Chapter 72

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I check my phone and notice the time;


'Wow, where did that time go?'

We've been sitting around in the lounge area and although a few people have left already to head home, there is still a lot of volume being generated by the small group of myself and Sophie, Paul and Julie and James and his wife Hannah. We're all laughing at a joke that James has just told us that he heard from a colleague at work.

''Oh, lord. That is brilliant!'' Paul, Sophie's dad says as he slaps his knee in laughter before rising from the couch.

''Right, I think I'm fit for one more drink before it's bedtime. Gary, can I get you a refill?'' he asks, holding out his hand in front of me.

Looking at the whiskey tumbler in my hand, I down the remaining drops of it quickly before handing the empty glass to him.

''Sure why not. Go on then. The arm's been twisted'' I smile at him as Sophie leans further into me on the couch.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder as she cuddles more into my side. Without even thinking of it, I lean in and plant a soft kiss on her temple. Just as I pull away, I notice that the room has fallen silent and that everyone is looking at us.

''What? Stop staring James, you weirdo'' Sophie mocks her brother for almost gaping at her.

''Sorry, I didn't mean it. It's just...''

''Just what, James?'' she quips back.

''It's that you seem so happy that's all. It's been a while since I've seen you this happy. I've missed it. That's all''

His words hit not only Sophie but me also. I cannot help the smile from plastering itself across my face.

''Awh, James you big softie. Thank you though. I am very happy. We're very happy'' she smiles up at me, leaning her head back to get a quick kiss.

''Yes, we are very happy. I know that it's still early doors between us. Only a couple of months or so, but I've never been like this with a girl before'' I say to the room.

''I know that it would seem it is easy for me to say this here, in a room full of her family, but I'm being honest. She's a great girl and I like her a lot. A whole lot'' I say softly looking down to her eyes once more and again we lean in for another kiss.

''Awh, that's so sweet. You guys are adorable'' Hannah, James' wife speaks up from her seat in the corner next to James.

I smile just as I look over my shoulder and see Paul leaning against the door to the lounge with a big smile on his face and two whiskey tumblers in his hands. No words are said, but it seems that we have had an entire conversation in the looks that have been exchanged by the pair of us in the course of a few seconds. His eyes saying that he approves of this relationship but also that he is very protective of his baby girl and does not want to see her getting hurt. Mine reply as if to say that I would never hurt her in a million years and that I have truly fallen for his daughter. He winks at me as he picks himself up from the frame of the door and saunters across the lounge to hand me my nightcap.

''You know what? We never even got to hear you sing, Gary..'' Paul says very casually but equally suggestively at the same time.

''Oh, Paul. Don't pressure the poor lad. It's his first time here for goodness sake'' Julie says from her armchair on the far side of the room, rolling her eyes in the direction of James and Hannah as she speaks up.

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