beggar! Does he not know that I'm my own man and run my own home? Well, that may not totally be true anymore, but letting Sophie be in charge is alright with me if I'm to be honest with myself.

I scribble out a quick reply before it leaves my mind;

Recipient: Marko x


'Oi! Cheeky buggar, I'm my own man, mate. Of course, we're still on for tomorrow and again on Monday. Looking forward to your cooking. Actually, I need some advice. I'm meeting Sophie's parents tonight and I'm really nervous. I really want them to like me. Any advice? G xx'

It's not long before a reply comes back to my phone. Man, can he type quickly!?;

Sender: Marko x


'Firstly, STOP WORRYING! You will be fine, mate. Parents love you, you know this. Just be your usual polite and charming self and you will be sound. Sophie thinks the world of you and I'm sure her folks will be the exact same, mate. Dress well and let me know how it goes M.O xx'

'I always dress well' I think to myself, but he's right, I do need to chill out.

I scribble him one last reply before I decide to finish off this track;

Recipient: Marko x


'You're right, mate. I need to just take a deep breath and calm down. It's only dinner at the end of the day and I always dress well, even better than you these days. Thanks Markie, you're the best. G xx'

After I press send, I throw myself back in to the song as the final wave of the lyrics that I needed come rushing out of me. This may actually be a tune that may be worth recording, but I'd never release it. It's way too personal...


''You alright?'' I feel Sophie grab my hand lightly and giving it a soft squeeze, as we pull up outside the restaurant that her parents have booked for us.

Sophie called ahead and said that she would be bringing someone that her parents have to meet. She didn't say that I was a partner or a boyfriend, and I am genuinely okay with that, as I can feel that maybe that'll all be said once we get to the table inside.

''Yeah, I'm fine. I think, it's just...these are your parents, babe. I want them to like me...'' I trail off towards the end of my sentence.

I pull my hand from hers and twiddle with my thumbs, like I always do when Im nervous, and you'd think after performing in front of millions of people over the years, that I wouldn't get nervous about meeting my girlfriend's parents, but hey, that's life, right?

''Listen here, Barlow'' she says sternly, undoing her seatbelt and swivelling around in the seat to look at me head on.

Grabbing my head in her hands, she softly pulls my eyes in to the direction of her magical blue ones.

''I love you, okay? I love you so much, and my parents will too. Now, where is the Gary that I fell for? Because I want my folks to fall in love with that Gary and I know they will. Okay?'' she whispers the last few syllables at me as I feel some emotion catch in my throat, which I try to mask as a manly cough, but it's no use.

All I do is nod my head and give her half a smile as I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

'She's right, mate' I say to myself.

'Just go in there and charm the socks off them!' and after that little inner pep-talk, and release a deep breath and turn to face her once more.

''Let's do this, sexy. You ready?'' I wink at her cheekily.

''There's my man. Come on, let's go meet Mr. and Mrs. Brooks''

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now