Chapter 60

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Our heavy panting and the echoes of my primal screams still bounce against the walls of the lounge as we lie in the blissful aftermath of another glorious shag session. I've never thought that sex could continue to blow my mind with the same person no matter how long you are together, but with Sophie, it is like the first time we slept together each and every time we do.

The peaceful ambiance is soon interrupted by the doorbell sounding out through the house. Must be the takeaway being delivered.

''Scooch up, babe. That must be the delivery man. Will you grab the plates and stuff and I'll pay for the food?'' I say tapping her naked leg that lays exposed underneath the throw that is wrapped around us both.

''Sure. Want to open some red wine too?'' she asks as she pads nakedly through the hall and on to the kitchen.

''Yeah, sounds great. I'll just throw on my robe and grab the food'' I say to her as I take a robe from the downstairs bathroom and throw it around my shoulders.

Grabbing my wallet from the table in the lounge, I make my way to the door and open it just enough to see the guy and exchange the food for the money. I'm not really that interested in being seen in my bathrobe getting a Chinese delivered to the house, even if it is a week before Christmas and being nearly 9 at night.

''Thanks, mate. Have a great Christmas!''

''Same to you, sir. Have a good one'' I say back to him as he spins on his heal and heads back out the driveway and into the free-flowing West London traffic. 

''You went for the Chow Mein, right?'' I say to Sophie as I walk back in the lounge to find her setting two plates on the coffee table along with the cutlery and wine glasses.

Nodding her head simply, she pads back out to the kitchen before coming back in with a bottle of red a mere matter of seconds.

''Yep, that's me. No idea why, but I like it so I continue to order it. I'm like that until I get a bad dish'' she chuckles at me when she sees my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

''Understandable, but would you not like to try something different every once in a while?'' I say to her as I hand her the tinfoil dish with her beloved Chow Mein inside.

''Why change tact when I know I'm going to like it? Anyway, less of this stuff. Let's get this dished up before it goes cold and settle down to watch something. What you wanna watch?''

Shrugging my shoulders, I nod my head towards to TV indicating that she can choose whatever she likes.

''You choose, love. I'm not too fussed''

''You'll regret this, Barlow'' she winks at me as she grabs hold of the Sky remote and flicks through the channels.

Just as I have filled out glasses with the red wine, she lets a sharp shriek escape her lips which almost makes me drop the bottle of wine all over the cream carpet floor.

''What's the matter? Almost dropped the wine!'' I chuckle as I carefully place the alcohol back on the table in front of us.

''Oops. Sorry, babe. It's just that the best Christmas movie is on in 2 minutes. Love Actually! Have you seen it?'' she smiles broadly at me before bursting into laughter when she sees my reaction.

''You know, you're lucky I fucking love you, Sophie Brooks. Anything for my girl. Throw it on and let's dig in'' I wink at her before leaning across and kissing her quickly on the lips.


The credits roll just under 2 hours later as we lie in our post-Chinese food and too much red wine bliss. The gym will be hit very hard tomorrow, I can tell you that much!

''You know, I've seen this movie so many times at this stage and every time I say that it won't get me at all, but when your one jumps all over Hugh Grant, it somehow gets me each time. Weird'' Sophie smiles as she wipes her left eye before a rogue tear can drop down her cheek.

''Come here, you big softie'' I say to her softly, opening my arm and chest to allow her to snuggle up against me.

Her phone pings loudly from the coffee table breaking the comfortable silence that fell over us for the last 10 minutes or so. She lets out a little groan at the sheer unwillingness to break from the cuddle and have to reach from her phone which is lying on the table where our feet are propped up on cushions.

''This better not be work or I'll go bananas'' she mutters to which I snigger softly.

She slides her finger across the screen and her face lights up at who has messaged her.

''Oh, it's just mum. She's said that they're having a party at the home house on the 29th of December and was wondering if we are able to make it?'' she says over her shoulder, looking back to me.

''29th? As far as I know, it should be sound. Let me double check though'' I say back to her as I pull my phone from my pocket and open up my schedule.

''I've got a photoshoot for a New Years article on the 28th, but apart from that, I am pretty much wide open. Tell your mum that we're delighted to be invited and looking forward to it already!'' I smile back at her as I turn my phone off once more and discard on the coffee table next to my feet.

All I get is a soft giggle back from Sophie as she mocks my enthusiasm. However, I love a good party and a first Christmas party at my girlfriend's parents house might be daunting for most but I am not most people. This is will be a blast! Sophie joins me again for a cuddle once she has replied to her mum, telling her that we'll be there around mid-afternoon to help them with anything that they need.

''Best get looking for a hotel room up there now, babe. Need somewhere to sleep'' I say to her as I go to grab my phone again to make a call to the hotel in Manchester that I usually stay in.

''A hotel? We'll stay with mum and dad. They won't mind'' Sophie says, pulling me back to her side.

''Are you sure? Did they say that this is okay with them? This is the first time I will be at your parent's house and I will more than likely want to have sex with you. I would rather not have your father almost willing to shoot me on the same day'' I chuckle back at her, a small amount of nerves bubbling in my tummy at the sheer thought of pissing off Mr. Brooks.

''Gary, just relax. My parents love you. I will call mum tomorrow and sort it all out. My room is still my room and there is plenty of space in the house. All will be fine'' she says to me softly in my ear, running her fingertips up and down the inside of my forearm.

''Still, I will have to get them both something to say thank you if we do stay with them. Anyway, that can be sorted tomorrow. Wanna go to bed or watch another flick?'' I smile at her as I stand from the couch and pick up the plates and cutlery to move them to the kitchen.

''Another movie and some more wine would be nice. Your choice now though, Gary. Fair is fair'' she smiles at me as she follows me into the kitchen with the bag full of empty takeaway boxes.

''Okay, I won't argue. You grab the wine from the cellar and I will stick something on. Wouldn't mind a comedy actually''

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