Chapter 71

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''You ready, my gorgeous man?'' she says from behind me as I fix my jacket lapels correctly.

Slowly, I nod my head before taking a deep breath. Closing my eyes slowly, I exhale another. I'm never like this. Never, ever! It just shows how much I care about Sophie's family liking me. I love her so much that I want to make the best impression I can on them, but at the end of the day, I am me. I'm nobody else and I don't want to be anyone else. I don't know how to be anyone else!

I feel Sophie's presence behind me which makes me open my eyes. She's level with now as she has some heels on. Her hand encloses around my wrist softly, but tugging me slightly.

''Gary, look at me. Please?'' she says softly, pulling me a little more so that I turn on the balls of my feet.

Spinning around, I come face to face with the gorgeous and beautiful excuse of human being that I get to call my girlfriend.

''Please, please do not worry about tonight. Everyone is going to love you, just like I do. Okay? Just be yourself and let everybody see how amazing, funny, sweet and caring you are. Besides, we can always get you to sing and then you'll have them falling at your feet!'' she winks at me suggestively, which I have to admit did manage to raise half a smile on my face.

I take a deep breath before looking her dead in the eye once more.

''You're right, babe. I'm just being silly. Let's go do this'' I wink back at her before leaning in and claiming her lips with mine, linking my fingers through hers and leading her out the door and down the steps to the party which is getting into full swing now.


''Gary, love. Can I get you another glass of wine?'' Sophie's mum Julie asks as she passes Sophie and me in the corner of the lounge.

''No, thanks. I'm alright, Julie. Later'' I smile at her before she tops up Sophie's glass.

''You alright, babe?'' Sophie asks me softly as Julie spins on her heel and makes sure nobody else is in need of more wine.

''Yeah, absolutely great. Just don't want to get too drunk that's all. Especially since we are yet to eat. After the food, then that's a different story'' I wink at her just as the smell of cooked food wafts through the house from the kitchen.

''Oh, that smells lovely. What's your mum done for the food?'' I ask her.

Shrugging her shoulders, she leans back to try and look through the door to the kitchen.

''Not sure actually, but knowing Mum she will more than likely have gotten caterers for tonight. Don't get me wrong, she loves cooking and is superb in the kitchen, but for this many people I think that catering is the only way to go''

Nodding my head silent in agreement with her, my eyes take a quick scan around the room, taking everything and everyone in. On the other side of the kitchen stands Julie, speaking to someone that looks like her sister and then another lady. Beside them stand another couple quietly chatting away about something. In one other corner of the lounge sit Sophie's dad, Paul and who I guess must be Sophie's brother. She has not yet introduced me to him but we haven't really been roaming around the party. It's a nice small crowd of people. Much fewer people than what is normally at the Christmas parties I usually attend, but I would pick this size party over the big ones any day of the week. You can actually have a conversation with people here!

''Gary! Gary, my lad. Over here''

Huh? I'm pulled my trance when I hear my name being called from the other side of the room. Looking around, I notice that Paul, Sophie's father is waving over at me for me to go over and join them. I look at Sophie shyly and she simply smiles and nods her head in their direction. Smiling softly, I put my shoulders back, take a deep breath and head over to join them.

''Gary..'' Paul begins as he stands up from the settee along with the other man.

''Gary, this is my son, James. He's Sophie's older brother''

''Don't worry, I'm not going to beat you up. Looks like you'd be well able to take me anyway'' he smiles at me as he extends a hand for me to shake.

''Phew, thank goodness. I was nervous there for a second'' I smile back at him.

''It's a pleasure to meet you, Gary. I've been a fan of music for a long time. An absolute honor to meet you in person'' he smiles once more.

''Awh, thank you. The pleasure is all mine. It's because of our fans that we get to live out this dream. Honestly'' I wink back at him before the topic of conversation switches.

''If I'm not wrong, I hear you're a Liverpool fan. Am I right, Gary?'' Paul says as we continue to have some small chit chat.

''Yes, I am for my sins, unfortunately. Not a great season so far this year, but hopefully we can kick on in the new year and buy one or two new players in January'' I say back, half chuckling at the horror show of a season we are having so far.

''What about yourselves? Two Manchester fans, yeah? Blue or red?'' I tease them slightly.

''Red I have to admit'' James replies.

''But Dad is more of a casual fan, aren't you? Doesn't take it that seriously. Neither do I really, but I'm worse than he is'' he chuckles as he watches his father roll his eyes as he goes on about the football.

Laughing slightly, I nod my head in agreement.

''I know what you mean. I follow Liverpool, but with the schedule the last few years, I've not been to many games. I would love to get to more if I'm being honest''

''Understandable, Gary. The schedule must be hectic now with the new album and I'm sure you're going to be going on tour, right? Have you announced anything yet about a possible tour?'' Paul probes me slightly.

Laughing a little louder this time, I notice Paul and James smile a bit wider also.

''Erm...nothing is finalized but we are getting closer each day. We're getting more dates every week so it should be ready to be announced early to mid-January. Well, hopefully'' I laugh back at them just as we're interrupted by Sophie coming over to join us.

''Sorry to interrupt your fun, boys, but dinner is ready now so whenever you want to grab a plate and join the queue'' she says softly as she slides an arm affectionately around my waist.

''Oh, great stuff. I'm famished. Come on James, let's get some food''

''Sure thing, Dad. Let's go'' James smiles at his dad as he wraps his arm around his father's shoulder and leads him off towards the food table.

''Ye look like you were having a good time. I'm glad you're getting along'' Sophie says she rubs her hand up and down the bottom of my back slightly.

''Yeah we were having a great chat. Just a bit about music, football and then they quizzed me about the tour. Told them as much as I've told you. It's nearly finished but we're just waiting on a few more dates to be secured and we should be able to announce it in about a fortnight or so'' I smile back at her.

''How is my girl anyway? You having a good night?'' I wink at her making her blush immediately.

'I love how much of an effect I have on her'

''Yeah, having a lovely evening. Good catch up with Mum and my Aunt Jane. Haven't seen Jane in a while so it's great to catch up'' she smiles up at me before leaning in to whisper something in my ear.

''Although, the night will only truly begin when the lights in my room go out and I get that beautiful body and cock all to myself. Eat up, Gary. You're going to need your strength for tonight, babe'' she says before kissing my ear and turning to leave, not before she 'accidentally' grazes my cock through my suit trousers.

'Fuck, how am I meant to get through this evening now? Wine, lots more wine'

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