Chapter 1

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''Rule the world..''

I take a bow before once again taking the microphone in my hand.

''I would just like to wish you all a fantastic night and please donate to this very worthy charity as it is for an outstanding cause. Thanks again folks and enjoy the evening !''

One final bow before I toddle off the stage at Grosvenor House after a gig for Cystic Fibrosis UK and bounce back down to my dressing room. 

After saying thank you to all my crew and band for their amazing performance, as usual, I finally get myself into my dressing room. Shutting the door behind me, I lean back against it and let out a deep breath.

''Alone at last...'' I mumble as I pick myself up from the door and pad over the bar in the corner of my dressing room.

I spot a bottle of red and immediately my eyes grow the size of golf balls.

''Lovely'' I grin broadly as I grab the bottle by the neck and a glass and head over to the couch in the middle of the room.

As I gaze around my empty dressing room after the gig, the usual feeling of loneliness comes to mind as I sit and ponder over everything that is currently going on. Yes, I am now a very successful musician once again and all that. It's great but it can feel all a bit pointless if there is nobody in your life to share it with. I mean, isn't that what everyone wants. Love? I've realized in my life that love is a very precious thing and it's something that everyone seeks.

As I pack up my things after my shower, placing my suit back on the hanger and in the travel case, I sling my laptop bag over my shoulder and make my way outside where my loyal driver James is there waiting for me.

''Evening, Gaz. Great show again as always tonight, mate. Smashed it!'' he says as he opens the door and takes my suit and case and pops them in the boot for me.

''Awh cheers mate. Always love singing here me, and for such a great cause also. We should help raise a lot of money tonight I think'' I say as I pay him on the shoulder before slipping into the back seat of the car.

''Straight home Gary or is there anywhere you'd like to go, mate?'' James pipes up as he sits into the driver's seat, does his seat belt and starts the engine.

I think to myself how good a drink would go down now. Yep, great plan. 

''D'ya know what? Spin me home first mate and then you and I are going to go for a quiet one in the local around the corner for my house. You can crash in the guestroom tonight'' I wink at him through the rear-view mirror as he pulls out of the venue nodding away.

''Sounds like a good idea, mate. Sarah is up at her folk's place for a few days so I have the house to myself anyway. A boys night would be great fun'' he smiles at me as he pulls out on to the main streets of Chelsea and begins the drive home.

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now