Chapter 32~ Moving?? Part 1

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Tris POV
"Tobias.. Yes. Yes I'll move in with you!" I Say and the words shock me a bit at first too but I'm happy. He grins widely and pulls me into his embrace. I'm happy, he's happy. Our life's taking a new turn. Then a thought comes to mind and I sit up. "What is it?" Tobias asks me. "My parents, what do I tell them?" I ask. He stares at his shoes and I stare at him. "Just be honest." He says and I nod. I know mom will be fine with it but my father.. I'm not sure.

"I can't believe we're really going to live in this place!" I exclaim and he chuckle softly. "Yea. Just you and me." He says and kisses my cheek.

*******time lapse******
After snuggling on the couch I told tobias that I was going to go tell my parents. He insisted on driving me home and dropped me and my car off and walked back to his house. I entered the living room where my parents where completing a puzzle. (I know.. Fun parents right?!) "Mom. Dad. Can I talk to you?" I ask and they light up when they see me. "Of course dear what is it?" My mother asks happily. I take a seat in one of the chairs facing both my parents. I take a deep breathe and let it out.

"Um.. I don't know exactly how to start this.. But I'm moving out. And I'm moving in with four, he bought an apartment." I say and my mother comes and hugs me. "I'm so happy! I'll miss you of course but this big exciting news!" She squeals and I'm glad she's on board. "This is big news. Too bad that it's just news and that there will be no action." My father says sternly. "Dad.." I start but he cuts me off. "Your too young. He's a boy and your moving in with him! How do I know that you won't be..." He says not finishing the last bit since he knows that I know what he means. "Dad. Trust me! Can't you have some faith in me?! And I'm not too young! I'm graduating in the spring!" I say and he just keeps staring at me.

"Beatrice I trust you but that boy.." "Is the best thing that has ever happened to me! He's a gift sent from above to me! I need him as much as he needs me and you can't stop me." I scream and my father stands up. "You will not..." "I won't what? Scream? Yell? Raise my voice?!" I say loudly cutting him off. "You can't control my life forever." I say and I see my fathers face soften a bit. My mother leaves the room silently. "I'm just trying to hold on to the little I have left of you." He says and I feel guilt piling up. "Bea.. Your my little girl. I have to watch you grow up but I just want you to be my little girl again. The one who couldn't stay away from me, the girl who had to sleep with a shirt of mine while I was on a business trip so she wouldn't miss me as much. The girl who said I love you to me every day." He says and we are both crying. I run and hug him. "I'm still you little girl." I whisper and he kisses my head.

"You can move. Just.. Be careful." He says and I thank him and go to my room. But as I'm climbing the stairs I hear him whisper "You'll always be my little bumble bea."

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