Chapter 16

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'Oh shit..' I immediately think to myself as I set eyes on this girl.

I see her eyes widen instantly as she realizes who Sophie's date is; me! How am I going to even attempt to explain this to Sophie, we only officially started dating 3 days ago and now I have to go and explain this bombshell. OK, well maybe calling it a bombshell is a bit extreme but I think that I can be fairly accurate in saying that she won't be too happy about it. Considering that she said that they were 'besties' all but 10 minutes ago as we casually both sip on a flute on ridiculously overpriced Don Perignon champagne.

After what feels like a very, very, very long 20-30 seconds of just staring back at each other with mouths wide up so much to the fact that any bystander but be sure to assume that we were trying to catch flies, I decide to shake myself out of it and see how this evening is going to fair out. After all, it was years ago so she may not even remember. She may just be shocked in reaction to the fact that her best friend has brought me to a work event.

''Hi, love. How are you?'' I say politely.

''Cara, was it?'' I say just trying to break the ice properly and rid the atmosphere of any awkwardness that may have decided to creep up on us in the last few minutes or so.

She reaches out and places her hand in my outstretched one which immediately swallows hers entirely.

''Ye..yes..'' she stutters in response to my question to which I just nod back.

I reckon that if I just play it cool, I will be able to escape this event unscathed and unquestioned. I mean, it will come to the fore at some stage, I just don't want to have to have that conversation right now. Not here in this hotel of all places. It's nothing major really if I'm honest. At least not in my eyes but I guess that Sophie could feel a completely different way about it. 

After a few minutes of general chit chat and the regular 'who do you know' and 'what do you get up to' questions, I manage to snag a few minutes alone with Sophie away from her colleagues. We were joined by her assistant Tommy, who is a final year law student in LCU doing a 9-month internship and seems very friendly. I was told also as we were leaving the small group of people that she would have to introduce me to her boss before we left the event.

''Sure. No worries, babe. Whatever you need'' I wink at her as we step outside through the big double glass doors which lead on to the vast grounds of the hotel here on the grounds of Hyde Park.

We always used to stay here with Take That back in the '90s and we also had the comeback press conference here in 2005 so I know this hotel and the accompanying grounds like the back of my hand. In fairness, this place hasn't changed much in the last 20 years or so. I take Sophie's hand in mine as we continue to stroll slowly along a long wall of the hotel before coming to a stone bench set a little bit into the trees but still lit up enough to be considered 'not creepy' to see two people on a stone bench in the pitch dark!

''It's lovely to come outside for a bit, isn't it babe?'' I say quietly to Sophie as I place my left leg over my right and turn slightly on the bench to my right so I'm looking at my beautiful girlfriend.

She turns to face me after a few moments of fiddling with her fingers before she can look up at me. When I'm met by her eyes, I don't see the usual cerulean blue staring back at me. What I do see, is a glazed-over, almost teary-eyed girl looking like she is about to break down.

''Eh?'' I whisper as I quickly place my half drank flute of Champagne on to the cobbled floor beneath our feet.

''Soph, babe..'' I say softly as I wrap my arms around her shoulders, shuddering instantly when I feel her cold skin against my own.

''Hey come here, take this. You're shivering'' I say soothingly as I take off my suit jacket and place it on her shoulders before pulling it close across her chest.

I pull her close to me waist-coast and dress shirt covered chest before swallowing her up in my arms, rubbing rhythmically up and down along her arms as I try my best to get some warmth back into her body as she continues to shiver and shake slightly as she sits on my lap.

''Sshh it's OK. I've got you. Sshh, I got yer..'' I say to her softly as I rock back and forth slowly, with her in my arms keeping her as warm as I possibly can.

After a few minutes of continuing to try and calm down Sophie, I notice that her breathing has slowed down and regulated slightly from the more erratic pattern that had consumed her for the previous few minutes.

''You OK now, sweetie?'' I ask softly as I place my lips against the shell of her ear and plant a little kiss against the fleshy area.

I receive a slow nod of the head in response, followed a long, low and shaky exhale of breath. I sigh inwardly what must be a sigh of relief as she answers me positively, which must b a good thing. Right?

''Wanna tell me what that was about? Maybe I can help?'' I ask softly as my hands now seem to be working at their own pace and rhythm as they run up and down along her arms, from the tips of her fingers to the tops of her shoulders.

She stays silent for another few moments, which I decide to take as her decision to not tell me about it. Maybe she does indeed want to talk about it, just maybe not here. Not at some work function. Not on a stone bench on a chilly November evening.

''Sophie..'' I mumble to hear as I plant another light kiss in her hair just above her ear.

''You wanna go home? We can get out of here if you want. Just tell me when'' I say to her, almost in a whisper to which I receive the slightest of nods in response.

I immediately fly into my suit jacket pocket to pull out my phone. Dialing the number from memory in the speed of light, I put the phone against my ear. It picks up after two rings.

''Hello? Gaz?''

''Hiya James. I need a car, mate. ASAP. I'll explain later. You about?''

''You at the hotel still?''


''Be there in 5, mate. Stay put'' and before I even get the chance to express my gratitude at his willingness to drop everything he is doing and come here straight away, the line goes dead.

''5 minutes babe and we'll be out of here''

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