Chapter 29

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We ended up having a great time at the party. James and Julia actually came back to London with us in our car and spent the night at the house with myself and Sophie. We spent the evening laughing and joking with some more food and drink into the early hours.



''Urgh, knock that off will you, baby?'' I hear Sophie groan from beside me as the alarm shattered through the blissful silence at half 6 in the morning.

Reaching over to my left, I grab my phone and shut off the alarm. I hear the phone slide from the bedside table and collide with the soft carpet floor beneath.

''Shit..'' I groan, as I lean out over the edge of the bed from underneath the covers and recover the phone.

Leaving the phone on the side once again, I turn over on my side to find a half-sleeping Sophie with her head buried in the pillows. Sliding over to her slowly, I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her close to my body to keep us both nice and warm. Planting a kiss in her hair, I snuggle her tightly before burying my nose in the crook of her neck, my nostrils feeling with the coconut shampoo that used the night before.

''Good morning, beautiful'' I whisper in her ear, kissing her hair once more.

I feel her breath against my chest as she exhales slowly. The feeling sends shivers through my entire body, as it does every time that I wake up next to her. I still can't believe that I get to wake up next to her every morning. I am truly the luckiest man in the entire world that she chose me.

''Morning, baby'' she mumbles back at me.

''What time is it?''

''It's just gone half past 6. I have to get up now as I'm on Radio 1 at 8 o'clock and I have to have a shower and get dressed and be there for half seven to be set up with the audio stuff and the fans know I'm coming so I'll be taking pictures and signing things also'' I smile against her temple as I tell her all of this.

''But when I get back, I'm going to take the most beautiful girl in the world out for breakfast, although James and Julia may join us as they are snoozing away in the guest room down the hall'' I chuckle against her ear as I feel her smile against her chest.

''That sounds great, Gary. They're lovely people and I love Julia. She's really nice'' Sophie whispers against my chest once again.

''Okay, time for me to get up. But first, can I have a kiss?'' I pout at her like a lost child.

Flicking open her eyes, at last, a pair of beautifully mesmerizing cerulean blue eyes stare back at me. I feel myself getting lost in them very quickly before a pair of soft, warm lips clamp on to my own. Warmth immediately rushes through to every single point of my body causing every hair to stand on end. I feel my cock twitch at the contact but I immediately pull myself away from the thoughts of burying myself inside of Sophie and having the best possible wake up call, as I really do need to get up and get ready to head to Radio 1.

''No. No, not this morning, baby'' I mutter heartbreakingly to her as I force myself to pull away from her lips.

''As much as I would love too, I really need to get up. But I promise, that what I have planned for this evening, is going to be well worth the wait'' and with one last quick on the lips, I slide myself out of the bed and bounce over to the shower.


The hot water bounces soothingly against my skin and relaxes my muscles as I get myself into pop star mode before I switch off the water and grab a towel. Drying myself quickly as I hum away to myself amid the steam that has engulfed the bathroom, I pull open the door quietly as not to wake Sophie or disturb her.

Get Ready For It - A Gary Barlow FFWhere stories live. Discover now