Chapter 35~ Can't live without you

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Tris POV
I wake up the next morning with a sore heart and sore neck from laying in a bad position. I get up and shower, it takes off the dirt but not the pain. I change into denim shirt shorts and a lacy cream tank. I french braid my hair and put make up on. I sit in my bed and I take my promise ring off and let it stare back at me. As bright as the stars.

Tobias does love me he just made a mistake, a drunken mistake. Am I the one throwing away the forever?? Am I the one causing all the extra pain? I love him with all I am.. He's given me more than anyone has ever given me before. There's only one tobias eaton in the world and I'm the one that got to say he was mine, am I ready to let him go? To let him leave my life like that?

••••Tobias POV••••
I wrote Zeke a note saying where I'm headed, I didn't tell tris because she's mad at me as she should be. I f***ed up and I can't re patch that. While tris was in the shower this morning I went in the bedroom and packed my things. I left Shortly before she came out, I bought a last minute plane ticket and I'm flying back home. I don't want to leave but I made my choice and wrecked my life because of it. I'm at the airport waiting for my flight to be called, I'm flipping through picture on my phone of us. It's probably a bad idea but I don't care. There's ones of us hugging, laughing, kissing and just in love with each other. "Flight A14" I hear over the intercom, that's me.

[[[[[[Tris POV]]]]]]]
I run out of the room almost slipping on the floor and see everyone in the kitchen except for tobias. "Where is he?? Where is he?!" I demand. Tears still soak my face but I don't care. Most people don't know then Zeke comes forward. He hands me a note.
I'm leaving, taking a flight back. The 9:00 flight. Thanks for everything and if you could.. tell tris I love her. I love her more than my existence. Thanks.
A tear hits the paper and I shove it back at Zeke and run out. I jump into the car and start it up. The clock says 8:58, I can't miss him. I speed there and I'm surprised I'm not pulled over.

I park and sprint, I look at every line and every place he could be. I check the flights and times and see the 9:00 for Chicago, boarding now and gate 6. I sprint there and run into people on my way. The line curves all over but I spot him, he's holding his ticket and luggage and is second in line. "Four!" I scream. People give me crazed looks and looks that tell me shut up. "Four!!" I yell louder and he turns. His eyes widen when he sees me. The ticket lady waits for him but he doesn't notice.

I run up to him since he seems frozen in place. I drag him out of line and the man behind him moves up. "Tris.." He whispers. "Tobias you can't leave! You can't go." I say crying. "But I cheated. I fucked up!" He says and he's getting closer to crying too. "I don't care. Yes you hurt me but tobias it would hurt more if you left." I say and he wipes away a tear of mine with his thumb. The touch sends a spark through me. "I love you. And I promised to you a forever, I'm not ready to give that away. I can't live without you." I say and he drops his bags. He takes my face in his hands and our lips meet.

How I needed this, how is wished for this feeling all through the night. He pulls back. "I'm not getting on that plane." He says and I smile. "Thank you." I whisper and I don't even know if he heard. "I love you ." He says and I know I heard that. We kiss again and I can feel some eyes but who cares. I have him back, I have my tobias eaton back.

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