Chapter 62

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***1 Week Later***

I wake up and the fact that it's now Christmas Eve dawns on me and I cannot help the childlike grin that breaks out across my face. What is even more incredible, is that I get to wake up with this phenomenal woman in my arms every morning. She is truly the love of my fucking life and I cherish the day that I first laid eyes on her all those months ago now outside Burlington Arcade where I was dripping sweat after my workout and she seemed to be having the most awful morning ever. I never did actually find out what happened to her that morning, but I thought it would be best not to ask. Curiosity is raising its head again now though...

Anyway, I reach over and grab my phone from the nightstand beside me to check the time;


Wow, later than I normally sleep until. Fuck it, it's Christmas Eve. I'm going to skip training today and enjoy my time with Sophie. I lock my phone once more and leave it back on the nightstand before swiveling under the duvets to cuddle up to Sophie once more. I hear her stir next to me just before her head turns slightly and lifts off of the pillow. A low but soft groan escapes her lips before her eyes flutter open to reveal two rather tired and sleep looking eyeballs.

''Morning, sleepyhead'' I whisper at her, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

''Oh, God. How long was I out for?'' she groans she picks herself up and turns on to her side.

''Not long. It's just gone half 8. We've plenty of time yet. Happy Christmas Eve though, baby'' I wink at her as I lean forward and peck her softly on the lips.

Her lips turn in to a small smile when I pull away from the kiss. The bed is so warm that I really do not want to get out of it. Sophie seems to have the same notions.

''We don't have to get up yet, do we? Can we stay here for another little while?'' she pouts at me playfully.

'How can I say no to that face?'

''Well, when you pout at me playfully like that, how could I ever say no? Another little while in bed sounds perfect, sweetheart'' I wink at her, before opening my arms to let her cuddle into my body, fitting together perfectly like a jigsaw.


After dosing for about another 45 minutes or so, I decide that it is now time to get up and make some shapes. Although I am not going to train today, and I have no appointments at all today, I still have some stuff t do in the house in preparation for Christmas. We're cooking Christmas dinner here for the two of us, so I need to head to the supermarket to pick up the last few bits and pieces for the preparation of the food. We had been invited to spend the day with Mark and his family, and we were going to go, but we then decided last week to spend the day together as Sophie was actually staying in London for the entire Christmas this year. Our first Christmas together? Let's make it a belter!

I hop out of the shower just when Sophie is picking herself up out of the bed, looking rather sorry for herself if I may say so.

''You know you can stay in bed, babe. I'll go and get the groceries if you want to get some more sleep? You must need it after last night!'' I wink at her cheekily as I drop the towel and pull some CK briefs on.

Rolling her eyes at me, she playfully flips me the bird before she too makes her way to the bathroom to grab a shower. I playfully slap her bum as she passes me before leaning back to give me one last kiss before heading to the bathroom.

''Just give me 10 minutes, babe. Not washing my hair so I'll be ready quickly''

''No worries, love. Take your time. We're in no rush'' I smile back at her as I spray some deodorant on before heading to the walk-in wardrobe to decide what I'll wear today.

I opt to go with comfy clothes for our morning out at the supermarket; jeans, Adidas trainers, a polo shirt and comfy hoody. Need to wrap up as it is looking quite chilly out this morning. It is Christmas Eve after all!

I'm just tying the laces of my trainers when the door to the en-suite opens and Sophie pads into the bedroom wrapped in nothing but a towel. Her hair is done up in a bun as to not get wet and the smell of fruity body wash assaults my nostrils as soon as I see her.

''Oh, you look nice, baby. Casual suits you, Gaz'' she smiles at me as she pulls some underwear from the drawers and begins to get ready.

I have to use all of my willpower in the world to not jump her bones right then and there as I watch her throw on a matching bra and knickers set - she must know that that is one of my many weaknesses - before she pads in to the walk-in wardrobe and grabs a pair of jeans for herself and a nice jumper to go with it. She's ready in a flash and before I know it, I'm being dragged down the stairs and out to door to go and get the rest of the shopping before the Christmas Eve rush really kicks off.


We're strolling up and down the isles of Waitrose here in Pimlico in relative anonymity, well, on my part anyway. I was going to put on my peaked cap and sunglasses so that we would be able to do the shopping in peace and not have the chance of being stopped for photos or autographs, but Sophie told me to stop being silly and to just relax. We're out for our first Christmas shop together and she wants to be able to walk the isles of the supermarket with her boyfriend in peace. If I'm stopped for the odd photo or autograph, then that's grand, but do not shy away from it. This is who I am and that I need to be proud of it.

When I heard her say those words as we pulled up in the carpark of the supermarket. I decided there and then that she was absolutely right. I left the hat and sunglasses in the car, got out and linked my fingers through hers. We're in a relationship and I'm going to step out with my girlfriend whenever I want to do so. I love her so much. She has truly changed my life.

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