Chapter 21

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After finally being able to get my hands on a costume for Halloween, I am ready for tonight's party. I have had the house decorated in the best Halloween-themed way I could think of; Pumpkins everywhere, spiders hanging from the ceiling, cobwebs in all the corners. You name it, I have it in the house. 

The bar in the lounge is stocked up and filled to the brim and the DJ is set up and ready to play some absolute belters. I did warn him that once Dougie has a few drinks in him, he will more than likely want to have a go on the decks. He said that would be no problem and that he might learn a thing or two from Howard.


After changing into my Jedi costume, I grab my green lightsaber and head downstairs to be fully ready when the guests arrive later on. Just as I fix myself my one JD and Coke, I hear my phone go off in the lounge. Quickly retrieving my phone, I see that Sophie has sent me a message.

Sender: Sophie Xxx


''Hey, Gary. Just finishing off getting ready now and should be over in the next 30 minutes or so. I can't wait to see you in your costume. You said it was going to be a surprise so it better be good now babe! Looking forward to seeing you. I need a kiss also, it's been too long. Soph xx''

Reading that just instantly puts a massive smile across my face. I can't help but feel my heart swell just a little bit and my cock twitches slightly at the sheer thought of what may happen after the party has ended and we can have time alone to ourselves. I have been dying to get past just a kiss with Sophie, but after what happened at her law firm's party a few weeks back and see how upset she got all of a sudden, I am more than happy to wait and make sure that she is alright before anything happens between us.

I scribble out a quick message before I set off making sure that the house is looking absolutely amazing.

Recipient: Sophie Xxx


''Hiya, Okay, that sounds absolutely great. I cannot wait to see you in your outfit. I hope we match :-P It should be a great night and you can finally meet the rest of the boys also. See you soon XxX''

I hit send just as the doorbell goes.


This has to be Mark at the door. He is never late for anything. Swinging open the door, I see a grinning little man in a Spiderman costume.

"Hiya, Gaz!"

"Hey, Markie. I love the costume, mate!" I say to him as I open my arms wide and welcome him in with a massive cuddle.

"Thanks, mate. I love the Jedi look. I knew it would something Star Wars anyway, just wasn't sure what you would go for exactly" he says as I lead him into the kitchen to get him a drink.

Handing him a glass of white wine to start with, he takes a sip and releases a long sigh.

"Cheers, mate, been dying for this all day" he says as he sets the drink down on the breakfast bar and perches his smaller frame on one of the stools. 

"Have you heard from the lads, yet?" he asks as he pulls out a pack of cigarettes and pops one in the corner of his mouth.

"Nope, nothing yet" I say shaking my head.

"I know they've all said that they're coming but nothing in regards to when" I pull open the back door which leads off the utility.

"Would you mind stepping out back for that, mate?" I say to him nodding towards the cigarette.

"Oh yeah, sure mate. Ash tray still out back from last time?" he says with a cheeky smile referring to the last party we had here.

"Yep, it still out there on the ledge" I tell him as the door bell goes again.

"Let me just get that first mate, then I'll be right back" I say to him before slipping out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the front door.


25 minutes later and the party is in full flow. All of the lads are here are dressed up in amazing costumes. Jay and Dougie have come as Batman and Robin and Robbie has arrived dressed as Wolverine. For some reason, we have all gone for the superhero theme in a way. I just can't wait for Sophie to arrive and to see what she has dressed up as.

A few more guests have arrived, and I must say that everyone is looking amazing in their Halloween costumes. We have all sorts of characters rambling about the house; Captain Jack Sparrow, Poison Ivy and even Spock is here. People have really put the effort in to make sure they dressed up well!

My phone buzzes once more in my pocket as I take another sip of alcohol. The welcoming mixture of Jack Daniels finest and Coca Cola crashes against my taste buds with the utmost satisfaction.

Pulling my iPhone from the realms of white cotton material that helps me look like I have the force, I smile instantly as I see who the sender is

Sender: Sophie Xxx

20: 13

''Hey, we're just getting in to the taxi now, so we should be there in a few minutes. See your sexy face soon cutie. x''

Checking the time on my phone


I see that that message was sent way before I saw it. She must be here soon then. As if my thoughts were being listened to by a higher power, the doorbell sounds out through the house once more.

My heart starts to beat faster all of a sudden as I walk up the cream carpet hallway towards the front door. Pulling open the double oak front doors, my eyes widen to the size of golf ball and my heart swells so much that I think it will explode.

"Wow. You look incredible!"

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now