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Sujram uttra along with Shamu Kaka reached sm mansion ..servent kept their luggage in their respective rooms.. Sujram and uttra came and sat and narrated all incident which happened in mm..
Ram: so what next.
San:nothing Dp have proud Bcz he is marvadi samaj head.. That title will be snatched and Mr gadodia will be job less.. He told his plan to everyone..
Suj:wow it will be fun..
Ram:when u ll come Infron of media..
San:soon dad and that day maheshwaris all chapter will be closed... Now we will start with small shock.. Next week on project they will get biggest shock the ground will slip under thier foots and  for gadodia also it will be equal..
Dida:what do u mean..
San:next week badepapa and Papa are coming here and they will permanently ..
Shom:beta be careful  if again they harm sona or Aryan..
San:no maa  they will not..dont worry I will be always with Di..  And one surprise is coming for my jaan. He told seeing swara.. But she didn't reacted.. She is sitting quietly which pinched everyone Bcz when all family spend time swara was most talkative person who enjoys family time but today she is silent...
Suj:sanskar take Shona to room she must be tired.. I will send ur  dinner to ur room when it will ready..
Suj:what no beta.. What happened.
Swa:mom don't send food to room we will come and have with u all..
Suj:but beta u r not well..
Swa: no mom I'm fine. .
Suj:ok go and take rest when dinner is ready I will call u..  Swara nodded ..she stood to go but loose her balance and fell on sanskar.. Both had eye lock.. Ones eye is showing concern, love were others showing fear and pain.. Sanskar heart pinched seeing his jaan.. He made her stand properly and picked her in his arm.. Swara encircled her hands around his neck and kept her head on his chest... Everyone adore their Jodi but sad seeing swara condition.. Both swasan went to their room
Suj:my child  see how pale she became..
Shom:u never saw my Shona like this.. That bastard snatched my Shona smile..
Dida:dont worry one day their smile will be snatched  they will cry..
Ram:ya maa is telling correct.. Everyone is tired  I think u all should take some rest.. Everyone agreed and went to their room..
In swasan room
Sansakar placed her on bed and he to lied beside her.. Swara hugged sanskar.  He caressed her hairs swara was tired so sleep take over and she slept.. Sanskar saw her sleeping covered her with duvet and slept hugging her...
Here in mm
As soon Sujram left..
Ada: papa we have to do something..  Now this old man also not in our hand  and Bcz of this laksh stupidity sanskar is angry we  will loose this property.
Lak: bhai what i did.. What my fault.
Adr: who told u to force swara  now  will not able  to  take sanskar signatures... Can't u wait until we take his signature now see ur studpidy we r in trouble..
Lak: it's not my fault and I didn't know that swara is sanskar wife.. And don't blame me for anything it's always me who helped u when u were dealing with sm Bcz I took all information from sanskar..
Adr: Ya but now we don't get any project Bcz now sanskar will not tell u bid amount and anything regarding project.. Both Adarsh and laksh started to argue.
Dp: stop..y r u arguing..
Adr:then what shall I do papa how we will get property..
Lak: but papa it's not my fault I always brought sanskar sign by fooling him.
Dp: ya that only I'm thinking  y every times property registration getting cancel when we're have all papers ready and signed..
Adr:now it is impossible to get his signature. But till now he gave sign but now he will not give bcz now he is angry on laksh...
Dp: now only way to get his sign is that laksh have to apolize him..
Lak:what ...no I'm not going to apologize..
Dp: u have to we don't have any other way.. Tmrw u will go and apologize him.. Bcz  not only property but  we have project in his hand.. Next week  sm group and singhania group of company have project which is very big deal if we get that  then our company will be in top list.. Now we are loosing everything if we loose this deal then  our company will be close.. So for that u r going to apologize and if we get this deal  I promise  that  I ll  get u swara.. And I will make u marry ur gf mansi..
Lak:really ..
Dp:yes if we get this deal  it is easy to ask mansi hand for u....
(imagine mansi from this serial)..
Ap: and what about ragini and child.
Dp: nothing let her deliver baby. If the baby is boy then we will keep baby and if girl then along with ragini we will end thier chapter..
Lak: but papa  u r u keeping this baby  I don't want it finish thier chapter now only na..
Dp: Bcz  my father have made his 20 percent of property on his 1st grandchild name..  Paridarsh can't be parents  now only urs and sanskar child will get this property.. This hurt Paridarsh Pari saw adarsj and left to room Adarsh also left..
Ap: but swara also pregnant then ram will surely Ask for property... We have to do something..
Dp: ap tell Parvati gadodia to kill her baby..i knw that lady will do anything for her granddaughter happiness.. They all planned for killing swasan child and taking sign ....unaware of that they are calling thier destruction ...
In badi
Parvati Is shouting due to pain.. Ragini is applying her ointment and shekar sitting holding his red monkey face...
Par:ayee..Haye meri kamar ..that sujata and bengalan broke my back..
Rag:dadi who is that sanskar.
Par:i dnt knw I never saw him before but I guess he is Sujram son..and I heard they thrown him out of the house Bcz he molested his bhabi pareenita..
Rag:what ..i ll not go there if he do that to me means.. Dadi I'm scared.
Par:dont worry ladoo he is not staying der and I ll not let anything to do... But I'm thinking if he is Maheshwari then his wife also dil of maheshwari that is swara... This girl never let my ladoo live peacefully.. See shekhar how that girl again came in our ladoo life...
Rag:dadi if again she snatch my laksh ji then what can I do..
Oar:dont worry ladoo I ll not let that happen and ap ji also there na I will talk with her she loves u lot. And now u r carrying their hier.
Rag: but Dadi swara also pregnant then surely Chacha ji and Chachi ji will ask for property.
Par: when child will not there then what they will do.. I ll make that swara suffer ..i ll make her beg.. She wanted to snatch ur happiness now I ll snatch her everything.
.. They talked useless things for some time and doing stupid planning and plotting against swasan..which never gonna happen.
It's night sujata called them for dinner.. Both got fresh and came down... Ram is sitting in head chair  sanskar beside him next to sanskar ayush is sitting.. Opposite to them beside ram uttra, sujata and Shomi... Dida is sitting opposite to ram.. Sujata and Shomi served food to everyone... Everyone is eating but swara didn't touched food.. Sujata saw and  told ram through eyes.. Ram saw swara.. And assure sujata..
Ram: sanskar  u shift to that chair let Shona sit here.. Sanskar shifted to swara palace and swara on sanskar seat..
Ram:now I will feed my daughter.. Ram took morsel and brought near her mouth.. Swara saw morsel and then ram.. She only can see love and care..  At this time She wanted someone to pamper her love her and care her..she ate with teary eyes Ram wipped her tears.. To lighten the mood.
Utt: what dad u only love Bhabhi not fair..she made fake angry face..
Ram: Oye Dramebaaz  have this  he slightly hit her head and fed her also..
San:ya Ya shower ur all love to daughters only.. Who we are to u..
Ayu: right Jiju dad  always love them.
Ram: Oye Jiju ke sale  u always tease me with this ur sujju darling.. u eat with ur sujju darling hands only and sanskar u have ur Shomi maa why I should feed u..
Suj:ram ji  no need  I will feed my handsome.. Come handsome have this .
Shomi :yes come sanskar I will feed u.. Both Shomi and sujata fed sanyush... Dida made sad face.. Both sanyush fed her and kissed her both cheeks..
Ayu: y to sad when I m there na buddy..dida fed both ..swara was little normal.. Soon they completed thier dinner feeding each other and teasing.. After dinner everyone sat and spend some time talking then went to the rooms... Sanskar got fresh and came back and swara went to  get fresh....after getting fresh swara went and sat in swing which is present in balcony.. Sanskar came with a cup of hot coffee and sat beside her.. Sanskar moved coffee mug Infront of swara.. She saw cup and moved his hand side.
San:jaan what happened
Swa: I dnt feeling t have.. U have
San: do u want anything else..
Swa: no ..i dnt want anything..she kept her head on his shoulder and encircled her hands with him.. Sanskar kissed her jointed hand. And kept his head on her head.. They sat there for sometime without talking....sanskar kept coffee aside.. Swara saw this and told
Swa:sanskar y r u wasting coffee
San:i thought we both will drink but u want so I don't feel to have ..swara saw his face and took coffee and started to drink sanskar saw her ans felt bless to have this girl in his life...she is most famous personality but she is down to earth a cup of coffee not big thing for her but she never insult food.. Sometimes he leave the food in half if he don't like or he is done but she never waste.  She drank half and given to sanskar he to drank.. Then both are  going inside  but sanskar phone ring he went to attend the call and swara came inside ..after  talking sanskar came inside he was using mobile and swara was standing Infront of dressing table she was trying to tie her hair but her hand is paining sanskar came and saw her struggling with her hair.. He kept him mobile in pocket and came and tied her hair swara smiled through mirror.. His eyes fall on her shoulder  he saw blood stain on her ..swara is watching her every expression through mirror.. She was confuse seeing his face.. Sanskar saw her made her turn holding shoulder swara hissed in pain.. He slightly side her top and saw nail marks on her shoulder..
San: jaan this marks.. Swara eyes filled with tears she bowed her head down... He made her see him and wipped her tears..
San: is this done by laksh he asked softly Bcz he knw if he get angry then she will get scared.. He is angry not on swara but on himself that he didn't protected her .He wanted to kill laksh but now his first priority is swara..
He made her sit on  bed and brought first aid kit.. He cleaned her wound she holded his hand tightly and closed her due to pain.. He applied ointment on her wound.. His blood was boiling seeing that marks.. Then he made her lay and slept hugging her... In mid night swara minds revolve morning incident she got scared and woke up shouting.. Due to her shout sanskar woke up.. She was shivering in fear hiding her face and hugging her knees .. Sanskar try to calm her but she didn't lifted her head ..due to her shout everyone came.. Sansakar opend the door.. Shomi came and hugged her but swara is not reacting ayush holded her hand and rubbed in his hands..
Uttra hugged dida seeing her Bhabi condition everyone is in tears seeing her lovely swara in this condition..
San:jaan it's a bad dream  relax.. I'm here na...sanskar told ram to talk to her.. Bcz is very close to her father and brother.. For her raj, arnav and ram are her super hero.. She always feel protected when they are with her.. Even ram love her more than her own child but sona and uttra didn't felt bad bcz they also swara lot and they are thier shomi maa fav.. Shomi move aside Bcz she knw she will be OK if ram and sanskar with her.. Ram came and sat beside her and caressed her hairs loving.
Ram:shona ..its OK beta it's a bad dream.. See we are here na..swara lifted her face hearing ram and a saw ram and sanskar beside her and ayush Infront of her.. .. She was all sweat..ayush wipped her sweat ..shomi handed water sanskar made her drink her water.. Ram hugged her she kept her head on ram chest and holded sanskar hands tightly.. Shomi was crying seeing her daughter condition sujata hugged her and console her.. After sometimes swara slept.. Sanskar made her sleep properly.. She didn't left his hand... Ayush coverd her with blanket..
Suj:ram ji I can't see my daughter in this condition..do something to that maheshwari.
Ram :dont worry suju . Until now I was calm  but they did very wrong by hurting my daughter now they will see the real Ram Malik .. Now it's late all go and take rest and let her sleep.. He kissed swara forehead and left the room..
Suju : sanskar  call me  if u need something.. Everyone caressed her head and left room leaving swasan alone.. Sanskar closed the door and slept taking swara in his embrace.. He saw swara then took his phone and called someone and ordered something..
San: Tmrw morning will be ur worst morning Maheshwari... He saw swara who is sleeping peacefully in his arm.. He kissed her forhead and slept hugging her..
In Sujram room.
Suj:ram ji  do something I can't see my daughter in this condition.. They made my sona life hell now they are behind my Shona..
Ram:dont worry suju they did very wrong by hurting my daughter now they have face the real Ram Malik.. Now come and sleep.. Tmrw maheshwari bad day starts.. Now sleep.. Both slept in their respective places .. Sujata with worried face and ram with determine face..

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