Chapter 52~ Secrets???

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Tris POV
It's Saturday so the girls and I are going to the mall, the guys went to some sports game.

"So are you guys excited for prom??" Chris asks us while we're looking through racks of clothes. This is the seventh store we've been in and we are weighed down by bags. "Yes! I can't wait to wear a beautiful dress and feel like a fairytale princess!" Marlene gushes. "Me too. Except for that kind of dress, and the fact that this little girl could be big in my dress." Shauna says pointing to her pregnant belly.

"How about you tris??" Marlene asks. "I guess. How do you guys even know that your men will ask you?" I say. "If they don't, we have ways of making them." Chris says while looking at a pink blouse. "Four will totally ask you." Shauna says. "Why do you think that?" I ask. "Cause you're super adorable!" Marlene says. "Yeah what she said." I laugh. "Maybe he will.. Maybe he won't!" I say and go to try on.

•••••••Tobias POV••••••
The guys and I get home from the game and we're at the apartment. I miss tris but it's nice to get some guy time. "So you asking tris to prom?" Zeke asks walking up to me in the kitchen. Uriah and will are in the other room arguing over a channel. "Well.. I mean yeah. Definitely. Who else would I take?" I ask starting to get defensive. "No one! I was just asking. I'm asking Shauna sometime soon so she can get a special dress for the baby bump." He says. "How?" I ask.

"Oh I'm going to take her to her favorite spot, which is a hill that you can sit on and watch the stars. I'm going to make a path of red rose petals since it's her favorite." He says. "Cute. She'll say yes for sure." I say. He nods and goes to help the guys figure out a channel. I walk into my room and I see tris's phone laying on her dresser, I'm surprised she forgot it. I'm about to walk out when it lights up. I don't normally go read other people's texts but it could be important.

Hey tris! Can't wait to see you tomorrow and have some fun. Luv Ya!

Who the hell is this guy?? Is tris cheating on me? No. No! She wouldn't! Right??

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