Chapter 47

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Sophie collapses on to the couch beside me panting like a mad man as she feels the aftermath of the full 'Barlow Effect'. Our breathing is erratic, our clothes are all the place and there is no need for anything to be said at all. Everything was said in the groans and moans that were surely heard 4 doors down!

''Well I think I can firmly say, that I have been well and truly Barlowed!''

All I can do is chuckle in response. It makes my cheeks flush a little crimson. I mean, it's not something that you brag about, is it? Sexual prowess and stamina in the sack, but that doesn't mean that it's not a great thing to hear coming from your partner's mouth!

''I think I'm the one who received a shagging today, babe. You were class just now! Best sex we've had I think''

I turn to face her underneath the throw that I pulled down on top of us after the lovemaking ended. I begin to trace invisible circles just below her belly button as the sole sound of our breathing is the only thing that fills the room at the moment.

''I love this'' I whisper quietly.

Feeling her face produce a smile against my chest, I can't stop the smile forming on my face.

''Love what, babe?'' she asks me softly.

''This. Just lying here with you in my arms, in peace and quiet and nobody bothering us. It's not often I get any peace and quiet and to be able to spend it with you is just a bonus''

I speak softly in her hear before planting a soft, delicate kiss against her temple, causing my body to wriggle slightly and snuggle closer into my own frame. Wrapping my arms around her more, I keep her close to my chest as I feel the tiredness wash over me and it's not much longer before I have succumbed to the fight and let sleep take me.


I wake up after about 40 minutes or so to find Sophie still asleep in my arms. I lay there for a few moments just watching her sleep peacefully against my chest. Even when she's asleep, she looks absolutely flawless.

'How did I get this lucky?'

I feel the sudden urge to pee. Slowly and very gently, I manage to wriggle myself free from her arms and slide out for underneath the throw that is wrapped around us both. Not even bothering with putting on my briefs, I quietly pad out of the lounge and head down the hall to the downstairs bathroom. After peeing quickly and then bouncing up the stairs to throw on a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, I grab my flip flops and head back downstairs with Sophie's dressing gown in my hand. She'll more than likely be a little chilly when she wakes up and like me, will not want to get dressed in her clothes again, so this is the obvious choice.

I head into the kitchen to make us each a cup of tea, checking the time on my phone as I flick the kettle on;


'Sure it's still early yet'

The kettle flicks again signaling it's finished boiling. I pour the hot water in to the two waiting mugs in front of me. Adding some milk, I stir them up before turning on my heel and heading back into the lounge to find Sophie still sleeping. I decide that I better wake her up now as if she sleeps any longer, she won't sleep a wink later on when we go to bed, no matter how tired we are after the sex session! She needs a good night's sleep as she heads into court this week.

Placing the two cups down on the coffee table, I shake her shoulder gently.

''Soph? Sophie, babe. Wake up, beautiful'' I whisper to her softly.

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now