Chapter 64

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I check my phone for the time and see that it's still early-ish;


''What you reckon, babe? Wanna stay here for another bit or head home?'' I say in Sophie's ear, just before I see a very familiar face - or should I say two very familiar faces - walk into the pub and my mind is already made up as to whether we will be staying here or heading home.

''James?! Over here, mate!'' I call over to my friend James Corden and his wife Julia as they hang up their coats and head over in our direction to join us in the corner.

''Hey, if it isn't the hottest new couple in showbiz!?'' James laughs at us, as I stand up and give him a kiss on the cheek before pulling him into a big, tight hug.

''Give over, mate'' I say, slapping him playfully on the arm before leaning over to give Jules a light kiss on the lips and quick cuddle before sitting back down beside James and Sophie and Jules dive into a conversation about something fashion related.

''What are you doing here? I thought you were in America working on the play?'' I say to him as I take my glass of red wine - we've now moved on from the pints of lager - and take a sip.

''We are still working on it, but I was not spending Christmas in L.A. You know how special Christmas at home is, mate'' he smiles at me as the same waiter as before comes over to us to take James' order.

James and Jules decide to match myself and Sophie. Jules joins Sophie on the Gin & Tonic and James and I agree to split another bottle of red wine between us.

''Just add it on to the tab, please mate'' I smile at the waiter before James can even get a word in.

''You sure, Gary?'' he asks me softly, placing his hand on the arm of the waiter to stop him briefly.

''Yeah, of course. Just a bottle of red, mate. You can get the next one'' I wink at him as I pour him a glass from the already open bottle and hand it to him.

''Thanks, mate. Appreciate it'' he smiles back at me softly.

The waiter has 2 more Gin & Tonic's over to the table in a matter of moments and it's not too long before all eyes fall on me after I briefly cleared my throat.

''I just wanted to say, that even though we came out on our own tonight for a few drinks, we couldn't be happier to have seen James and Jules come in through the door and join us for a few drinks. This is going to be a great Christmas! Cheers, everyone!''

''Cheers!'' They all chant back as we lean in and clink all of our glasses together and drink deeply from them each.

The girls dive right back into their conversation about clothes or makeup, whatever it is, while myself and James start chatting about the football fixtures over the weekend.

''You're a Liverpool fan, right Gary?'' James asks me as we settle down on the couch on our side of the fire here in The Hillgate pub in West London.

''For my sins, yes, I am. How come?'' I chuckle back at him.

''They're playing West Ham on the 31st here in town. I have a few tickets and I'm heading with the boys from A League Of Their Own. Would be great if you could join us'' he smiles back at me.

'Wow, what an offer. I could not say no to that. Need to check with the boss though'

''I'm 100% up for that, mate. Let me just check if we have any plans already agreed though. So much going on over the Christmas, I cannot keep up!'' I laugh softly before swiveling on my seat and leaning over towards Jules and Sophie.

''Babe, sorry to interrupt, but James has invited me to the footie on New Year's Eve. We don't have anything on that day, do we?'' I ask her softly.

Staying silent for a second as she runs through the Christmas schedule in her head, she slowly shakes her head before speaking.

''As far as I know, we've nothing agreed on. You have the gig on the 27th and then we have the party at mum and dads the next day. Apart from those 2, there's nothing that I can think of. What time is the game?'' she says to James, looking over my shoulder to catch his eye.

''Kick off is at 4. We'd be out of the stadium at the latest at 7. We have box seats, so we won't be delayed leaving'' he smiles at her.

''Okay. Yeah, sounds great. You boys will have a great time. Just bring him back to me in one piece, please James'' she says to him in a mock-dramatic manner, wagging her finger at him like an angry parent would to their ill-disciplined child.

Holding his hands up in defense, James lets the words fall effortlessly and sincerely from his lips;

''I promise to bring him back to you as good as new'' he winks across the table at her as we once again dive back in to the conversation about the football and begin to sort through the logistics of the day and everything that goes in to heading to a game across London on New Years Eve.


''That was a great evening, wasn't it?'' Sophie says to me softly as I push open the door to the house just after 2AM.

We had not planned to stay out that long, but I have known the owner of the pub for as long as I have been living in Kensington and he was more than happy to let us sit in the corner and continue the conversations we were having. We just simply lost track of time while we were there and only for James receiving a message on his phone that made him check the time, we could very easily still be down in the pub!

''Fantastic night, babe. Really, really enjoyed it, but the best part is yet to come I reckon'' I smile against her neck as I run my hands across her flat and toned tummy.

My fingers slip beneath the hem of her blouse and just as I am about to get to the clasp of her bra to unhook it, she pulls my hand from underneath her top and drags me towards the stairs.

''Come on, Captain Barlow. I want to you to help me start a new tradition in this house for Christmas Day; sex for the entire night before!'' she giggles as she kicks off her shoes as we cross the threshold to the bedroom.

''I think I can help you with that, babe'' I wink back at her before kicking the door shut with my foot.

This is going to be the best Christmas EVER!

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