characters and intro

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This story is based on love ,emotion and trill...
Lets start woth intro

#DP:Durgaprasad maheswari head of the family,strict and loves his family and children

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#DP:Durgaprasad maheswari head of the family,strict and loves his family and children... loves both son adarsh and laksh..
#Ap:Annupurna maheshwari dp wife loves family and loves her both children more than ..loves both son adarsh and laksh ..

loves both son adarsh and laksh

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#Rp:Ram prasad maheshwari . Dp brother his brother blindly ..kind and sweet loves family and children ..

#suju: sujata maheahwari ... rp wife ..kind and sweet love family and children ..treat all children equal always support her son sanskar ..

treat all children equal always support her son sanskar

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#Adarsh maheshwari...elder son of dp and ap ..always follow fathers path ...
#parineeta maheshwari: adarsh wife and elder dil of ap and dp ..

#parineeta maheshwari: adarsh wife and elder dil of ap and dp

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