Chapter 28

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***3 weeks later***

''Sophie, you ready?'' I call up to her as I fix my dickie-bow in the mirror in the hallway in at the house.

We've been invited to a fancy, swanky, over -the-top dinner party in some country house in Hertfordshire, which, unfortunately, I simply couldn't say no to. If it was anyone else asking me, I probably would say no, but not this guy. He has helped me too much whenever I have needed him. These parties are actually normally good fun, but that does not take away from the sheer audacity and utter flamboyancy of the event. I guess that is just his style, and we love every bit of it.

''Yep, coming down now'' I hear her call back as the flick of the light switch captures my attention making me look towards the staircase as this model-like, beautiful excuse of a human being descends the stairs in something that you would only expect royal family members to be wearing.

''Soph, my God. You look...I'''

She looks so good that I can no longer talk! I manage to get some sort of noise out, but all it is noise. No words, just a noise! A light giggle escapes her lips which make me feel a little bit better of making an absolute idiot of myself. Nearly 2 months in, and I'm still mesmerized by her on a daily basis.

''Do I look alright?'' she asks me softly, as she spins around for me at the bottom of the stairs.

I walk over to her quietly and in total silence. Taking her face in my hands, I look deep into her eyes. Cerulean blue staring back into the emerald green. I lean in slowly and capture her lips with mine.

Sparks fly everywhere almost immediately. Butterflies erupt in my stomach just as much as they did the first day I saw her. All those months ago back outside Burlington Arcade, me covered in sweat from my training session and her, well she looked like a model when she came out from the coffee shop, albeit that she was having the day from hell. Me? I was entranced the second that I saw her. I just knew that I had to somehow talk to her then. London is a pretty big place and sometimes they say that if it's meant to be, you'd cross paths again. I wasn't prepared to take any chances at all. I knew that I had to speak with her that day and make an impression.

Thank fuck that I did, as I honestly could not imagine my life without her now. I'm truly falling for this girl and I have noticed that properly in the last few weeks. The feelings that I have for Sophie are growing stronger every day and the thought of her not being in my life makes me shudder with pure fear.


Her voice rips through the silence and grabs my attention immediately.

''Gaz? The car is here'' she smiles at me as I hear the car beeping from outside.

Shaking my head slightly, I lean in and kiss her lips once more before linking her hand with mine and heading out the door.


We arrive at the house where this over-the-top function is taking place. There is security everywhere and we are checked at the gate before our car is allowed through the gate where a group of paps, who obviously got wind that the event is happening tonight, are waiting and busily snapping away. They'll only get pictures of the black car as I had the windows tinted so they don't unnerve Sophie. Not until she gets used to it that is.

Being with me, unfortunately, comes with a cost, and that cost is the fucking paps. She says that she doesn't mind them, but I can tell that when we go out for dinner in the city or are seen at an event that we have been invited to, I can feel her hand tense up in mine slightly every time. However, she always has a smile on her face and is never ever rude to the paps. They're just doing their job at the end of the day, which is something that she has reminded me of a few times if I'm honest.

The car eventually comes to a halt at the top of the driveway that must be at least half a mile in length. Why people build houses this big so far away from the city is just beyond me. I mean, you're just so far away from everything. Even the nearest pint of milk is more than a few miles away.

I'm brought out of my unnecessary thoughts when the door opens and a bright beaming strobe light flies through my eyes and lights up the red carpet that leads all the way up to the door of the house. No wonder the paparazzi knew that this party was on when there is a beam shining 100 feet into the night's sky. Extending a hand to help Sophie get out of the car, I immediately link my fingers through hers once she is fully out of the car. Tonight there will be a lot of people who will want to speak to me and get in pictures with me as the album has been released and is doing quite well in the charts, but I won't be leaving Sophie's side throughout the night.

Upon entering the house, we are immediately offered champagne, to which we obviously say yes to. We have a driver and he is more than happy to wait for the 2 hours or so that we will be inside for. I have told the organizer that this won't be an overly-late night for me as I am up for Radio promo in the morning. I'm on Radio 1 at 8AM.


My name is called from over my left shoulder to which my neck reflexes to as it always does whenever I hear that voice. It's the voice of one of the most amazing people in the entire world.

Spinning around on my toes, I come face to face with the owner of the voice.

''Mr. Corden! Such a pleasure to see you, mate'' I smile at him as I wrapped my arms around him and envelope him into a big cuddle.

''James, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special to me. This is my girlfriend, Sophie. Sophie, this is an incredibly close friend of mine, James Corden and his gorgeous wife Julia'' I say to her as I introduce her to James and Jules.

''It's a pleasure to meet you both, I'm actually quite a big fan of Gavin & Stacey'' she blushes to which James only feels compelled to pull her into a one arm hug himself.

''You've done well, Gary. She's got great taste, mate'' he winks at me.

''I think so too'' I joke back to which she pretends to pout before giggling slightly.

We end up spending the next 20 minutes laughing and joking about the night James joined me on stage to sing Pray and the many memories we have had together at each other's houses. I could see Sophie relax a little bit more, but not once did my hand leave hers. Not once!

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