Chapter 66

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***Later That Evening***

The laughter erupts around the table in the living room at Mark and Emma's once more as Mark tells another dirty joke before getting a slightly concerned look from Emma.

''Mark!?'' she playfully scolds him before she too bursts into a small fit of giggles.

The chat is effortless and easy going as we spend the majority of the evening catching up with what's been going on in each other's lives over the past few weeks. Mark and Emma have basically been chilling out at home, spending as much time with their 2 small kids as possible in the lead up to Christmas. They're both currently upstairs fast asleep after eating way too much sugar today.

''I bet you both love having the little ones around for times like these?'' Sophie says softly from beside me, as she takes a sip of white wine from her glass.

Looking briefly at one another and smiling, Mark reaches across and links his fingers through Emma's before speaking.

''Oh, definitely. We're beyond lucky having the two of them. You hear of so many people struggling to even have one child and we're here with two without any hassle at all. Emma got pregnant pretty easily each time I must add also. We feel very lucky indeed'' he says softly, before leaning across and kissing the side of her head.

''Awh, that's so sweet. Ye are both fantastic parents anyway. Anyone can see that, right Gary?'' I smile over at him on the other side of the couch we're on.

''Absolutely. Ye're both practically beaming with the smiles on your faces!'' he smiles back at me.

''Thanks, guys. What about ye? I mean, I know it's still very early doors in your relationship and completely not my place to ask, but Sophie, would you like kids someday?'' Emma asks us, slightly hesitant in her wording.

Sophie immediately looks over at me.

''I'm pretty sure that question is directed to you, babe'' I chuckle back at her.

''They've already grilled me on this many times. They know where I stand on it''

Sophie swallows slowly before opening her mouth to speak.

''Erm, honestly, I would have to say I would love to have kids one day. Not now, but someday, when I'm ready. Has to be with the right guy though. That's the main thing. The father needs to be there and involved. I want my children to have a family. A proper family'' she smiles briefly before looking down into her wine glass.

Mark catches my eye and raises his eyebrow at me as if to ask if everything is okay with Sophie. I simply shrug back as he now knows as much as I do. This might be a little awkward now...


''Mark and Emma are lovely. They're so friendly, aren't they?'' Sophie says as we head in through the main door of the house a couple of hours later.

I hum my answer to her before continuing on with what I'm doing. The clock on the wall of the kitchen is the only sound in the mostly silent house as I pull open the door of the fridge and begin to have a root around inside. Seeing the cans of tonic water, I grab them and spin on my heel holding them up in front of me.

''Fancy a G&T, babe?'' I ask her softly, to which she simply replies with a slow nod.

''I'd love one, darling'' she barely whispers back at me as she heads to the cupboard and takes out 2 goblets from the press.

I grab the gin from the bar in the lounge and in a matter of minutes, we're both back in the lounge with our shoes off and feet up, enjoying a nice, cold Gin & Tonic watching an episode of Homeland. It's not the most traditional way to spend Christmas Night, but I'm sat here with the person who I love most in the world and I could not be happier. If this is how we were to spend future Christmas's together, then I would never be complaining.


A few hours later and Sophie is softly snoring in the crook of my arm after about her third Gin & Tonic. The news is quietly on in the background as they report of snow up in the Scottish Highlands that has prevented a farmer from getting all of his sheep in for the night. The stuff they report on these days!

As a sudden wave of tiredness comes over me and I feel the struggle to keep my eyes open is real. Putting down my glass of Gin & Tonic, I switch off the TV at the same time as I pull Sophie into my arms and lift her up bridal style.

''What...where...?'' she mumbles sleepily.

''Ssshh, babe. I'm just bringing you to bed. You're beat and so am I'' I chuckle back at her as we ascend the staircase and head into our bedroom.

I cross the threshold of our room and pad over to the bed, setting Sophie down with her legs hanging over the side. I step forward so that my legs are on the outside of hers, keeping her close. I help her out of my shirt that she changed into when we got home and pull her cotton joggers from her legs. Pulling back the duvet covers, I help her lie back and get nice and comfy.

''I'll be there in just a second, gorgeous. I'm just going to brush my teeth and then I'll be back'' I whisper to him, leaving a soft kiss on her temple before heading into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, I'm washed up and stripping my own clothes from my body. Tossing my socks and briefs in the general direction of the laundry basket, I switch off the main light and head over to my side of the bed. Sophie is curled up in a ball facing me as I slip into the warm bed and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me. She straightens out and wraps an arm around my waist lazily. I do the same and wrap my arms around her warm frame.

''Babe, come on. Get out of your gear. We don't sleep with clothes on in this bed, you know that'' I whisper cheekily in her ear, although there is no actual intent in my voice to do anything, as I swiftly unclip the bra strap on her back and pull the lace garment from her frame.

''I want to feel all of you in a cuddle'' I whisper again, hooking my finger into the elastic waistband of her knickers and slide them down her leg.

I toss both garments in the same direction as my own before I got into bed, before helping Sophie turn on her side and allowing me to spoon her.

''That's better, babe. I love you, Sophie. I love you so much'' I whisper one last time in her ear before allowing the sleep to overcome me.

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now