Chapter 15

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We arrive at the hotel just before five to, so we have a few minutes to spare and Sophie is beginning to get a little nervous in the back seat of the car.

"Hey, James. Can you just go one more time around the block there, please?" I say softly to my driver as I take Sophie's hands in mine before I scooch ever so closer to her and try and calm her down. 

'Hey, you okay?'' I ask her softly as the car turns around the corner before gliding down the road to go around the block one more time.

''I guess..'' she murmurs softly as she fiddles with her fingers as they remain interlinked with mine. 

''Eh up now. I know by your voice that you're not OK. You know you can tell me anything, right? We don't have to go to this if you don't want to'' I say to her as we round you another corner as I realize that in a just over a minute or so we will be back at the hotel and back to where I'll have to ask the same question again, but I know for certain that no matter what she says in response, I will respect and support her decision. That's my duty as a boyfriend and I will continue to do so so long as I am fortunate enough to be able to call her my girlfriend. 

''I know, Gary. I guess it's just that I'm a little nervous, I guess...'' she mumbles, still keeping her eyes fixed on her fingers which still continue to play with each other, still being kept as calm as possible by my own hands which rub along the back of hers. 

'What are you nervous about, love?'' I ask her quietly but I'm pretty sure I know the answer already.

''Oh come on, Gary..'' she sighs loudly before raising her head and looking at me in the eye.

Her beautiful cerulean blue eyes sending me momentarily into a trance as the eye make-up around her eyes make them dazzle even more if that was even possible.

''You know I'm nervous for tonight because of what may be said when I walk in there with you and I mean that in the nicest possible way, Gary'' she chuckles out lightly before continuing on with her mini 'speech'.

''It's just, it's not every day that you get to bring a pop star like yourself to a work function like this, especially when dating for only 2 days..'' and for the first time since she got in the car this evening, she produced a genuine smile which I released an inner sigh of relief as I thought it might have been a bit more work to get that to come to the fore.

''Now listen here, Sophie'' I start off as we pull around the final corner and slow down before the front of the hotel.

James parks up the car and signals to the valet to hang on a moment.

''Now I know that this may seem a little weird and different and could be very nerve-wracking, but at the end of the day I'm just a guy who is recognized by a few other people, but with that said, I'm not here as 'Gary Barlow, Take That singer etc', I am here as your boyfriend and date for tonight, OK?'' I say as I pick up her hand and plant delicate soft kisses along each of her knuckles.

''What you reckon, eh? Wanna go inside? We can leave early if you like?'' I say as I sit back in my seat but keep her hand firmly in mine. 

''Yes..'' she says softly.

''What?'' I say as I eyes widen in her response.

I honestly didn't think she'd say anything so quickly.

''Yeah, we'll go in, and show you off'' she says cheekily while sticking out her tongue at me as she unbuckles her seat belt before I do the same.

''You're going to pay for that later, sweetheart'' I say softly to her before I notice that James is already outside and at the door to let us out.

I step out first and hold out a hand for Sophie to take as she gracefully exits the car as her long golden tanned legs shimmer beautifully under the hotel lights.

'Fuck. Me'


As we enter the hotel, we are both handed a glass of champagne as we stroll through the hotel lobby.

''Actually, we might not stay for the entire thing as I just don't want it to cause too much of a stir and all that, but I do want you to meet my best friend before we leave. If that's OK with you?'' she says sweetly as she stops to turn to me in the middle of the hotel lobby.

''Whatever you want. This is your night after all'' I wink at her before leaning in and kissing her softly on the cheek.

I immediately feel her cheek heat up rapidly as I pull my lips away from her skin but keep close to her to be able to feel the heat radiate from her face. I love knowing that I already have somewhat of an affect on her, just like she has one on me.

I take the opportunity to scan my eyes briefly over my surroundings and take it all in. For all the charity functions and music events that I have attended over the years, whether be it with the boys or me as a solo artist, this is actually the first time that I have attended an official work event. Not that I ever had any reason to attend them in the past with me being a musician and all that, but that is why I am taking it all in right now. I'm brought back to reality when I feel Sophie's hand make contact with my lower back through the soft material of my tailored suit.

''Hmmh? You okay?'' I say softly as I wrap my arm softly but also securely around her waist, keeping her close to me while being around all these people.

I know that a lot of them, if not all of them, are her colleagues but that still doesn't mean that I will leave her side and not protect her.

''Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a text from my friend Cara who also works at the firm but in a different department. She's on her way to the lobby now and is looking forward to meeting 'my date' for the evening'' she smiles as she says the last bit.

'So she hasn't told her? Oh, we could have some fun with this' I think to myself and I think that Sophie picks up on what I'm thinking.

''Okay, quick Gary. You turn around and have your back facing this way and then when she gets here I'll introduce you as my date and see what her reaction will be!''

''Okay but she's not going to freak out and scream when she sees me, is she? I mean, I love all that but I just don't want to cause a scene. Not here anyway'' I smirk as I say the last bit as she shakes her head in response.

''No, no not at all. She likes you're music and thinks you're fit but she won't freak out. She'll just be in slight shock I reckon'' she smiles at me.

Before I know it, I being spun around and made to face the other way towards the entrance of the hotel. The loud sound of heels hitting across the marble hotel combined with silence as they cross the deep red fluffy carpet that is laid out in intricate spots throughout the lobby here in the Savoy hotel.

''Sophie hun, how are you? My God you look stunning!'' I hear her friend - who must be Cara - say sincerely to her.

''Awh, thanks, I love your dress and your shoes are gorgeous!'' I hear Sophie say in response confirming in fact that it is her friend Cara.

''So, who is this mystery guy that you still haven't told me his name, eh?'' I hear Cara say quietly as she edges closer to Sophie but also to me but not knowing who I am.

''Oh, shit. Yeah, sorry'' she says before grabbing my arm and spinning me around once more to face her friend.

''Cara this is Gary. Gary, this is my best friend Cara'' I look up at her friend and my mouth drops.

'Shit. I know this girl...'

***Once again, so sorry for the wait for a chapter from this story, just been so busy. Hopefull,y this will wet your appetite and will set up a nice first arc to the story***

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