Chapter 40~ A forever + a forever

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Tris POV
Tobias drives and all is silent, the radios off and neither one of us are talking. It doesn't bother me though, with our relationship the silence we share is nice. Peaceful almost. He parks and we get out, we are back at the apartment which I don't mind at all. We take the elevator up to our room and he enter first and I follow. When I get in what I see is breathtaking. There are lights stung from the Celling lighting up the entire living room into the main area. There's soft music playing and the stars are visible through the window.

"Tobias." I gasp looking around. "I thought we'd have our own dance together." He says holding out his hand. I take it and he pulls me over to the living room. His arms snake around my waist and I hold onto his neck, I lean up against him and take in his scent. "It's amazing." I whisper. He sways with the music and kisses my head. "I'm glad you like it." He says and I look up. I pull his head down so his lips meet mine. It's gentle and slow at first but soon picks up pace abs intensity. The passion flows out of each of us and he guides me over to the bed in the bedroom.

He sits on the edge and I sit so i straddle him, my legs around his waist. His hand slides down my arm sending shivers throughout me. I run my hands through his hair as a slight moan escapes me. His lips move down to my neck, leaving little kisses. The feeling of his love never fades and soon his lips are back connecting with mine. I feel his fingers playing with the zipper of my dress and that snaps me back to reality. I pull back and tobias looks at me. His face shows no hurt or anger for pulling back but concern and love.

"I want to tobias.. But I can't." I say and my voice starts to crack. I feel that tears could spill at anytime. He brushes my cheek. "It's okay tris. We don't have to." He says. "But I do want to, I'm just not ready yet I guess." I say scared to meet his eyes. "Tris I will wait as long as I have to for you. I'm giving you a forever and I will wait during that forever for you. Because I love you." He says and his blue eyes make me melt. I feel a hot tear fall down my cheek, I'm about to wipe it off but tobias gets to it first. "I love you tobias. Forever." I whisper and soon we fall asleep, tangled In Each other's arms.

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