Chapter 71~ Girl in the Mirror

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Tris POV
After Tobias left, I showered and got ready because today, us girls planned to get our dresses since the boys would be out. I run out the door, remembering to take my keys and phone with me. I get in my car and drive to a fancy dress shop which Marlene had picked out.

"There's Tris!" The girls say as I get out of my car. It's a huge place, even just looking from the outside. "Come on, lets go in." I say nudging the girls through the doors. Walking in, it was even bigger and more extravagant than I had ever imagined.

The ceiling seems to be up in the sky it's so tall. Chandeliers hang everywhere, their glistening crystal making this place look like a castle.

The walls a light powder pink color, and white wooden floors. There seemed to be an endless line mirrors, and numerous large dressing rooms. "Hello girls!" I woman approaches us. She looks around forty, and has shiny light brown hair.

"What kind of dresses are you searching for today?" She asks us. I notice that her name tag says Sandra. "Prom dresses." Chris tells her and you can see the excitement wanting to pop right out of her.

"Oh! I love prom time! Follow me, Follow me." She says and we start walking behind her.

She leads us to a section that holds all types of dresses, full of different shapes, colors, and fabrics. "Look at all of them!" Shauna whispers to me. "Yeah, all of them." I mumble to myself.

Everyway you turned you would find a dress, there wasn't a corner that didn't hold one. "Look away! Try on whatever you want!" Sandra says and walks away. "Let's dive in!" Marlene says running towards a turquoise dress.

"What do you think?" Chris asks. She already picked out her dress, a long shimmering pink dress. Now she's helping me, while Marlene is doing the same for Shauna.

"I don't know, it's not really me." I say looking at myself in the mirror. I'm in a long red dress, that has sleeves and the top is covered in sequins.

"Yeah, well there's tons more." She tells me. "I found my dress!" Shauna announces as she runs over with Marlene on her toes. Her dress is beautiful, its a silvery sparkly top part with small straps, and flows down in a soft black fabric that has a slit.

Marlene's dress is a poofy shimmery purple dress that is so her.

"Tris, can you believe that you could be in that spot but instead searching for a wedding dress!" Shauna says and all the girls giggle and smile towards me.

I'm a little shocked at that remark, I hadn't ever thought about that. I mean yeah I've thought about my future with Tobias but never to each exact detail.

"I um-" I have to clear my throat just to allow the words to come out. "I haven't no." I tell them. "I have another dress to try on." I say changing the topic. I go back into the peach colored dressing room and grab the next dress I had chosen.

It was strapless with a sweetheart neck line. A golden sparkle belt, with a white top and the bottom flows black. I put it one and look in the mirror before showing the girls. It flows and clings on me all in the right places, and shows off the little beauty I have.

That makes me think about Tobias, and how he always tells me that I'm beautiful and when I object, he'll fight the fight of telling me how really I am beautiful. I smile thinking of him.

This is the dress. This is the dress. This is the dress.

We left awhile ago and I got home about an hour ago. I changed into one of Tobias's shirts and a clean pair of purple cotton underwear. I walk out into the kitchen and tie my hair up into a messy bun. I grab a pan and pot, turn the stove on and start cooking dinner.

I've been at it for about twenty minutes when I hear the door open and close. "Hey babe!" I hear Tobias's voice call out. He walks into the kitchen with a smile. "Hi." I say and he bends down to kiss me.

"What are you making?" He asks leaning against the counter beside me as I stir the broth. "The recipe there." I say pointing to the crumpled piece of paper on the counter behind him. "mm, sounds good." He says.

"Did you get a suit?" I ask. "Yes I did. And I must say that I look sharp in it." He says all proud. "Careful. Don't let it go to your head." I say poking his chest. He laughs.

"Did you find a dress?" He asks. "Yes. And I love it." I tell him. He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. "I'm sure I'll love it." He says. "You know how I knew it was the dress for me?" I ask. "No, why?" He asks, his cheek pressed against my cheek.

"Because when I looked at myself in the mirror with that dress on me, I immediately thought if you." I tell him honestly. I can feel him smile against me.

"I love you." He whispers. This time I smile. "I love you too." I say back. "I'm going to go shower, and you finish here." He says and walks off into the bedroom.

I finish up and dish it up for us. while Tobias went to shower, and change. "Here" I say handing him the plate. We take a bite at the same time and I'm afraid to look at him.

"This is-" I cut him off by finishing it for him. "Awful." I say. He laughs and I hide my face in my hands.

"Hey." He says and turns my stool so I look at him. "I'm a terrible cook." I say blushing bright red. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Let's go out." He says.

"Yeah, we're going out." I say laughing.

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