Chapter 86

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''Oh, God. YES! Yes, Gary! FUCK YES!''

The sound of her cries is like music to my ears as we both revel in the throes of a toe-curling orgasm as I spill another load deep inside of my beautiful fiancee. I manage to hold on for as long as I possibly can before I cannot hold on any longer as my own release rips through my body and comes to the fore in an earth-shattering, toe-curling and jaw-dropping orgasm.

''SHIT! Oh, Sophie! Fuck, babe! FUUUUUUCKKK!''

I roar like a mad man and bury my head in the crook of Sophie's neck as my hips continue to pump tirelessly in and out of my beautiful fiancee. The euphoria and release sweep through me from head to toe as lights burst in front of my eyes and the galaxies align in everything to be absolutely majestic at this moment.

Panting like two people who have just run a marathon, we collapse against one another - well, I collapse on down on top of Sophie - we struggle to speak for a few minutes as we revel in the bliss of the most mind-numbing and incredible sex that we have ever had. Who knew that it took an engagement ring to have the most amazing sex? Pity I'm only going to drop to my knee once!

''That...that was...'' I cannot even get the words out to finish the sentence, I am that fucked!

''Yes, yes it was'' Sophie pants back as she cutely finishes my sentence for me.

A comfortable silence hangs over us for a few minutes whilst our breathing patterns regulate back down to a somewhat normal rhythm once again. Slowly, I pick myself up from on top of Sophie and ease my cock out of her entrance. Plopping down on the mattress beside her, she swiftly turns on to her side and begins to trace her index finger up and down my chest. Her ring shines in the moonlight that has decided to creep in through the open balcony doors making it dazzle us by bouncing against the walls of the bedroom.

''So, I take it you like the ring?'' I say to her softly noticing her not being able to take her eyes off of it?

Smiling broadly, she manages to break her focus on the piece of jewelry to look me in the eye with those big blue, cerulean oceans of bliss and a pearly-white smile to boot.

''It's perfect. Absolutely perfect, Gary. Thank you very much. I love it!'' she says quietly before leaning in to give a light kiss on the lips.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I feel a little weight falling off my shoulders at hearing that she likes it.

''Thank God. It's a stressful job, you know? Ring shopping. Not easy for blokes like us, babe'' I wink at her before opening up my arm and inviting her in for a cuddle.

She lets out a soft giggle against my upper torso which ruffles the soft splattering of chest hair just above my tummy.

''When did you even go ring shopping? We've been together pretty much every day for the past 10 days'' she says with a hint of shock and curiosity thrown in there also as she leans up and rests herself on her elbow to look down at me.

Turning my head to the side, the words fall from my lips with minimal effort.

''Who said it was done on this holiday? I honestly got it a while back. I've been wanting to ask you for a couple of months but then I thought it would have been too fast so I decided to hold off a little. Then I said that if there was a place as beautiful as you were on this trip, it would have to be done then and there, babe'' I smile back her with a little shrug of her shoulders.

''I would have said yes then..'' she says so quietly I almost miss it.

''You what?''

''I said I would have said yes back then, Gary. It's you. It's always been you. Since the day we met, I have been in love with you. I fell for you on that day we met. Well, it was pretty hard not too! I mean, you were in a pair of running shorts and a sleeveless top that stuck to you as you were covered in sweat. Your abs stuck out like blocks in your chest and then I had the feeling in my tummy that you only ever read about in books and I never had that feeling before, Gary. It was you ever since you asked me if I was alright...''

She laughs the last couple of words out as she collapses back down on the bed. My cock swells once more in hearing her words about how she fell for me when we met outside Burlington Arcade in Chelsea in what seems like a lifetime ago. When in reality was only a year ago. Since then, I have released an album, done a solo tour, asked Sophie to move in with me and now just asked her to be my wife. It has been a crazy year. A year like no other ever before. But you know what? I would not change a single minute of it. Not one single minute.

''I'm the same'' I say softly looking over at her.

''It was you from the word go. I saw you in that bar and I knew it was game over for me. It was a coincidence that we ran into each other outside that coffee shop but I thank God every day that I managed to power through that hangover and go running that morning. Otherwise, I may never have met you''

I turn over on my side and look at her deep in the eye.

''As I can't imagine my life without you in it. You've brought this new lease of life to me, Sophie. Thank you so much for everything you do for me every, single day. I cannot express what you mean to me''

A rogue tear escapes her eye and I swiftly reach up to wipe away the tear from falling further down her perfect face.

''Those better be happy tears, darling'' I say softly.

Nodding her head, she mumbles the words almost inaudibly.

''The happiest tears I will ever shed. I love you, Gary''

''I love you too, baby. Now come here and let me show just how much''

She crawls into my arms and I kiss her slowly. We're going to make love for the first time as an engaged couple. Earlier, we fucked like rabbits. Now, it's time to get romantic; Barlow Style!

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