Chapter 69

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''FUCK! Oh good God! SHIT!''

The words echo throughout the entire house as Sophie continues to bounce on my hard cock that is currently being shoved deep inside of her. My release is not too far behind hers and before I know it myself, the list of expletives that fall from my own list is too much to think about as I empty my full load inside her core.

Sophie collapses on top of me a few moments later, both of us completely spent and out of breath after another glorious, toe-curling shag at 2 o'clock in the morning. After a few more minutes, she slowly falls to the side, allowing me to slide my semi-erect cock from her cunt and let it fall down against the inside of my thigh.

''Wow...'' I breathe out, as I continue to get my breathing pattern back to what it should be.

''I know, Gaz. That was...amazing. Fucking amazing'' she finishes with a small chuckle, full or tiredness, but happiness at the same time.

Smirking to myself, I notice then that no more words need to be said tonight. Nothing else needs to be mentioned from either of us. As if on auto-pilot, I sit up slightly and pull the duvet from the bottom of the bed and drop it down on the pair of us. Covering us both only from the waist up, so that we won't suffocate, I pull Sophie close to me so that we can spoon.

Planting a light kiss in her hair, I say the only words I know she needs to hear before the sleep consumes us both;

''Night, gorgeous. Love you so much''


Waking up the next morning is a little rough, but I've had worse. Knowing that I'm waking up next to the sexy lady next to me makes me smile even though my head is pounding slightly. Lazily, I stretch out my left arm to reach Sophie only to find bed sheets. My eyes fly open and I sit bolt upright on my side of the bed, although I'm immediately regretting it as the throbbing in my temple worsens rapidly.


'Where is she?'

''Babe...?'' I croak out.

Jeez, I sound like shit. Reaching over to the nightstand, I gulp down the pint glass of water that was left there last night. No wonder I have a small hangover and I sound like shit. Swallowing down the liquid, I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stand up. Grabbing my dressing gown from the back of the door, I wrap it around my naked frame and head out the bedroom door.

Slowly, I pad down the stairs and follow the soft strains of music that seem to be coming from behind the closed kitchen door. I creep towards the door and gently - luckily the door is not fully closed - I push the door open quietly. Peering inside, I see my almost naked - save for wearing one of my old t-shirts - girlfriend pottering around the kitchen making a pot of tea and preparing a tray full of breakfast food.

'I hope she wasn't going through all of this effort just for me...?'

Stepping quietly over the threshold, I wait for her to return the kettle to its rightful place before sneaking up to surprise her from behind.

''You know, I hope you weren't going through all of this effort just for me...'' I whisper sensually in her ear, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her close to my slightly tired frame.

Somewhat startled, she jumps ever so slightly in my embrace.

''Christ, Gary. You scared me, babe'' she chuckles in a low whisper.

''Sorry'' I whisper softly, rubbing my lips against her exposed shoulder blade that is on display as she wears a t-shirt that is way too big for her, seeing as it's my t-shirt at the end of the day.

''Anyway, again, I hope you didn't go through all this effort just for me, Soph''

She simply shrugs her shoulders in response before she slowly turns around to face me, never allowing the grip of my arms around her waist break. Smiling lazily and almost lovestruck up at me, she says the words that would make any man melt.

''I just wanted to treat my man to breakfast in bed. That's all'' and before I can even get a word in, she leans forward and captures my lips in a breathtaking kiss that has every follicle of hair on my body standing on end.

''Besides...'' she begins once she breaks the kiss after a few minutes.

'' need a good breakfast as we have a long drive this afternoon. We're heading to Manchester. I hope you're packed'' she winks at me as she takes the food from the tray and brings it over to the breakfast bar.

Smiling slightly, I pad over to the breakfast bar behind with the two mugs of tea in my hands and sit up on the far side of the table.

''I was going to grab a shower and then pack a small case after I'm done. Need to spend an hour or so in the office before we go but mainly just a few emails and to make sure all is set for New Years'' I wink back at her, only to receive a raised eyebrow in response from Sophie.

Just as she goes to speak, I cut her off by answering her unspoken question.

''Don't bother asking as I'm not going to tell you, babe. You'll find out soon enough. I promise'' I wink at her once more, before grabbing a spoon and cracking open the top of the boiled egg in front of me.

'Soft boiled eggs and soldiers? Nothing beats a brekkie like this one!'


After a morning of packing, emails being answered and of course some extremely sexy fun in the shower together, we're on our way up the M1 motorway on our way to Manchester for Sophie's parent's Christmas party. I'm not going to lie, but I am a little nervous. I know I have met Paul and Julie before and I must be honest in saying that we got on really well and I think they like me, but this is her family now that I'm meeting. What if her brother is really protective? Or if she has a sister that is an absolute bitch and is jealous of her or shocked at Sophie because she's with someone like me and makes it's awkward? We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

After about an hour or so of driving, we pass a sign for a service station and my appetite is heightened. Well, not so much appetite, but my desire for a good cup of coffee.

''Service station in a few miles. Fancy a coffee?'' I say to Sophie, as she continues to flick through her phone for some decent music for us to listen to on our drive.

''Yeah, a coffee would be lovely. My treat though''

''Not a chance, Sophie'' I wink back at her as I indicate to come off the motorway just outside of Luton Town.

Pulling the car into the space. I quickly get out of the car in an attempt to beat Sophie to the shop, but she's quickly caught up with me. She seems to really want to buy me the coffee. Not happening though. In my world, the man buys the coffees. The man holds open the door for the lady. The man looks after his woman. End of story and simple as.

We just get our feet over the threshold of the door before of our ears are both to pieces with the screeching sound of my name being cried out;

''Oh my GOD. It's GARY BARLOW!''

'Oh, fuck...'

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