Trouble Yet Indispensable (Prologue)

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Dear J,

When times get rough for me, I want you to hold my hand. When my mind was already crowded, I want you to give me wisdom. When I'm afraid, I want you to give me peace. When my heart is holding grudges, I want you to remind me about love being indispensable. You promised that You will never leave me right? I trust you.


"What's that, Ayen?" I hid my letter behind my back so that my best friend won't read it.

"I wrote a love letter." I giggled.

"For me?" He excitedly asked and tried to snatch my letter away.

"Of course not! This is for my first love." I saw him pout his lips so I pinched his cheek. He's so cute with his chubby face.

My dad fetched me after school with my older brother. We headed to the park and there we saw my mom with my little sister setting up a mat and food. Yey! Family picnic!

"Dad, can you buy me a balloon please?" Little Shayne told dad with a pleading look. Dad smiled at her and nod. They bought two balloons and she gave me the other one. I thanked her after.

"Waahh! Your balloon is flying away!" Shayne exclaimed almost crying. I smiled at her and patted her head.

"Don't cry. I intentionally let it go." She's confused with my answer. "I tied my letter for Jesus on its thread." That explanation calmed her. She's so cute four year old girl.

"Will it reach Him?" She innocently asked.

"I hope so."


"Argh! You'll pay for this you little btch!" I smirked at him. He throw punches to me but none hit me. Weak tss

"Pay your ass, moron." I said as I slit his neck. I left his dead body on the middle of this forest. "It's done." I said to the other side of the line.

I stare at my bloody sword as I lean upon a tree. I killed again.

I sighed and closed my eyes to rest for a moment.

Kuya, you could see me right? I am now a murderer like those men who murdered you. But I won't stop until I find them. I'll take revenge for you.

A cold wind answered me. Something hanging on a branch of this tree caught my attention so I stared on it. When the wind blow again, I realized it was a popped out balloon but there's something tied on it. I climbed the tree to get it. It seems like it was here for a long time but as I open the small plastic with a paper inside, the writings didn't even fade.

My precious child,

How are you? How's your heart?
Can I tell you something? I miss you.

I've been looking forward to spend sometime with you again. I miss your cute little voice sharing your endless stories to me. I've been looking forward to see those giggles again as you remember my promises to you.

You see, I understand your pain, I understand your confusion, I understand your anger and frustration, I understand your tears. And I care for you. I didn't abandon you, and never will I leave you nor forsake you.

Beloved, do not doubt my love for you because that's the truth that this world is concealing. You are my precious pearl, the apple of my eye. I saw the pain in your eyes and your heart is broken but I wanted you to know that you're still beautiful to me. Do not give up, I'm here for you. I will heal you and restore you.



Many people say it's just a trouble that hurts many people. When you love, you will always get hurt, you will always cry. Why? Because you loved.

But what really is the meaning of love?

A cold-heartened girl, a trouble maker, a gangster, a killer and a backslider. She knew love and she once loved, but things changed as time passed by. Why? Perhaps because change is the only permanent thing in this world.

Oftentimes we fall, oftentimes we stumble, everyone does because we're still human. But who are we to judge if people slip away with their faith or who are we to judge if people do not have the same faith that we have?

Must be someone who happened to be here accidentally. But perhaps it wasn't an accident really. This fiction was made for you.

This is story is just a product of the author's imagination which sometimes become part her dreams. So yeah, this is obviously fiction inspired by people's testimony around her and hers as well.

Dear readers, I won't plug to any site (just on my wattpad profile) so if you happen to reach this story, it's God who brought you here. My prayer is that as you read this story, it will minister to you may you be a nonbeliever, or new to Christianity or a Christian already for a long time. Let's use this podium to be an instrument to share His Words.

"He must become greater; I must become less." (John 3:30)

To God be the highest glory.

Ps.: Oo nga pala, puro kajejehan lang to so read at your own risk HAHAHA!

Sincerly yours,

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