Chapter 31

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'Fuck! What the fuck have I done?'

Have I just ruined the best thing that has ever happened to me? Surely she doesn't feel the same way about me. How could she? We have only been together for a few months!

I watch as her eyes widen immediately after the words fall from my lips. It's not like I can go anywhere; my arms are still wrapped around her waist and her hands are linked at the base of my neck.

I feel her shuffle in my arms which forces me to lift my head and look at her in the eyes. There is a twinkle in her eye which makes my eyebrow jump straight into my hairline at the speed of light. A smile begins to form on her lips which makes my heart skip a beat.

''I love you too''

The words that make my heart explode with pure euphoria tumble from her mouth. My eyes widen like golf balls as I hear the words fall from her lips and in an instant, my mouth is on hers in a fiery and passionate embrace that is only experienced when you love somebody.

Our tongues clash and dance around each other as we tighten our embrace with each as the temperature in the room heightens. My mind begins to wonder as to what will happen next, and as much as I want to take this girl that I have in my arms and strip us both down until we're naked and bury myself inside her right here right now against the breakfast bar, I know that the gentlemanly thing to do is to do this right. I want to do this right and treat her the way that she deserves to be treated.

We break the kiss after a few minutes in order for us to catch our breath. Gazing deep into her eyes, my heart fills with admiration, respect and pure love for this girl.

''How about we chill out here for the day, stick the fire on and relax and then tonight I take you out to dinner and celebrate. How does that sound, babe?'' I ask her as I place a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

Nodding her head, she agrees to my proposition.

''Sounds great, Gary. A lazy day in front of the fire sounds amazing'' she smiles as she places her head against my head and snuggles into me closely.

It's moments like these that make me realize just how lucky I am to have this girl in my life right now.


The fire is roaring, the wine is flowing, the conversation in between the bad Christmas TV is easy. I'm cuddled up with the girl who I just told that I love her, and she has told me that she loves me back, as she sits in between my legs with her back against my chest watching a rerun of some old episode of Friends that has come on on the channel we just flicked over to, but in complete honesty, we're not even really watching it.

''What're your plans for the weekend?'' I say to her as I kiss her softly against her temple, before bringing the glass of wine to my lips and taking a nice, long sip.

''Not much really. Going for lunch with Michelle on Saturday as it is the only time that we can get together before Christmas Day to exchange gifts. Other than that, haven't got much planned. You? You doing anything for the weekend?'' she asks me as she reaches forward and grabs a handful of popcorn from the bowl on the coffee table.

I rake a hand through my hair and then again across my freshly-trimmed stubble as I try to rack my brains if I have anything on this weekend.

''Erm..let me thi- oh yeah! I have that gig in The Shard on Sunday for some company, remember I was telling you about it. They contacted me in March about it saying that they really wanted to have me perform at their bash this Christmas'' I smile at her as I remember the phone call I received whilst I was away in Los Angeles recording for the album.

''Oh, yes. I remember you telling me about that before. I bet you'll have a great time. Just try and come home to me in one piece, yeah?'' she giggles at me, hinting at the fact that she knows just how some of the women at these events can be; very 'hands on' to say the least.

''Why don't you come with me? It would be amazing to have you there, Sophie. I would really love it if you would come with me?'' I ask her softly, taking her hand in mine and rubbing my thumb softly across the back of her hand, silently willing her to come to the party with me.

''Well how could anyone turn down an invite like that'' she smiles at me as she leans forward and pecks me delicately on the lips.

I smile broadly as she breaks the delicate, soft peck against my lips before I raise my arm inviting her to cuddle into me as we settle down to watch some TV. This is just perfect. This is all I want to be doing and nowhere else I would rather be, other than here, right now.


Waking up the next morning, I feel like I have won the lottery. A smile erupts on my face the second I open my eyes as my phone alarm sounds out beside me. Reaching over to my night table, I knock it off before checking the time


'I can afford another little bit of a snooze today' I think to myself as I roll over on to my side and see the sleeping form of Sophie in front of my eyes.

The smile returns to my face as the memories of the previous night rush back into my mind at the mere sight of her naked torso lying next to me. Memories of Sophie being on top of me as she slides up and down on my hard length until I reached breaking point and spilled my load deep inside her. Yeah, it was a great night. Trying not to wake her, I slide ever so slightly towards her. I place an arm around her waist and pull her closer to my naked frame, trying my best not to wake her. Unfortunately, she immediately stirs as I move her closer to my chest.

''Morning, beautiful'' I whisper in her ear, planting soft kisses against her temple through her soft brunette hair.

She lets out of soft, low moan as she swivels in my arms on to her back to face me.

''Morning. Sleep well?'' she asks me, kissing my lips delicately.

Nodding my head slowly, I wink at her cheekily.

''Oh yes, babe. I had a great sleep'' I growl in her ear before latching on to her lips in a breathtaking, cock-hardening kiss that is the only way there is to truly wake up in the morning.

Smiling sleepily, her cheeks flush a light crimson as the memories return to her mind I imagine also.

''Well why don't we start where we left off?'' she winks at me, before pulling my lips on to hers once more.

'I mean, it would be rude not too, right?'

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