Chapter 59

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***The Following Evening***

We touch down back in London after the return 8-hour flight back from the Cape Verde Islands. I'm sad to have left such a beautiful part of the world with such glorious weather, but now that we are back in the UK, and everything is looking like Christmas and the lights are up and everything else that goes along with the festive season, I am glad to be getting home. Also, I have this Christmas to look forward to with Sophie, and I can already say with great confidence, that this is simply going to be the best Christmas ever!

''All set, babe?'' I say to her as we grab our bags and get ready to disembark the plane where James is ready and waiting with a car to take us back home.

''Yeah, I think I have everything with me...'' she says as she looks over her shoulder and gives the plane once last look over with her eyes before deciding that she has everything and whatever we forget, we can replace easily enough.

As we descend the steps of the plane, we are greeted once more with the smiles of Danny our pilot and his two sidekicks, Sam and Jessica.

''I guess this is where we say goodbye then..'' Danny says, trying to be overly dramatic and emotional.

A low chuckle passes my lips as acts out the dramatic moment before he too falls about in laughter.

''In all honesty, I have to say thank you for a fantastic weekend. It has been an absolute pleasure, Mr. Barlow'' he smiles at me, before extending his hand to shake mine.

''Please, call me Gary. No need for Mr. Barlow just yet. I'm too young for that!'' I smile back at him, shaking his hand before turning slightly to face Sam and Jessica.

''Sam, it's been an absolute pleasure. Next time Liverpool are in London, I'll sort tickets for us to go to the game''

''That would be amazing! Thanks, Gary'' he smiles back at me.

I turn to Jess and hold my arms open wide for her.

''Come here you. You know you want a hug from Barlow'' I wink at her, causing her to blush bright red as she steps into my arms for a tight hug.

''Thanks again, Gary. It was a dream weekend. I will never forget it'' she smiles at me as we release the hug and steps back in beside Danny and Sam.

''Folks, it has been an absolute pleasure, but I am afraid we must head off now as we have some Christmas shopping to complete. Get it out of the way early. Thanks again and a very happy Christmas!'' I say to them as we step into the car and it speeds off from the runway.

''We're not really going shopping now, are we Gary?'' Sophie asks me with a slight hint of nervousness in her voice.

''Oh, absolutely not. I want to do only one thing right now and that is to get you in the bubble bath at home and chill out. Takeaway and wine is on the cards tonight''


''Ooohhh, that's nice'' I groan as I lower myself into the tub in our ensuite bathroom about 30 minutes after arriving in the door.

We've decided on a very lazy evening tonight; takeaway and lots of red wine will be had tonight. Both of us are a little jet-lagged after that flight and are in no mood to do anything other than chill out and spend some alone time together at home.

The door to the bathroom opens a few moments after I submerge myself underneath the bubbles completely. I turn my head to see the love of my life standing there against the door to the bathroom in nothing but her short bathrobe and a pair flip flops. A small smirk plays on her lips as she sees me in the bubble bath.

''You look like you're having a great time, babe'' she smiles at me.

''It'd be even better if you were in here with me'' I reply to her, quick as a flash.

However, it does not faze her in the slightest. With one small flick of her wrist, she has the belt of her bathrobe undone and the material is on the floor around her feet. I gulp immediately at the sheer balls of this beautiful woman before me and pure adoration in the sense that she does not get fazed by anything I say anymore. Her flip flops are kicked off soon after and before I know it, she is nestled in between my legs, with her back resting against my chest and my arms wrapped securely around her waist keeping her close to me.

''I love you, Sophie. You know that, right?'' I whisper in her ear as I rest my chin against her shoulder.

Leaning her head back further, so that her lips are pointed up towards mine in a pout, I lean forward and kiss him softly.

''I know, babe. You know that I love you too. So, so much'' she smiles at me before leaning against my chest once more and linking her fingers through mine underneath the bubbles at the top of the water.

Being in such proximity to her and especially with her being all wet and soapy, I cannot help it when the naughty thoughts flood my brain and before long, my cock has decided that it is time to play. The blood rushes from my head to the top of my cock and it's not long before I can feel my semi-erect shaft making contact with the base of Sophie's spine.

''Babe, you know I can't help it''

The words fall from my lips before she could even turn around and gape at me in shock.

''I just can't help myself when you're naked and this close to me. Well, really when you're close to me no matter if you're naked or not. I just love you so much'' I whisper at her, before my lips my contact with the fleshy part of her earlobe, sending her in into disarray almost immediately.

Knowing already what she will ask of me, I decide to beat her to it. I slip one of my hands from her hers and slide it down her toned stomach to the short ruffling of hairs that lay just slightly above her cunt. The gasp and sharp intake of breath are unmissable as I run a long index finger along her entire entrance before slipping it swiftly inside her core.

''Shit. Fuck, Gary'' she groans as he legs open even more almost on an instance in the attempt for me to get deeper with my fingers.

''So tight as always'' I mumble in her ear as I slide another finger inside her to which I receive a floor trembling groan from Sophie in return.

After a few minutes of slowly thrusting my fingers inside her and grinding my thumb against her clit, I feel her leg begin to tremble indicating that she is close to her release. I watch her bite down on her bottom lip in the attempt to hang on for as long as possible before she gives in the pleasure being flooded through her by my fingers.

''Let go, babe. I want you to cum on my fingers''

The sensual mumble falls from my lips directly against the shell of her ear and after one, two and three more thrusts of my fingers, she spirals out of control and deep in to an earth shattering, toe curling and back arching orgasm as it washes right through her from head to toe.

''YES! Gary, shit!'' she cries out loudly, as she writhes in pleasurable pain in my arms.

My spare arm holds her closer to my torso and my now fully erect cock is digging sharply in to the base of her spine at this stage. She comes down from her high after another few moments and I can feel her heartbeat slow down against my arm that rest just below her breasts as I continue to hold her closely to my chest.

''How was that for a welcome home treat, eh?'' I whisper naughtily in her ear, as I run my tongue against the shell of her ear.

I feel a shiver trickle down her spine in reaction to my comments but she does well to quell it instantly. Leaning her head back, she looks me deep in the eyes and utters the words that would make any man collapse in pure adoration for their woman;

''Fucking amazing. Now it's time I do the same for you, babe. Come on, Gary. Let's get you nice and fucked''

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