Chapter 33

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''Okay, babe. This is it. I'm on in just a few seconds'' I say to Sophie as I hear the MC for the night begin his introduction for the music.

''Hope you enjoy the show and just remember, this is the beginning of the best Christmas that we're both ever going to have had'' I whisper to her as I peck her lightly on the lips before turning to face the stage from the side as the MC welcomes me with a loud cheer.

''Please welcome to the stage, the only and only, the legend...GARY BARLOW!''


''Okay, folks We're going to end the night with Rule The World. I hope you have enjoyed the night as much as I have and I want to thank the Alan Shearer Foundation for asking me to join them for such a wonderful event and for an outstanding cause''

I'm again met with a deafening roar as the first few chords of Rule The World filter out through the speakers.

''You light the skies, up above me...''

As the words fall from my lips, I take a break from singing and listen to the crowd sing the words backs to me.

''Yeah, you and me we can light up the sky..''

I look briefly to my left and see Sophie swaying along to the music with her eyes closed. Her eyes open briefly and I throw her a wink, causing her to blush bright red before I turn back to finish the rest of the song and my set.

As the song plays on, and I give it my all as I usually do, I sing the last few lyrics before closing to deafening applause.

''...we can rule the woooooorrlldd!!''

The music stops and I slide one of my in-ears out and allow the noise of the room to really filter through my ears. The applause bounces around the ballroom as I step away from the microphone and take a bow; waving to each part of the crowd, thanking them for their support tonight.

''Thank you so much, everybody. I hope you all have a great night and support this fantastic cause. Well done to Mr. Shearer and his team and I will see you again next time. Merry Christmas!''

Again, I'm met with deafening screams as I take a final bow before turning on my heal and heading off stage. As soon as I get past the wings and make sure that I'm off stage, I pull Sophie into my chest and plant a massive kiss against her lips.

''What you reckon, babe? Not bad, eh? Still got it I think..'' I wink at her as I link my fingers together at the base of her back, as she wraps her arms around my neck and plants another kiss against my lips.

''You could never lose it, Gary. You were amazing. I absolutely loved it!'' she beams widely as she nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck, wrapping arms around my shoulders, staying close to my chest.

''Ah, thanks. Would love a glass of wine now though'' I say to her as I push her from my chest so that we are looking deep into each other's eyes.

''Ready to party, Sophie?'' I wink at her, before linking my hand with hers and dragging her in the direction of the ballroom, and more importantly, the bar.


''Neeeeverrr forget where you're coming frooohhoomm!''

The words ricochet around the house as we stumble through the front door after an absolutely incredible night out. My eyes blearily notice the clock against the wall and note that it's still a bit early;


''Watch yourself, babe'' I hear Sophie whisper in my ear as she continues to hold me up with her arm wrapped around my waist.

I manage to hold my balance long enough to get to the lounge, where I drunkenly somehow am able to flick the switch and be blinded by the bright lights that fill the living room.

''Fuck, that's br..ight..'' I mumble as I wobble over to the bar in the corner of the lounge.

In one swift movement - one that even in my drunken state manages to impress even me - I discard my suit jacket across the back of the sofa and stand as professionally as I can manage behind the bar as Sophie perches herself on one of the stools on the other side of the mahogany and marble worktop.

''What can I get the beautiful lady?'' I wink at her, trying my best not to wobble as I undo the button on my cuffs and roll my sleeves up past my elbows, knowing full well that she loves my forearms.

I see her eyes widen as I do this and she bites her lips briefly before regaining her composure and looking me dead in the eye once again. I pretend I did not notice her actions, but I did. And what's even better; deep down she knows that I did too.  Her eyes scan the shelves behind me along the wall that are adorned by various top-shelf brands of alcohol; Belvedere, Monkey 47 and Jameson to name but a few. After a couple of moments pondering, she speaks;

''Surprise me, babe. Give me the house special cocktail'' she winks at me as she rests her arms on top of the counter.

Nodding my head, I begin making the famous Barlow Special. I hope she's ready for it. This is only made for very special guests! Various bottles of all sizes and colors make brief contact with each other as I conjure up the elusive cocktail. I can't even recall how the cocktail came about to be completely honest. If I remember correctly, I think myself and Dougie were here one night and we set about messing with different recipes that we found on one of those apps that you can download for free.

'Why not try it with this instead of that and see what happens?' I remember Howard saying once, and I think it just stemmed from there really.

A low hum comes from the blender as I crush some ice for the final touch of the cocktail. Sprinkling it on top, I pop some twirly straws in the glasses before placing them both on the marble-covered countertop.

''Voila!'' I say triumphantly as I slide her drink in front of her after I have cleared everything up from behind the counter.

Her eyes widen as she stares at the brightly colored drink sat in front of her, quickly followed by the most beautiful small smile and a brief flush of crimson gracing her cheeks. She's clearly impressed.

''Well, cheers then'' I say to her as I raise my glass in front of her as we clink the glasses together. 

The alcohol slides smoothly down my throat, making my eyes widen and stand impressed at my own creation. Not quite too bad at this cocktail making business!

''What you reckon, babe? Not bad, eh?'' I say as I take another mouthful of the fruity cocktail.

''You've definitely got some skills behind the bar, Gary...but can you also handle the heat?'' she whispers as she places her glass on top of the bar, before sliding off her stool and getting on her knees in front of me.

My eyes widen as I feel her hands make contact with the tops of my thighs before moving swiftly to the zip of my suit trousers. Her fingers deftly make short work of the zip and before I know it, my cock has been produced from my trousers and in a heartbeat, I'm rock hard at the sheer sight of seeing her kneeling there between my legs, cock in her hand and mouth open and wet.

''Fuck Sophie. Don't tease me, baby'' I groan as I throw my head back and spread my legs even widen, trying to stem the trembling that runs through my body right now at the anticipation of what's to come next.

Without even saying a word, all she does is smile at me before ducking her head and taking my full length to the back of her throat.

'Fuck. Me. Sideways!'

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