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It's a beautiful morning both swasan are sleeping in each others embrace.. Due to sun rays sanskar hided his face in swara crook which disturb her sleep.. She saw her love sleeping like baby.. She caressed his hairs and think how lucky she is.. What if ragini didn't pushed her in river what if she have married that chepo laksh.. What if sanskar didn't came in her life.. She will be living a miserable life she have to bear all the taunts...but after sanskar coming in her life she started to love her life.. The care, love which she always wanted she got from him.. She always feel safe and protected when he is with her.. She was thinking all about her life.. Sanskar who already awake saw her lost got naughty idea.. He came above her to which swara toughts broke.. He started to kiss her.. Both again lost in each other.. Suddenly swara shouted and sanskar stopped kissing and saw swara who is closing her eyes. He got up and sat beside her.
San:jaan what happened. Swara didn't talked she slowly sat and holded her stomach.. Tears are making it's way.. Sanskar got panic..
San: jaan what happened.. Are u OK.. I'm sorry if I hurted u.. Swara opend her eyes and saw sanskar whose tears are ready to fall.
Swa: I'm OK sanskar don't worry.
San: then y u shouted and this tears.. And u r holding ur stomach.. Is it paining.
Swa: sanskar I'm fine.. I dnt knw suddenly I got pain in my abdomen and back.. But now I'm OK..
San:u r telling truth na.. Is it still paining..
Swa:im Ok . May be it is because of my monthly periods. She told seeing calender.. Sanskar taught may be..
Swa: I ll get fresh.. She stood but she felt again pain in her abdomen but seeing sanskar worried face she didn't reacted and went to washroom...sanskar sat checking his mails ..after some time swara came...but she is feeling not well but didn't told anything to sanskar.
Swa: sanskar go and get fresh.. I ll go and prepare brkfst.
San: no u r not well u sit ..i will order something..
Swa:sanskar I'm OK.. Don't worry.. U go now.. She pushed him in washroom.. She got ready and went down dida and Shomi already present their.. She sat and talked with them then went to kitchen to prepare brkfst along with dida.. Soon ayush and sanskar also came.. Everyone had brkfst.. In this swara is lost somewhere. Shomi saw and asked..
Sho:shona wer u lost.. Are u OK..
Swa: Ya maa.. Actually I was thinking about one case..sanskar can u plz drop me hospital while going to office...
San:u r not going to hospital. U r not well.
Shomi:what happened Shona..
Swa: nothing maa I'm fine. And sanskar is need to go.. It's emergency.. I ll back soon. Please. She pleaded him making puppy eyes which melt his heart.. He agreed.. After brkfst.. Swasan went to their work place ayush didn't went he stayed in home taking care of shomi.. Soon sanskar drop swara to hospital and went to his office.
In sm office..
Laksh came and enter the office and going to sanskar cabin but security guard didn't allowed him..
Lak: hey u idiot y are stopping me..
Sg: sorry mister outsiders are not allowed.
Lak: what the hell u don't knw who I'm.
Sg: sorry.. I don't know u..
Lak: in will complain and remove u from job.. U r messing with laksh maheshwari..
Sg: whoever u r.. U r not allow to go inside.. If u have appointment then show and go inside.
Lak:are u mad.. OK call sanskar Maheshwari.. I m his brother..
Sg: here no sanskar maheshwari is working..if u r done then go from here if sm sir see this then he will get angry..
Recp:excuse me sir please don't make noise meeting is going on.. What u want tell me..
Lak:see she knw me.. Actually miss i came to meet my brother but this idiot stopped me..
Recp:who is ur brother and do u have appointment ..
Lak: what.. U r also talking like this I'm laksh maheshwari sanskar maheshwari brother.
Recp: sorry sir without appointment we cant let u in and by the way here no sanskar maheshwari work.. So please leave.. It hurts laksh ego he started to shout on them and forcefully going to enter hearing noise sanskar came to his cabin door and saw laksh. He told his PA to handle him.. Soon sanskar PA came out side.
PA : hey what's going on.
Rep:sir this man is forceably going in sir cabin..
Lak: dev tell them they are not allowing me..tell them who I'm he told with proud.
PA :ya tell what u want
Lak: where is sanskar bhai..
PA : sorry who.
Lak:are u deaf I asked sanskar bhai.
PA : here no sanskar maheshwari works here.. Now u can leave..
Lak: what are u talking..
PA: please Leave otherwise I have to throw u out.
Lak: how dare u to talk me like this..
Pa: security kick him out and if u see him again near office then u knw better what to do.. And don't allow any outsiders without appointment it's sm sir strict orders... Security guards drag laksh out he was shouting and throw him outside.. Everyone who was outside started to laugh he felt insult and went from there.. Here in cabin sanskar was seeing everything in CCTV..
San: this is only starting Mr laksh maheshwari.. Now more is coming.. Wait and watch.. U messed with wrong person.. I ll take every tears revenge which u have given to my family.. He smiled evilly.. The devil is in hunting mood.. He took his mobile and called someone and told something.. And smirked..
San: u have hurted my jaan.. Now ur bad time start Mr gadodia.. U will cry blood Tears...i ll take every pin to pin revenge u will beg for mercy u have to pay for ur deeds... He kept closed his eyes and rested his head on chair... His Terrance was broke by call.. He saw caller ID a bright smile on his face..
San:hi di how are u.
Son: I'm fine buddy how are u..
San: good u tell.
Sona:nothing how is Shona.. Papa and chachu are worried after hearing badi incident and they both was going to come yesterday only..so we are coming next week..
San:she is fine.. Don't worry I'm there with her..and I talked bade papa and papa they already told me.. Everything will be going according to our plan.. Now maheshwari and gadodia bad time starts..
Son:thats great..now they have to pay for their every deed..
San:yes ..now laksh turn started soon Mr gadodia will be in line..
Sona:great job...its fun to see them suffering.. They have to suffer the way we suffered..
San:dont worry di they will.. Any ways I ll talk u ltr I have meeting..
Son:ya sure ..take care of Shona.. Bye..
San:bye di.. He disconnected call and soon it's meeting time.. He went to attend meeting after meeting he came back to his cabin.. Took his belongings and left to hospital...
Here in hospital
Swara operated a surgery and came to her cabin and sat she was feeling very restless..her head also spinning... Her eyes fall on calender which is kept on table she rembebred something and went out come to medical which is present inside the hospital took something and went back to her cabin... After reaching cabin she went to washroom.. After 5 min she came back.. Her eyes are filled with tears and smile on face. She whipped her tears and came out.. she came to Dr priya cabin..
Swa: hi priya.
Pr: hi mam plz come sit..
Swa: actually priya are u free now?
Pro: ya I'm free.. Is any work..
Swa: ya ..i needed to do check up..
Pri : urs check up.. Is everything OK mam..
Swa: ya I'm OK.. Since 2 day's I'm feeling very week and restless.. In morning I got sever pain in my back abdomen and now head is also spinning.. So I thought to do check up..
Pri:mam this all is symptoms of pregnancy.
Swa: Ya I have doubts Bcz I missed my periods.. So I need to confirm..
Pri: don't worry mam.. I ll take some test.. Soon priya took her blood sample and did her scanning.. She called nurse and given blood sample and told submit this in laboratory and give report soon...
Pri:mam u will get ur report soon...
Swa: OK when report will come msg me... She left priya cabin while going to her cabin she bumped someone.
Swa: I'm sorry I didnt saw u.. She told without seeing the person.
Per: no worries jaan I love when u bump in him. Hearing voices she saw the person who is non other than her cute and handsome husband..
Swa: sanskar u here..
San: ya actually my work got over was going home ane thought y not to pick u even u didn't brought ur car.. Is ur work completed..
Swa: ya ..just give me 5 mins I need to sign on some papers and I will bring my stuff.
San: ya sure.. Both went to her cabin.. Swara sign papers and saw all files.. Till then sanskar was observing her cabin.. Which is Light blue in colour and giving peace full environment.. This is first time he is observing her cabin keenly.. He came before also but never noticed.. Sanskar is roaming in her cabin and seeing all painting pictures and wallpapers... Swara saw him and smiled.. Bcz he is watching everything very deeply.. Soon knock on the door.
Swa:come in..
Dic: swara are u free..
Swa:ya doctor rohini plz come.. I was just checking reports and files.. Plz have seat..
Dr:thank u.. I came here to inform u that Tmrw new doctors will join so at what time u will be free.. Bcz u to take thier interview.. So when should we arrange meeting.
Swa: I'm free u schedule when u feel OK...
Dr:ok then Tmrw morning 11 OK..
Swa:ya sure... Then rohini saw sanskar who is seeing some pictures..
Dr: hi sanskar when u came.
San: hello aunty... I came here long time ago ..they both talked for some time until then swara completed her work... Dr rohini left the cabin.. Swara picked her belongings..
Swa: let's go. Both came outside drove to home ...while going to home swara told.
Swa: sanskar can we go somewhere else..
San:y is everything OK.
Swa:i don't feel like going home ..lets go some park or beach..
San:how about beach side lunch..
Swa:sounds good.. Both went to beach side open resturent had lunch..after that sanskar stopped car Infront of ice cream parlour..
San:what u think about ice cream party.. Swara smiled and nodded yes.. Both came out...sanskar made her sitt on car bumper and he left to bring ice cream swara was sitting on car bumper using mobile.. Laksh who was passing from there saw her he was fully drunk.. He came near her.. Swara sense someone presence and saw laksh is standing Infront of her she stepped down from car she moved back.. Laksh was coming near her.. The alcohol smell making her nuesuse... She was about to go he holded her hand and pulled her close to him.. She was struggling in his grip he tightened his grip and pushed her against car and holded her shoulder.. His nails pierched on her shoulder. Tears are coming her voice got stuck ..
Lak:u knw I always wanted to have u in my bed and wanted to enjoy u.. I wanted to hear my name when I taste u.. But u already enjoyed with someone but don't worry u r second hand but very tempting I can't resist my self.. Now I will full fill my desire he told with lust full voice.. Swara didn't had energy to push him.. She was exhausted her only hope is sanskar she was praying sanskar to come.. Laksh holded her cheeks which hurt her he came close to her she closed her eyes feeling disgusting..laksh about to kiss her but got tight punch on her face he fell on ground . Swara opened her eyes and saw sanskar was standing Infront of her like shield..Swara was very weak that she didn't have energy to stand .she sat taking support of car..
.. Sanskar holded his collar and given again tight punch he punched him kicked him black and blue..
San: I warned u stay away from her.. But u didn't listened.. Now u and ur family have to pay for this.
He pushed laksh inside the car who was lifeless body..
Sanskar saw swara who is scared he came near her sat and made her face up swara saw sanskar and hugged him.. Sanskar heart pinched seeing her life in this condition.. Sanskar made her sit in car and drove the car to badi and called sujata told to bring all mf to badi..soon he reached ... Badi.. He pulled laksh by collar and drag him inside the badi. All mf just entered the badi and gf also present their.. Sujram along with Bose family waiting for sanskar and thinking y sanskar called all.
Ap:sujata can u tell y u brought us here.
Suj: I dnt knw jiji sanskar told me to bring u all here..
Sanskar drag and pushed laksh he fell on dp legs..all saw laksh then entrance where sanskar is standing .. Ap saw his son condition and came running towards him..
Ap:sanskar what is this..
Suj:sanskar what happened beta what is this.. Y u called all of us
San:u will get to knw maa ..Sujram saw each other face they never saw sanskar this much angry and saw laksh condition they got to know one thing that laksh did something big crime.. Sujata eye fell on entrance where swara is came walking lifelessly. who is very weak and not able to walk properly ..she was about to fall from step sujata ran and holded her..
Suj:shona ..my baccha.. What this. What happened..
Swara didn't talked anything she hugged sujata and cried....shomi and dida also came running.. Ram went near her holded her by shoulder. made her sit on steps and he to sat beside her
Ram:uttu go and bring water.. Ram caressed her hairs lovingly.. Both Sujram and dida, Shomi heart pinched seeing thier lovely daughter condition.. Uttra brought water sujata made her drink.. All mf and gf are watching them confusing ..dp got frustrated.
Dp:sanskar can u explain what's going on..
Ap:sanskar why r u silent tell what do ji asking.. And y this charectelsss girl Is here.. After hearing this sanutt and sujram and Bose family got angry sujata shouted .
Suj :swara her name is swara.. By hearing this all gf and mf got scared..
Ram:sanskar what happened to Shona tell na..
Suj:ya chore tell I m feeling very restless. Sanskar went and holded laksh collar and told
San:this bastard try to force swara ...hearing this all got shocked... Ram hugged swara tightly.. Sujata was numb uttra holded her shoulder to console her.. Shomi sat with thudd dida holded her ayush was numb... Ram seperated himself from swara grip which is on his shirt.. Swara nodded no she was so scared she feel protected in her father embrace.. Ram nodded no and wipped her tears ..told sujata to hold her.. Sujata took swara in her embrace. Shomi came and sat beside her.. Ram stood and came near laksh.. And given a tight slap due to force he fell down again he holded him and slapped him continue.. Mf and gf are shock to see ram this much angry..
Ram:how dare u to touch my daughter.. Dp came and try to stop ram.
Dp:ram leave him.
Ap:tam leave him.. U ll kill him.. Leave my son.
Ram:no I will not leave this bastard... Ap came and holded laksh and hided him behind her
Ap:ram y r u hitting my son.. Just Bcz of this charectelsss girl... I knw she only provoked my son.. Hearing this ram shouted.
Ram:annapurna maheshwari hold ur tongue.. Dare u speak anything about my daughter.. What u knw about her.. She is clean like water, pure like fire.. Don't u ever speak bad about my daughter other wise take ur tongue out.
Dp:ram is this way to talk to ur bhabi.
Ram: Bhabi seriously when I didn't consider u my brother then how come she my Bhabi.. My son already warned him to stay away from Shona but he didn't listen but now he is gone... Sanskar call police.
Ap: no burden can't do this.. Ap hided laksh.
San:no dad if I give him to police then his father make him bail.. He have to see the hell.. U have proud on ur Maheshwari title and this fame now u ll loose everything..i ll make ur life hell that U beg for death..but death also not easy for u all.. Ur bad time start now... And Mr gadodia I have something for u..
He told and came near shekar and given a tight slap.. To which he fell down..he again pulled him given tight slap.. He made slap rain on shekar who was looking red face monkey due to continues slap... He sat holding his both cheeks..
Par:hey chore how dare u...
San:oye old lady want to see my dare... Actually I didn't told u na y I given this gift to ur loving son. He came and sat Infront of him touching one leg to ground..
San:This is for slapping my jaan. Bringing tears in her eyes.. Making my jaan, ayu and Shomi mas suffer.. Cheating my Shomi maa, rising finger on her upbringing, calling my jaan charectelsss so on.. Still slaps are pending I ll give u after some time..
Suj:chore even I have one balance can i also give..
San:sure mom..
Suj:shomi ji hold my daughter ..shona wish me luck.. Now see what I ll do..
Sujata stood and went near Parvati... And given her tight slap.. Then she saw here and there found broom in corner.. She tied her Saree around her waist and took broom and started to hit shekar, Parvati and laksh she started to run shouting.. Dida also joined her.. All badi members started to laugh.. Uttra was cheering her mother and dida and enjoying...ram came and sat beside swara..
Uttra:come on mom and dida fast ..she whistled..ap came to save laksh ..but sujata took her class also..
Suj:u Dyan u call my daughter charectelsss.. She started to beat so.. After sometimes suju and dida got tired came and sat.. Ayush brought juice for them..
Suj:thank u handsome.. She took juice and kissed his cheek..
San:ok enough of punishment let's keep it for later....u all are eager to knw what we have relation to Bose family.. He came near swara made her stand and encircled his hand around her waist..
San: let me introduce my special person, my love, my life, my wife swara sanskar... This is bomb for everyone Specialy gf and mf.. Now I think u don't have any confusion if u have then u can ask.. And about dad dida officially adopted him so basically dad and Shomi maa are brother and sister. We are no more maheshwari.. We didn't have any relation with this cheap people. . All start to gossip ..mf felt insulted and left.. Adarsh supported laksh Pari supported ap ..dp left angrily.. Ragini took her Dadi and shekar.. All went to their respective home..
Utt:mom dad I dnt want to go to mm. I will stay here with shomi maa..
San: no one is going to mm.u all are coming with me.. That's final.
Suj:sanskar do one thing u take maa ,Shomi, ayu, and Shona with u.. Me and ram ji and uttra go and bring our stuff from mm.. And maa, ayu and Shomi pack ur bags..
Shom:no bhabi u all go..
Ram:shomi that is ur house also please come..
San:yes maa at least come until badepapa and Papa come.. Please.. After lot insist they agreed.. Swara ayu sanskar and Shomi,dida went in one car.. uttra and Sujram left to mm to take thier important belongings ..
Swasan reached home... Servant kept their bags in room.. All sat on living area waiting for Sujram and uttra.. Swara is sitting beside sanskar keeping her head on his neck and holding his shirt and his hands on her shoulder .. Ayu sitting beside swara and dida and Shomi opposite to them..
In mm
Ap is sitting and shouting due to pain same with laksh.. Both paridarsh getting irritate by thier shouting.. Dp ji roaming angrily in hall. as soon Sujram entered.. Dp stopped them..
Dp: stop there only u don't have any relation with us.. Get out from this house..
Ram :even we don't want to stay here we came here take our belongings..
Dp: u ll not take any single things from here.. Ram ignored him.
Ram: uttu go and take ur things.. Uttra left to her room and Sujram to their room here dp is shouting but it's not effectng them..
Soon trio came with thier bags and told servant to keep their bags..
Ram: shamu Kaka.. Keep this bags in car and pack ur bags also..
Dp: y his bag..
Suj:bcz he also coming with me.
Dp:no shamu will not go anywhere he is our servant.
Ram:shamu kaka is not servant he is our family I don't want to leave my any family members here.. Shamu kaka take ur bags.. Shamu kaka.nodedd his head with tears Bcz dp family always ill treated with him but sujata ram and uttra always treated him like family.. He was working here when ram was kid... He only told ram about dp murdered his father.... Ram handed papers to dp.
Ram:sign this paper.
Dp:what is this
Ram:i want my karma company back..
Dp: I ll not give..
Ram:if u will not give then I knw how to take my company back.. Meet u in the court then... Ram family along with Shamu Kaka left mm living mf in astonish and shock..

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now