Chapter 40~ Sickness and silk

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Tris POV
I wake up and look at the clock, it's only six which is a little early. I feel like I'm burning up but in freezing. Suddenly I sprint to the bathroom closing the door and making the toilet in time. The bile comes up stinging my throat. There's a knock at the door and it's tobias, he cracks it open and sees me. He steps all the way in and pulls my hair in the worst ponytail imaginable. "You okay?" He asks and I shrug. He says he'll be back in a minute and he goes to grab something, I keep throwing up though. He comes back with a pink box, "Here." He says handing it to me. Pregnancy Test

Could I really be pregnant?? He leaves allowing for me to take it. I wait five minutes and the results pop up. Negative.

A sigh of relief escapes me, "Tobias!" I yells and he comes in. "So??" He asks anxious to know. "Negative." I say and I watch him relax. "You must be sick then." He says and I nod. He took my temperature earlier and it was a high fever. He walks me back to bed and stops me before getting in. He walks over to the closet and grabs something. "Here." He says handing me a white silk robe. "Put it on." He says. I can tell he wants to smirk but keeps it controlled. I slip my pants and tank off but keep my undergarments on. I slip the robe on and get under the covers. He kisses my forehead. "Get some rest love." He says. I smile and soon I'm out.

^^^^^^Time Lapse^^^^^^
I wake up and there's music coming from the living room and the clock already says five. I slept that long! "Look who's up! How Ya feeling sleeping beauty?" Tobias asks entering the room. "Okay. Haven't thrown up any more but I still feel pretty bad." I admit. "Well the school was fine with you being home and now I'll take your temperature again." He says making his way over to me. He puts it under my tongue and waits for the beep. He pulls it out and look it over, "It went down some." He says and I nod. "I'm hungry." I say and he laughs. "Come on."

He takes me to the kitchen and has a bowl for me. There's a small vase filled with water and a few yellow daises. "Aww." I say hugging him and taking a seat. "See I can be romantic.." He says while pouring soup into the teal bowl. "Who said you aren't romantic?" I ask and he laughs. "The soups good." I say and he does a small happy dance. "Good. So you don't feel like your going to.. Die??" He asks with a concerned and sarcastic look plastered on his face. "No. Not yet anyway." I say. He laughs, "Well good thing I know cpr." He says and wraps his arms around me, locking me in a loving warm prison.

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