Chapter 25

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''Okay, sweetie. I'll be back to get you around 12:30, okay? I'll text you when I'm outside. I just have a few bits to do in the studio first'' I say to Sophie as I pull up outside her London townhouse.

''Sounds great, Gary. Can't wait'' she smiles softly at me, leaning over to capture my lips with hers in a swift peck, before sliding out and shutting the door.

I wait until she is inside the house before starting up the engine once more and pulling out in the London traffic, which thankfully isn't too terrible this morning.


I pull up outside the studio about 15 minutes later. The traffic was relatively alright getting over here, but the fact that I'm getting from Dorset Street out to the studio in Hampstead and then back again would test the patience of even the holiest of people on the planet.

The silence of the elevator from the underground car park allows me to gather my thoughts together with everything that has happened over the weekend, and it's still not over yet. Sophie spent the weekend at the house at met my friends, which seemed to go down a storm and they really seem to have taken to her.

The management and record label people seem thrilled for me that I seem to have found someone who makes me genuinely happy and that it couldn't have come at a better time with the album coming out in the next few weeks - although they have already said that they want me to keep my head above water - and the fans, who have already voiced their support when some rumors started to pop up. Both management and record label also feel that having someone around me will help me keep my feet on the ground and keep me as humble as I have always been as, even though I have been a solo artist before and have released solo material, this is uncharted territory for me with the success of Take That's comeback with me, this could be manic when the album drops.

The lift sounds out that it has arrived on the third floor which snaps me out of my trance. I can't help but smirk slightly as I make my way down the corridor to the recording rooms at just what it is that I'm doing here. Today, I'm going to be listening to the first few tracks of the new record before is released in 3 weeks time. It would give us enough time to tweak some little bits and pieces if they were ever to be recognized, and this is exactly what these little listening sessions are for.

''Morning guys, sorry I'm a little late. Traffic in the city wasn't great this morning'' I say as I place my laptop bag down on the settee and take a swig from my coffee cup.

Looking over my shoulder, I take a glance at the clock hanging on the wall just to see how much time I have here at the studio;


Okay, that gives me just under 2 hours here to listen to some tracks and add some tweaks where necessary.

''Shall we get cracking then, lads? I have to get out of here by 12 the latest anyway. I'm meeting a friend for lunch'' I say to him, pulling out my laptop and hooking it up to the recording desk.

''Sure thing, boss. Will we start from the top of the list?'' Mike my ever trusting right-hand man takes hold of the situation.

''Sounds as good a place to start as always, mate'' I wink at him as I take a seat on the sofa and relax as the music begins to tinkle over the surround sound system.

''Hatches matches then dispatches
All in the embers of my ashes
Thy will was done
Oh wipe that worry from your face
You'll die when you see my new place but
Do the time
You're in for life''


I check my watch just as I step out of the recording booth after putting down a lower harmony for one of the tracks and realize that I need to get a move on.

''Jeepers, it's after a quarter to 12 already. I need to get going'' I say to the guys as I frantically scramble around the studio gathering up my things.

''No problem, Gary. We still on for Tuesday all day, yeah?'' I hear Donovan pipe up.

''Of course, mate'' I wink at him as I sling my laptop bag over my shoulder, grabbing my car keys from the side and popping my sunglasses on the top of my head.

A thumbs up from the lads is enough to know that we are all on the same page.

''Right lads, I shall see you on Tuesday at 9. Thanks again for giving up your Sunday morning for this. I know there were a few fragile heads this morning much like my own I must admit'' I say casually as I bounce over to the door to which I'm met with a few chuckles.

''Anyway, thanks ever so much again for this. We got a good chunk of it done this morning and we will be able to finish it completely on Tuesday and then we will be sorting out the promo dates, so bring your diaries, guys'' I say to them, looking each of them in the eye.

''Right, I'm off. See ye lads'' and with that, I slide through the door to a chorus of

''Bye, Gaz!''

''See you Tuesday, Gary!''

''Take care, Captain!'' which brings a smirk to my lips, especially the last one.

As the elevator pings to sound my arrival at the underground car park, I slide my sunglasses over my eyes as I quickly bounce my way over to the car. Stepping into the front seat of my Range Rover, I place the laptop bag on the passenger and strap it in with the seat belt - the laptop holds my entire record - can't be too careful!

Keying in Sophie's address into the GPS, I put the car in gear and make my way to the entrance of the car park. The flow of traffic is with me for the first few miles of the journey until I hit a backlog along Wellington Road. Noticing that some absolute twat is arguing with some guy about the rules of the road and pretty much fucking up everyone else's day, I decide to send Sophie a quick message letting her know that I may be a few minutes late.

Recipient: Sophie xx


''Hi, Sophie. On my way over to yours now. Traffic isn't great but will be there as soon as I can. See you soon, G xx''

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