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***18 Months Later***

''Oowhh, the drink is not worth it whatsoever'' I hear Sophie grumble from underneath the pillow as I pad back into the bedroom after having my shower.

''How you feeling, baby?'' I say softly as I sit on the edge of the bed and rub her leg through the duvet.

All she manages to do is let out another groan before she slowly pulls her head out from underneath the pillow to sit up in the bed slightly. Her hair is a shambles but she looks absolutely adorable. We ended celebrating our first wedding anniversary over at the house in L.A for a couple of days. It's unbelievable that the first year has gone so quickly.

''Like shit. Not worth it at all'' she says as she rubs her eyes and fixes her hair a little bit.

I can only smile at her as I watch her fiddle with the wedding band that sits next to her engagement ring.

''Can you believe it's already a year, babe? It's gone like that'' I say as I quietly click my fingers in the space between us.

''Yeah, I know. It's mad. Best year of my li-''

Before she finishes the sentence, her hand flies to her mouth and she's pulled back the duvet and rushing to the bathroom before I can even blink. I'm immediately following her into the bathroom as I watch her drop to her knees and empty her tummy down the toilet.

''Oh, Soph. You didn't even drink that much last night'' I sigh as I pull back her hair and rub her back soothingly.

Shaking her head, she wipes the back of her hand across her mouth before speaking.

''I don't think it's the drink, Gary''

''What you mean?'' I say back to her.

''Gary, I think. I think I'm pregnant'' she whispers softly.

My world seems to stop for a few seconds. My heartbeat spikes and it lands in my mouth. Butterflies erupt and bounce around in my stomach and my palms begin to sweat heavily. However, the best part of it is the way I literally feel my heart expanding in response to those words.

''Are you serious? Soph, really?'' I can't hide the grin - the shit eating grin - from breaking out across my face as I watch Sophie reach forward and take the toothbrush and toothpaste to clean out her mouth.

''I'm pretty certain, Gary. Constantly queasy, my boobs hurt and I've gotten sick the last 2 mornings now. I want to take a test and be 100% but I'm pretty sure it'll be positive'' she says quietly.

''Wait. You don't seem that happy about this, babe. Do you not want kids?'' I ask her and I honestly have to admit that I cannot hide the small bit of disappointment in my voice.

''No! Gary, no please don't think that! I want kids more than anything, please know this, it's just I don't want to get my hopes up on just symptoms. I want to know for sure, that's all'' she protests back.

I feel the relief fall from my shoulders as she says those words.

''Thank God. Was worried there, babe'' I say as I pull her close to me and give her a cuddle.

''Let's find out then''


''Let's go and get a test then so that we can know for sure. Jump in the shower, we'll go to the pharmacy, grab a test and come back and you can do it then when we get home, yeah?'' I smile at her as I flick the switch for the shower and the water starts to flow from the shower head.

Grinning broadly, she simply nods her head before leaning in for a quick kiss.

''Okay, babe. Let's do it. Go get dressed and I'll be out in a flash'' she says as she shoos me out from the bathroom and closes the door behind me.

''Spoil sport!'' I call through the door back at her to which I simply get a giggle back in response.


''How long do I need to wait?'' she asks me as she paces around the bedroom after doing her business in the bathroom,

''Another 60 seconds. Nearly there'' I whisper as she continues to pace up and down in front of me as I watch the pregnancy test sitting on the side of the sink about 10 feet ahead of me.

I hear her let out a deep breath. Standing up to my feet, I pad over to her and take her hands in mine.

''Sophie? Babe, look at me, please'' I say softly but with strength in my voice.

''Whatever happens, we will go through this together, okay? No matter what. Please, please stop worrying, babe. Okay?'' I say to her as I plant a kiss against her forehead and pull her close to me.

My watch beeps from behind her head signaling the 3 minutes are up. We separate in an instant. Her big, beautiful, cerulean blue eyes meet mine and all I do is nod back at her. Linking hands together, she leads me back into the ensuite to check the test.

Stopping a few feet away from the sink where the test is resting on the edge, she takes a deep breath before reaching out to pick it up.

2 lines. Wow!

''It's positive! Gary, it's positive!''

The words break me immediately. My dreams have finally come true. I'm going to be a daddy! However, for a few more moments, I need to keep it together.

''And how do you feel?'' I say to her softly, wrapping my arms around her tummy.

''I feel really happy. Really, really happy. You?'' she asks as she spins around in my arms.

''In that case, I'm fucking elated Sophie! I've wanted to have a family for so long and you're giving me this. I can never thank you enough. You will be an amazing mummy!'' I say as I slam my lips against her and pick her up from the floor so that she is wrapped around me like ivy.

We remain wrapped around each other for a few more minutes as we both let it sink in. The last couple of years have been an absolute whirlwind of an adventure, but you know what, I would not change anything for the world. I have an absolute fucking knockout that I get to call my beautiful wife. I have just learned that we are bringing a life into the world together and to top it all off, the lads and I are going back into the studio to write a new album. Life could not be any better right about now.

''What you thinking about?'' I ask her softly as I pull away far enough to look her in the eye.

''Just how the last few years have gone. It's been a crazy couple of years but I wouldn't change a thing'' she smiles at me.

Chuckling softly, I nod my head back at her.

''I was just thinking the same thing, babe. The exact same thing. I wouldn't change anything!''

My lips meet hers in a soft kiss that is riddled with childlike love but an adult-mastered passion.

''Wanna celebrate the way that we only know how?'' I say to her with a cheeky grin on my face.

Nodding back at me, we both wait to say it together,


We both burst out laughing before she ends up dragging me towards the ensuite once more. This has been one crazy ride and we have only just begun. It's time to start a new chapter, but it won't be just the two of us anymore. Nope, baby Barlow is en route and we cannot wait to meet them!


***This is the end of the journey for Gary & Sophie. I have had the most fun writing this story, but it's come to its natural end and I wanted to leave it on a positive note. Thanks for all the support over the last few years, but it's time to close this book as who knows, maybe another will begin soon!? Peace out, you beautiful people! BarlowsBum***

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