part -10

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Today episode:
Sanskar was sitting in study ..and busy in work…swara came back to take her file ..sanskar saw her and given a smile..swara also gives back slight smile..she took her file and  goes..sankar stood to keep his file ..while keeping his some files fell from  swara’s self  ..he picked all file kept it back..and move little ..somthing strik on his mind he came back to swara’ self and removed file and his eyes fall on dairy .he took that dairy and sat on the couch and start reading.

Sanskar(mono): sry swara without ur peemission im reading ur dairy i have to do this …i want  know all truth..i knw ur innocent bt i want to knw what happen that telling this open her dairy on front page it is fully decorated with thoughts and designd and written
sanskar laughed after reasing this..
After  he started to reading ..
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Today i got to knw the truth that im shekhar gadodia daughter ..i craved for my father love ..everyone tease me in school tgat i dont have father nw i got my baba..i ll unite maa and baba.
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Me ragini and laksh and ayu are mission to unite maa and baba…
We are success to unite maa baba..and now we are swaragini .. nw we are happy family bt dadi and baba dnt like ayush.
(Guys im not extending dairy very i was writing only short )
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Today i determine to ask baba and dadi reason fr hating ayu.
I asked them then for my shock ..i gt to knw that ayush is nt my real brother maa adopted him.. dadi shouted in whole badi ..everyone shock ..ayu who jst enter badi he was broken …
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All gadodia member disowed ayu and ragini also hate him..ayu left gadodia home and stayed with my love for him never change ..we both go every sunday out ..
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Laksh family came to my home alliance  he came for ragini.
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Today august  20
Today is my marrige with laksh feeling very nervous ..
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 When i  came 3 day after raglak marriage ..i gt to knw that laksh and ragini are married ..and all blame me i eloped in marrige day with my boyfriend one is beliving im..i told truth to maa and dida and ayu .. bt i hvt told that ragini loved laksh  ..
Still that day comes as my bad dream.. still that incident coming ad my bad dream .me and ragini went to do puja temple near river bank  ..after doing puja  i came to throw the flower ..i came on pool wherw ragini is waiting for me then she told she love laksh and she pushed me in river…i was helpless..
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I was in hospital some one admitted me in hospital ..i really want to thank the person…
Sanskar closed her dairy and a lone tear escape form his eyes …he immidetly he took his phone and call some one.
Os: hello sanskar
Os: what happen
San: i got swara dairy in whuch she written her marrige day incident.
Os: so what ur thinking
San: i want to prove her innocent
Os: how u ll prove
San: i ll …u dont wry trust me
Os: i trust u..
Sanskar: ok bye
Os: bye
He hangup phone and kept dairy pn shelf and came out ans saw swara was arranging dinning table he went near her .she saw him and
Swara: are swara i was cmg to call u only ..come have lunch .
Sanskar nodded and both sat fr lunch .. ther was silence sankar broke the silence
Sanskar: swara u dont want to prove ur self innocent .
Swara was shock by his question..
Swara: i dnt want to prove my self innocent … sanskar was shocked after lisetning her
Swara:i know i m innocent and god knws the truth and my family trust me thats enough for me.
San: bt i want to prove u innocent
Swara:i dont undersrand u ..u forcebly married me to take revenge for ur bro..then u talking with me with polite and now u want to prove me innocent ..why u doing this ..i want to knw .
San: i m taking revenge bt my revenge is sweet  revange ..ok i have soultion for this..u have to accpet tge condition
Swara: whts  that..Sanskar: if u prove innocent thn i will do whatever u tell.if u nt prove innocent then u have to do what ill tell..
Swara think for some time
Swara: if i prove innocemt then u ll do what i tell…
Swara: u ll be honest na
Sanskar:yes.and i knw u ll prove urself innocent i trust u .
Swara was surprised by his sentence ..he left to his room
Swara(mono): wht he told he trust me …o god i cant understand his nature ..his behaving good with me ..and he want to take revenge i cant understand..

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