Chapter 19

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***Gary's POV***

''So, what do you want to do today?'' I ask her as we lay in each other's company, my arm wrapped around her shoulders as she leans against my chest, while she swirls her fingers through the copper golden hairs that scatter at the top of my chest.

''Well, I took today off because of last night so I don't have to be anywhere. Up to you, babe'' she says as she looks up to me in response.

I shuffle slightly as I make myself more comfortable in the bed.

''In that case, how about we enjoy a nice and relaxing day out then? Eh?'' I say to her as I plant a soft kiss into her hair.

''We can go get breakfast and sit outside as the weather is absolutely gorgeous this morning'' I say leaning back and look through the gap in the curtain behind me to the right to be only met with the brightest light possible.

''Christ, that almost blinded me'' I chuckle as I look back with a sharp turn of the shoulders.

''So, what yeah reckon?'' I say to her as I pull her closer to me once again.

''Sounds perfect'' she replies as she lifts her head and pouts her lips at me.

Happy to oblige, I capture hers with a soft and tender kiss.

''Come on then lazy bones, we best get going'' I say to her jokingly, slipping out of from under the covers to make a beeline for the shower before she can hit me with anything.

''Hey...I will get you for that one!'' she says laughing as she hurls a pillow in my direction, hitting me in my black CK briefs clad bum.


''Oh well, now that was absolutely yummy'' I say as I place my knife and fork down on the plate in front of me. I smile over to Sophie as I settle back into the soft cushioned seat in the gardens of The Dorchester Hotel in the heart of London.

''Absolutely, Gary. The eggs were amazing'' she smiles back at me.

Taking a long and deep mouthful from my coffee mug, I take a quick look around the beautifully manicured grounds of the hotel garden terrace. Families out and about enjoying their morning breakfast. Husbands and wives enjoying the morning to themselves alone without the kids maybe. Maybe Nanna and Granddad are watching them? Shaking the unnecessary and unneeded thoughts from my head. My eyes return to where they are supposed to be; my beautiful girlfriend who has her phone out in her hands and is smiling broadly.

''You know I charge for photographs, love'' I chuckle at her lightly as I sit back in my chair, slipping my Ray-Ban aviators over my eyes to limit the sun as much as possible.

''Oh, don't be such a buzz kill. Let me see that perfect smile, Gaz'' she winks at me as she holds up her phone ready to take a picture.

Doing as she says, I remove the glasses from my face and direct my gaze towards the lens of her iPhone camera. Click. And with that, my face just contorts into a face full of laughter as I, all of sudden, can't keep the giggles at bay.

''What's so funny?'' she asks me confused as I struggle to regain my breath.

''I honestly...don't..don't know,'' I manage to breathe out to her.

She just shakes her head and looks back at her phone.

''You know, ever since it has emerged that I am dating you, I have seen a lot of myself online and stuff. It's all a bit surreal'' she smiles at me from across the table. 

I take another sip from my coffee before placing it down on the table in front of me and leaning forward on my elbows.

''If I may?'' I ask her quietly.

She nods slowly as she places her phone down on the table between us. I reach across the white cloth-covered table and take both f her hands in mine, rhythmically rubbing my thumbs across the back of her hands.

''Try not to read much into that stuff, babe. They'll try to break you and me apart by making up stuff. It has happened to me in the past where other girls can't handle it and I end up being left on my own because of it. I guess it just gets too much for them'' I bow my head slightly as the memories of all my failed relationships in my life thus far.

''And I don't want that for you. I know I have met a lot of people in my life, and if I am going to be honest, I have been with a lot of women also. Mainly in the '90s, but it's different now. I am different. Meaningless one night stands just don't do it for me anymore and they haven't done so for a long, long time'' she nods her head, encouraging me to go ahead and continue.

''You may think that I say this to everyone but, the truth is that I haven't met anyone like you for a long time. You seem different. Yes, you were a little shocked when I first spoke to you outside Burlington Arcade that day, but since then you have not treated me as if I am 'Gary from Take That', which I really do appreciate. I get enough of that from the lads themselves!''

I chuckle the last part which manages to bring a small smile to her lips also. Relief.

''I guess what I am trying to say is that I really, really like you and I think that this could be what I have been waiting for all this time. I can't lose you, Sophie. I really, really can't..'' My voice trails off as I finish speaking.

Her head dips slightly and immediately my heart sinks. I should never have said anything about all the women I have shagged in my life. She probably thinks she is just another number now. I've fucked it haven't I? She then picks her head up and I am met with a smile wider than the largest ocean around.

''Gaz, you are just too cute, you know that? You couldn't lose me even if I tried to get lost myself. I'm in this for the long run, babe'' she says as she picks up my hand and places a soft kiss against the pad of my thumb.

Well, thank fuck for that...

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