part -12

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Recape:half truth reveal to swara

Today episode
Swara was standing in corridor and was in deep thought… sanskar came to badi and enter bose home.dida was busy in watching tv and sumi was arranging table .ayu  came frm clg and saw sanskar on door and said
Ayu: are jiju y are u standing out come lets go in .by hearing ayu sumi came and told.
Sumi: arre sanskar beta when u came . Come inside.sanskar came and his eyes searching his love which is noticed by trio .
Dida:wht happen beta searching something.?

Sanskar:no dida o ..actuly before he complete ayu told
Ayu:dida not searching something ..searching some one .hai na jiju..ayu said teasingly sanskar was emberssed.sumi
Sumi: y ur teasing my son.beta sanskar u go and freshnup ..
Sanskar : ji maa
Sumi: ayu take jiju to shona room..
San: its ok maa i ll go by my self..

Ayu: wah jiju u knw di room also
San: no ayu …ayush can i call u ayu ?
Ayu: ofcourse jiju ..u can call me anything no need to ask.
San: thank u .by the way ayu ..can u tell the way to ur di room.
Ayu:come jiju i ll show u …they both went upstairs and ayu pointed to a door .
Ayu: this is di room.
Now urs also  he smile and left..sanskar enter the room
The room was cleaned and teddy on bed ..a big photo frame of swara wall above the bed ..guitar was kept near cupboard. One side room is full covered with family pic.he was searching swara ..slow he went near balcony were he saw his love .other side laksh who was talking in phone saw swara alone on tarrace he went to talk her

Lak: i nvr thought swara u will cheat me .im happy i have nt marry u ..  ..jst came to tell u that im happy with ragini..he went frm thier . ragini who was passing by corridor saw swara  and laksh .she stood their she cant hear wt they are talking after laksh went she came to swars and she came to her ..
Ragini:hi swara hw are u …wt are u doing here..swara ignore her and
Ragini:listen swara i came to tell u stay away frm laksh other wise
Swa(anger): other wise wt ragini again u kill me.wait for the day when ur truth come out.
Ragini gulp seeing her anger bt composed
Ragini: listen swara i love laksh ..if u come near him or in or relation then i dnt fear to kill u once again..ur good luck that u alive bt this time i ll make sure u ll dead.. and coming to truth
.who will belive u ..
Swa: i ll prove u wrong and abt ur bad deed..

Rag: hahaha seriously u will prove..hw u prove that .no one belive that i only druged u and i only pushed u in river ..bcz all trust me .and u cant prove that . And me and laksh have taken our realtion laksh is mine in all way.u gt all way .. ragini smrik and left bt she didnt notice 2 pairs of eyes are listen..they are non other than sanlak.yes sanskar who came to meet swara after seeing ragini he hided behind door and laksh who came to call ragini..hided behind the pillar.swara went frm therir and came to her room .
Lak(mono): that means swara is telling truth ..she didnt eloped ..i hv make ragini truth out.i ll tell evryone now by telling he was going bt stoped by some holds he turn and shock to see person
Lak:bhai u here.wt are u doing her ( yes its sanskar)
San: i came for some work .. and wt r u dng

Lak: bhai .i have done one mistake
San:wt happen lucky
Laksh:bhai swara is innocent and he tell everything wt he heard .i m going to tell all this truth.
San: and u think all belive u
Laksh: wt do u mean
San: if u tell directly no one belive and ragini will manipulate all against u like she did to swara..
Lak:then hw i ll prve.
San:not u ..we ll prove..ok i ll call u tmrw and tell u place me there ..i ll tell my plan
Lak :ok .bt y u want to prove swara innocent
San: bcz i l….bcz i want to see u happy ..he lied and bid bye ..both left to respective place .
San(mono):bcz i love swara

In bose house.
Swa: ma im hungry plz give me lunch
Shomi came out and saw sawara alone and asked
Shom: beta where is sanskar ?
Swa: ma i told na he will not cme .. he have imprtnt meeting

Shomi: bt he came.. sumi showed by eyes.
Swa:wht ..then she turn and saw sanskar was standing behind her with smile.she to smile..he came and sat beside her.sumi serve everyone food .
Swa(wishper):thank u
San:for wt?.
Swa:frm cmg to lunch ..
San:i love maa hand food then hw i ll denied..both smile and having cute eye lock..everyone was smiling seeing them..they lost in each other eyes ..their eyelock broken by a flashlight of cell..
Swa: ayu wt ur dng?
Ayu:clicking ur beautiful memory ..see hw cute u both are looking lost in each other..swara blush which is notice by sanskar.
They all had lunch.
San:maa thank u for this delicious food.
Shomu:beta whenever u want u can come.
San: ok maa..nw i need to go ..bye
(To swara) if u want u can stay here today.

Swa:no i ll come
San:ok i ll cm at night and pick .u  bye
Swa:bye…sanskar left and all settle in hall talking..time passes  ar night sanskar came to pick swara after all Insistence he had dinner with them and both swasan left to home ..they reached home and went to thier room afrer freshnup..both slept.after swara slept sanskar came near her and  said
San:good night swt hrt .always  be happy ..i promise i ll always keep u happy  saying this he kissed her forhead and slept on couch and after he slept swara  opend her eyes  and saw sanskar and thought
Swa:y he is being so nice to me..y he always  care for . Should i belive maa ..while thinking she also doze off

Precape:swasan and laksh plan to expode ragini

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