part -31

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Let start:
Its evng swasan was sleeping in each other embrace . sanskar woke up and saw his life sleeping peacefully ..he kissed her for head due to swara opend her eyes and smileed seeing sanskar ..
San: slept well ..she nodded and cuddle more on him he chuckle seeing her antic ..after some time both got fresh came down we’re all are sitting in living room ..both came and sat with them.
Swa: sanskar let’s go out ..
Uttra: Han bhai .let’s go to shopping .
Ayu: u girls never get tired of shopping …
Utt: ayu bhai u never told this when nandu ask u for shopping.. ( guys uttra and nandini are classmate.)
All laugh and ayu feel embarrass..
San :OK guys now leave this ..I have one surprise for u all.
Swa: surprise woo ..what is that ..tell na.
San: shona its surprise how can I telll u and I m seeing ur new shades.
Swa: still gave to see my more shade mr sm
San: is that Mrs sm .
Suj: uff u both fight in ur bedroom .sanskar tell what is that surprise .
San:mom wait ..he took his cell and called some one.
San: hello everything us ready ..
Op:yes sir .
Sanskar: ok…so guys let’s go
Swa: where
San: dnt u wanna see surprise ..all get up and went out sanskar took all garden area.
Swa: sanskar what is this ..nothing is der.
San: wait my dear wifey ..all are seeing here and der bt got nothing so all stood silently and seeing sanskar as they will kill if he didn’t tell..soon they heard a voice from back
SURPRISE… All turn back and shock tear of happiness is coming ..ram was first to recovered from shock.
Ram: sonakshi aryan .
its sonakshi and Aryan ..
Sonakshi came took blessing from sujram.
Sona: mom dad hugged I missed u them ..tears are not stopping ..y not their seeing there daughter after 5 years ..soon she broke the hugg
Sona: how are u.
Sujram: we r fine beta ..we missed u too..she went near shomi. Took blessing
Sona: maa ..she hugged her .
Shomi: sona my baccha ..hw r u she kissed her for head.
Sona: I’m fine maa..she went near dida took blessing and hugged her .
Sona:hw r u dida.
Dida: I’m fine beta hw r u .swasan and ayush are standing and seeing there parent happy after long time ..sona went near.
Sona:Won’t u meet me shona
Swara hugged her .
Swa: hw r u bhabhi .
Sona:I’m gud and hw r u .
Swa: I good .
Sona: hey ayu hw are u .
Ayu: I’m fine Bhabi they both hugged …( guys when swara ayush learned the truth from then they talk sona Aryan on Skype or video call they made a great bond .)
Ayu: champ won’t u meet ur Chachu.
Aryan:no I’m katti with u .
Ayu: y
Aryan: u havnt came to take us on airport ..u told u ll come to take me.
Ayu:bt champ I didn’t knw that ur coming bcz ur Mamu didn’t told us.
Aryan: y Mamu.
San:champ u only told na u want to give surprise to all
Aryan: o Han I forgot.
Shomi and dida are seeing him in open mouth and saw each other face.
Shomi: maa are thinking same what I’m thinking.
Dida: han shomi..
All are seeing then confusing ..sona smile and told ..
Swa: maa dida what ur talking
Shomi: shona he is u Xerox copy ..the way he is talking and making face even u do same like him.
Sona: ya maa dad and Arnav papa also said same.he is same like is swara.
Aryan: of course bcz I’m cutie bua prince na.
Swa:right my baccha she lifted him and kissed his. .even he kissed her cheeks..( Aryan call swara as cutei bua ..swara call him prince rest all call him Buddy).
All met sona Aryan .
Utt: so this is the reason bhai accepted trip plan.
San: of course my choti.
Sona:even I’m missing u I wanted to come Kolkata bt sanskar told to not come and he told me abt ur plan and I came here..
Suj: u have done good thing beta not coming to Kolkata its not safe their for u and Aryan.
Sona: bt mom dad until hw much time u ll stay with that maheshwari ..
Ram: still more beta ..I ll take my property back which I have earned with my hard work ..I ll. Take my father property on which only u all have right.
Swa: father property …
San: shona dad is not maheshwari .
Swa: what.
Ram: yes beta ..I malik son of rajender malik.
Ayu: the famous business man of that time ..
Ram: yes .dp father mohan maheshwari and my dad was friend when dp mom died then dp was one year mom took care ..after 1 year I born ..when I was 3 year my father died ..dp need mother I need Father so mom married to dp father dad made all his property my name.. When we grown up .dp started hating me ..he always take my things if I born refuse to give he complaints to his father ..he always scold me mom made ne understand make me give him my toys ..soon his jealous and hater increase when we got older ..he married to ap who is from low caste family its love marriage dp father opposed him bt he married her ..due to he got heart attack..he passed away ..ap was greedy so she make my mom do all work and she is always busy with her husband soon adarsh born then she didn’t came down .when mom ask dp abt aphe always tell he is with adarsh and she jst delivered baby she is weak made me marry Sujata after Sujata came she done all work and not let my mom work ..and mom loved sujata lot ..soon qe got to knw that sujata is pregnet .tgis is brst moment of life given her all jewelry to Sujata. This made ap fumes she made a plan made the car break fail .bcz she got to knw that mom and sujata is going to temple …bt that day sujata dint went bcz she was not feeling well so mom alone went .and after 1 hr we got news that mom died in accident .ap took all jewelry from sujata she become Malkin of house always treat sujata as servant .soon sonakshi came in our life our bundle of joy ..after 1 year sanskar born some month laksh born this case laksh is also like dp always snatch sanskar toys Sanskar being elder brother he given all his toys day we all are sitting dp came and given me paper I asked what is this he told malik property.. I refuse to sign bt he made me sign forcefully .bt his bad luck he didn’t got that property bcz he will. Get that property only when sanskar and uttra turn 18.bcz I made all property on my children name ..if in case anything happened to sona sankar and uttra that property directly goes to ashram..they took sona and uttra sign blackmailing them.sona fall on love with aditya we refused bcz he Bengali .bt she adamant that she will marry him we accepted bt dp got to knw this so he try to kill them bt they escaped and married ..dp accepted them when sona was pregnant his real motive is he wanted sanskar sign so he planed to use sona .bt adi got to knw this so they killed him after that sanskar was left house bcz their wrong allegation.. We didn’t stopped him bcz if he stay there .eans his life is also in danger ..after that u all .knw .
Swa: bt dad without sanskar sign that they willbe nit able take that property na.
Ram: han beta
Swa: then whivh property u r taking abt which u have to take that from that maheshwari.
Ram:beta when dp started business even I started my own business .bt dp company was loss so i merged my karma company with him I want to take my company back..I had given my property to them for finical help ..then I dint knw there real face knw got I want to take my company back.( guys here karma company is ram company ..sanskar company is sm company)
Suj: now leave this all let’s have dinner’s already night ..take rest
San: ok .we will go out tommrow

Soon all had dinner and slept in there room with bright smile.

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