part -17

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My story starts where swara and ayush got to knw the truth about singhania family...
Next morning sanskar dropped swara to badi and he left for USA ..
Swara enter the badi ..there she saw gadodia family ..she ignore them enter the dida house ..where she find ragini is sitting on sofa with sad face ..dida is chopping vegetables and shomi is in kitchen.. She enter the home and greeted all
Swara:good mrng all
Everyone turn to main door and all are happy .dida came and hug her ..ayush was very happy his sister his lucky champ came ..everyone is happy .ragini was seeing this all with teary eyes ..swara notice ragini and went near her..
Swara:hw are u ragini .
Ragini(teary eyes): I'm fine hw are u
Swara: good
Ragini:swara I'm sorry .
SWA:its OK ragini ..don't be sry u have done this all for ur love ..
Shomi:shone go and fresh .I will bring snacks for u .. Ayu take shona bags to her room.
Ayu took swara bags and they both went to there room .

After freshen up swara came down and started chit chatting ..
Ragini:swara were are u staying ..
All are in tensed due to this question (guys swara told everyone hide her marriage secret from everyone )swara composed her self and told
Swara: ragini I got flat trough my office so I'm staying there .
Ragini: bt swara u have ur own home y u stay in flat .
Swara:ragini badi is so far from my work place so I stay der .
Ragini:then u stay alone der .
Swara:no ragini I'm not alone ...
Ragini: then who else with u there ..all are tensed with ragini question swara was determined that she will answer all questions very bodly bcz she don't want to stuck in this and ragini to knw her marriage truth ..she is fearing if any one mouth then its a prblm..she is cleverly given all answer .
Swara: I have my friends .. Like this swara given all answer and ragini is satisfied bcz swara didn't take time to answer her our thinking what to answer.

Here sanskar reached USA ..he directly went to his sm office . it is branch of sm groups ..wer the original sm group is in Kolkata ..he entered in office with attitude ..all employees stood and greeted him ..he just nodded and went in cabin ..followed by his pa John.

Here swara was sitting in her room and reading books.. Actually she was pretending to reading the book .but she is feeling sad and missing sanskar..she was confused with her feeling .when she was in thought shomi came and saw swara lost in thought ..she called her
Bt swara was in deep thought she didn't heard her ...shomi smiled and went near her and kept hand on shoulder.
Shomi: shona.
Swara thought was broken se saw her mother staring .
Swara: maa when u came ..
Shomi:then only when ur dreaming abt sanskar
Swara: maa ..and turn her face shyly
Shomi:are wah my daughter knw how to shy also . .I thought she only knws reading books and doing work ..
Swara:maa .u came here any work.
Shomi : no just came to see u ..she sat beside swara.
Shomi:shona I wanted to ask u something.
Swara:maa from when u started to taking my permission. U can ask anything when ever u want
Shomi:shona beta I wanted to ask u .
Before shomi ask ragini came there
Seeing ragini shomi stopped ..ragini saw them asked
Ragini: sry I think I came on wrong time and disturbed u both.
Shomi:no ragini its nt like that..
Ragini:I came to call u for dinner.come have dinner ..both nodded and went down ..
All sat on dinning table ..ragani was serving ..
Ragini :ayu take this kheer spcly I made for u .
Listing ayu from ragini all saw her..
Ayush:I already told u don't call me by that name ..only my loves call me that and thanks for u kheer bt I dnt eat food which made by u. ..
Ragini (tears):i m nothing to u
Ayush:yes ..u r nothing to except enemy who try to kill my sister.
Ragini: ayush I already asked forgiveness for my mistake .
Ayush:wah mrs ragini maheshwari ..u asked forgiveness what a great work .well done i ll never forgive u .my heart is nt big like my di who easily forgive everyone ..even the person who tried to kill her.and nt just mistake u done ..
Its a crime which I ll never forgive ..u tried to hurt my di ..who is everything to me .ayush burst out his all anger ..
Ragini :bt ayush before she tell swara shouted ..
Swara: enough ..stop it ...ayu calm .and ragini I request u plz leave him ..if he dnt like then dnt call him by that name .. Ayush left table in anger ..swara felt bad for his bro and she to left . dida anger rise to peak
Dida:now happy .my both children havnt ate anything ..y can't u stay away from our life ..nw enjoy ur victory saying this she to left only ragini and shomi present there ..ragini was going to talk shomi bt .
Ragini: maa ..before she say .shomi stood and told ..
Shomi:have u dnr and go and rest in guest room u must be tired .saying this she to left ..ragini was Alone and feel bad she ran from there crying ..
Here after meeting sanskar went to his mansion ..he directly went to his room he freshed and sat on couche and opened his laptop ..he was doing his work he is least interested in it ..he was missing swara ..soon he took his cell and called her ..
Here swara was in washroom and ayush was sitting on her bed reading his notes ..just then swara mobile ring he saw its sanskar call so he picked ..
Ayush:hi jiju
San:he ayush .hw r u?
Ayu:im fine and hw r u?
San:I'm too fine ..
Ayu:jiju di is in Washroom .any impt work
San:no .. its k then they talked randomly then swara came out .ayush hand over mobile to her. And left ..she didn't knw that sanskar is on call
shomi came so she just holded her mobile in her hand.
Shomi: shona I wanted to talk u .
Swara who forgot about call .
SWA:ya maa tell
Shomi:shona y u want hide ur marriage
Swara:maa u knw na hw marriage happen.
Shomi: bt shona
Swara:ma no if buts .I knw u wanted me to settle bt maa after sanskar return I ll give him divorce and I dnt want that society again taunt me ..rise finger on ur upbringing .. If they get to know im divored they surly make scene and gadodia family will surly talk nonsense ..I dnt have that much energy now ...I cant bear any word against u ..
Shomi: bt shona y u want to give him divorce ..give him one chance ..surly u ll start loving him.

Swara (sad smile); wt is use of this maa ..if I fall for him then also this divorce will happen ..bcz here if I love him or not it dosnt matter ..bcz he ll never love me .bcz he already love some one. Maa his love is true is waiting for that girl from past 7 year .I must say she is lucky .
Shomi came near her and carses her hair .
Shomi:idnt knw abt other bt I'm lucky to have daughter like u ...god will make everything OK sleep tmrw u have to go to CLG take this juice u hvnt eaten anything Drink this ..I ll give ayush also. .

Saying she kissed her for head and left .here sanskar who was on call heard everything. And he disconnected the call..

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