Chapter 70

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''Brace yourself, babe. She's looking quite keen..'' Sophie nudges me in the ribs before leaving me to fend for myself as the over-excited lady bounds her way over in my direction.

''No! Don't leave me he-''

''Gary Barlow?! Oh, God. Are you real? I mean, am I dreaming?'' the lady begins to splutter as she gets closer and closer to me.

'God, please let me get through this alive...'

I take a deep breath before flashing my 'shit-eating-grin' as Sophie calls it in the direction of this lady who is obviously a fan of mine.

''I think I'm real. How are you?'' I smile at her as I accept her question to give her a hug.

We end up chatting for a little bit and she tells me all about how she just about got tickets for the signings when the album was released. Hopefully, she'll get tickets when the tour dates go on sale. We take a few photos and she conveniently had her Progress and Since I Saw You Last records in her handbag, so I signed those for her also. She saw Sophie stood there behind me, so she politely nodded her head, thanked me again and left us alone.

Without saying anything, I take the coffees from Sophie's hands and lead the way back to the car. We hop in and before Sophie could say it, I quickly cut her off.

''Don't. Just don't...'' but even as I'm saying it, I cannot help the smile form on my lips and before long, we're both in stitches laughing and we haven't even left the service station forecourt yet!

After we have calmed down a little bit, I put the car in gear and pull away from the service station and back on to the M1 en route to Machester.


A few hours later, two slightly weary people with sore bums and tired eyes pull up outside a beautiful and rather large country house on the outskirts of Manchester. The wrought iron gates open slowly once Sophie tells me the code to punch into the touchpad and then we are driving again. Driving up the long and bendy driveway that certainly puts my driveway to shame. Wow, this place is beautiful.

''Don't look too surprised, Gary. I told you both of my folks are doctors, didn't I?'' Sophie says softly, grinning madly as she sees that I'm beginning to get a little more nervous about meeting everyone else.

''And please stop worrying about meeting everyone. Mum and dad already love you and that is all that matters to me. Just be yourself and people will fall in love with you. Just like I did''

Heartstrings are pulled viciously and they almost snap with the sheer force they're being pulled at. This girl literally too much at times.

'Fuck sake, Barlow. Man up! Need to get your head in the game!'

I park my car behind a beautiful Audi Q7 which must belong to her mum. I remember her father saying before, that he was not into the big jeeps at all. He preferred the saloon cars. Therefore, I'm guessing that the BMW 6 Series on the other side of the driveway must be his. He has some good taste in cars. Some really good taste.

Just as we swing open the car doors to get out, the front door opens and there stood at the top of the steps to the front door of the house are Sophie's mum and dad, Julie and Paul, both waving like crazy at their daughter's arrival home for their Christmas party.

''Hi, love. Welcome home!'' her mum, Julie, calls out as Sophie swings the door closed and sprints up the steps to be engulfed by both her parents in an adorable cuddle.

''Hey, guys. Oh, I've missed you both'' she gushes as her father pulls her into a cuddle for himself.

''Let me quickly help Gary with the stuff''

''Nonsense, I'll grab your stuff, petal. You go inside and get settled'' Sophie's father Paul says softly as he bounces down the steps to join me at the boot of the car.

''Gary, my dear lad. How are you?'' he booms loudly, extending a hand for me to shake.

Slowly, I extend my own hand to meet his. His handshake is warm and inviting and before I know what's happening next, he's pulling me into half a bear hug that only a father knows how to do. My dad was great at them. I miss his hugs.

''How was the drive up? Hope the traffic wasn't too bad?'' he says as he leans in and grabs one of the bags.

''It was fine actually. Took the motorway pretty much all the way up. Boring driving, but sure what can you do?'' I smile at him, as I place the last bag on the ground before closing the boot and locking the car.

''Am I okay to the leave the car here? I won't be in anyone's way, will I?'' I ask cautiously, bending down to take the 3 bags in my arms before stepping into line beside Paul and ascending the steps to the front door of the house.

''Not at all. There's not going to be many here anyway. Just some friends and family'' he smiles at me as we take the steps in relatively comfortable silence.

He stops me just as we get to the threshold of the door.

''Now, Gary. I don't want you to feel worried about anything regarding tonight''

''Sir, I'm not worr-''

''You don't have to lie, Gary. I can see it in your eyes. It's perfectly natural to be nervous in front of your girlfriend's folks. Should have seen me when I met Julie's parents. They needed a furnace to dry me I was sweating so much!'' he chuckles as he thinks back to the experience with a small smile on his face.

''Anyway, I know that you are slightly nervous, which is natural. I won't let anyone make you uncomfortable, Gary. That is not what Sophie wants and it is not what Julie nor I want. I will make sure of this'' he smiles at me with a small wink thrown in.

''Now, let's get you inside and get you a drink. I'm sure you could use one after that drive''

''I think I just might, Paul. A drink and a hot shower and I'll be ready to go!''


I step out of the large steam shower in Sophie's room and the room is blanketed by such thick steam that I struggle to regain full vision for a few seconds before I am able to reach out for the towel hanging on the back on the door. Rubbing the towel against my hair, I dry off most of the water before wrapping the towel around my waist and opening the door back into Sophie's room.

Just as I lift my head to see what's in front of me, I'm greeted by the most beautiful sight in the world; my fucking knockout of a girlfriend in nothing but a skimpy matching lingerie set and absolutely nothing else. Wow!

''Wit woo!'' I call out lowly so that only she can hear me.

Her head swivels on her shoulders almost instantly. So quick in fact, that she could have whiplash. Her eyes roll slightly in response to my gentlemanly behavior. Obviously!

''Shut up you'' she half chuckles, half whispers back at me as she grabs her t-shirt from her side of the bed and pulls it over her body along with her jeans and trainers.

It's still only 5 PM so we have plenty of time before we need to get dressed properly. I felt mank from the drive up, so I decided to have an early shower. Knowing me though, I will end up having another shower in about 2 hours time when we actually need to get ready.

''Now, stop standing there looking all fantastic and sexy as I will only want to jump your bones and would rather do that when everyone is asleep later on tonight. Get your sexy ass dressed and meet me downstairs in the kitchen for a hot whiskey to warm us up, babe'' she says as she pads over to me, plants a soft kiss on my lips before heading out the door and down the stairs.

I swore that we would not have sex in her parent's house, but if she's going to be all demanding like that, I will have very little chance of turning down her advances later tonight.

'Lord, give me the strength to be strong tonight !'

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