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Let start...
Time flies so fast now swara  9th month started in this time everyone took her care ..
Sanskar went to office bcz of important meetong he didnt wantrd to leave her but she told to go with half hearted he went to office ..even ram, raj and sona to went office bcz its important deal..ayu and arnav went to hospital..Swara is sitting in her room  reading  magazine  suju and shomi are on kitchen ...dida and aryan were playing in garden...swara felt pain in her Abdomen..she understood its a time ..she slowly went near cupboard took bag  kept all necessary thibgs took mobile thought to call sanskar but he went to meeting so not to disturbed him shem moved to go but her leg stuck in stool and sje loosed her balance and fell on the bed ..her pain Increased ..she was trying to shout bit not able ..tears are coming from her eyes ..she slowly slided on floor in sitting postion with her knees and one hand but her all energy  is lost ..she was tired slowly slowlyshe is closing her eyes..sanskar who went to meeting Mistakely took wrong file so he came back to home..he entrred the home found no one he good panickred swars thought came in his mind he run to his room as he enter his room door he was shock to see swara who was on floor Cluthing her tummy and crying..sanskar rushed towards her .
Swa:s aa...nskar..
San: dont worry i came na .nothing will happen ..he lifted her and her took her dowb at that shomj and suju came from kitchen Preparing swara fav dish they shock to see swara in sanskar arm they rushed to him..
Suj: sanskar what happend to her
San: mom its not time to talk we should take her to hospital.
Suj: ok lets go..sanskar suju and shomi went out side ..shomi sat on back seat sankar put her on bavk seat and kept her head on shomi lap..suju sat front and sanskar drove the car..in the way suju called ram and informed about swara condition and even called arnav and told they are Bringing swara ....aranv arranged all ot and doctors..soon they reached hospital already arnav,dr rohini and ayush are waiying for them..sanskar lifted swsra nd took inside the hospital ayush brought stretcher ..sanskar put her in it  took her to ot ..dr priya and dr rohini already kept ot ready ..they to swara in rest all stood out side ..till then ram,raj,and sona to came..
Sanskar was Pacing here and dere in tension...after some times they hear a baby crying sound everyone was happy ..soon nurse came given baby to sanskar.
Nu:Cogratulation sir its a boy..sanskar took baby and kissed his forhead then everone came took baby blessed him at that time dr rohini came out ..
San:aunty how is swara ..is she ok na ...she said something which shocked everyone sanskar stumble back ram holded him raj shomi sat on bench with thudd ...
Leat of 1 year ..
SWADIYUSH mansion is fully decorated bride ..why after all its thier son marrige in 3 days from today all function will start as ..yes its ayush and nandi marrige today is sangeet .. Ram and arnav is Instructing workers  ...raj and sona inviting thier cpients .. Suju and dida instructing caters shomi arranging gift for gifts with uttra and aryan ayush is sitting silently ...bcz no one allowing him work bcz its his marrige ..
Swasan ..
Sanskar was standing near window and carrying a baby of one year who is sleeping peacefull on his father shoulder. Its is our swasan baby .. Aditya Sanskar Malik..
He saw adi face and rembebred the day when he was born .
As soon dr rohini came
San: aunty how is swara ..is she okk.
Dr:i cant say anything sanskar ...due to fall her blood is lossed  ..thank god u brought her on correct time other wise u would have baby and swara too...due to heavy loss of blood she is unconscious we have 24 hrs if she get consciousthen nothing to worry if not then she will sleep in coma .. pray to  god ..saying this she left sanskar  stumble back but ram holded him..shomi sat with thudd sona was consoling her.. ayush sat on groubd in his knees covering his face with palm suju came and hugged him..
Ayu:suju ma di ..
Suj:shh ..nothing will happen to shona sge is strong she will get well soon ..now all of u stop crying..our shona is a fighter she will never back off..stop crying ..sanskar,shomi its not time to cry ..we should pray to god..and sanskar u have one Resposbility yr son ..symbol of ur oove u shuld be strong for him..hearing this sanskar stood and went near baby whom dida was holding..he took the baby .
San: u r right mom..i will not cry ..and me and my baby never let anything happen to swara ..saying this sanskar went inside the ward he placed baby beside swara ..
San: jaan she our baby...u always wanted boy na that he will be in ur team  ..see ur wish is fulfilled now get up and take care of ur teamate..amd dont worry i will get my princess next time ..now u look after this ur naughty princess..everyone got emotional ..during her pregnency they team..girl and boy ..swara wanted boy and sanskar wanted girl..so they made 2 teams and  all decide name according to team ..swara,raj,arnav,ayush,uttra,and,sujju in one team they all wanted boy ..sanskar,ram,shomi,dida,sona  in one team they all wanted girl aryan wanted both so he was in both team...its been 3 days swara didnt got conscious..dr rohini declare swara slept in coma...but family member didnt left any hope ..like this 1 week pass but swara didnt got conscious.sanskar always tke baby make him sleep beside swara talked with her ...one day sanskar was talking with swara he got call so he made him sleep beside her went to attend call  but due to network issue he is not able to listen anythibg so he told nurse to look the baby and went out here nurse whom sanskar told to stay she to got call so she left here baby started to cry as the  hospital bed is small while crying that baby throw hand and leg dye to which baby came to end it about to fall when someone holded him on nick time sanskar who came rinning  hearing baby crying voice he was shock to see even all family member to came they to become to shock ...sanskar eyes filled with tears and smile on his face.
San: swara ..yes its swara who came on sense hearing baby crying she is mother how can let her baby cry ..sanskar ran to them he took baby abd handed to suju and made swara sit properly as she was in sleeping postion when baby fell she immediatly turned and holded baby before it touch the ground...so she was half down so sanskar made to sit her properly ..everyone is happy  that swara got concious ..dr rohini came and checked and told she is fine can take her home ..all family member left to home to arrange the grand welcome for baby and swara ..sanskar did all formalities and both swasan and baby left to home ..they reached home suju did thier arti and welcome them....after 1 week they did naming ceremony as decide boys team won so they will name the baby ....
Suju: swara its bua right to keep baby name but i want u to keep his name..
Swa:no mom its uttra and bhabi right let them keep..
Uttu:ok bhabhi we all written baby name na so give list we will choose ..evryone given thier list they all have written 20 to 30 name but swara written only one name ..
Sona: sanskar if u suggest name for baby what will  the name will be ..
Sanskar took paper and pen and written the name and handed the paper to sona ..she saw the name tears are making its way ..she saw all list and in that all have one name is common in all list and even swasan written that name only..
Suj:uttu sona decide fast which name u will keep ..
Sona with teary eyes: Aditya ..Aditya sanskar malik ..everyone had tears as well as smile on thier face sona hugged both swasan...
Son: thank u... Adi told he will come back now see he came back as urs son ..
San: ofcourse he have to come afterall he is the main cupid in our lovestory ..swasan written aditya name in the chit..raj got emotional he hugged both and blessed them.like this days passed everyone took care of swara after 3 month swara re joined hospital ..aditya was everyoune fav ..and aryan being elder brother always protect his lil brother..day passes like this ..
Present .
Sanskar was rembering that day he felt hand on his waist ..
san:it was worst day of my life . I almost lost u ..
Swa:but it is best day of our life also bcz we got our baby ..swara took adi from sanskar and made him lay on bed and kept pillow beside him ..and came back to sanskar and hugged him .he to hugged hrr back after sometime swara went down to help others where sanskar sat there doing his work and guarding adi .. After some time adi woke he took him down ...swara fed her milk ..and handed him to ayush ..ayush aryan and adi started to play ..soon its evng all decoration is done everyone   went thier to get ready ..
Here in swasan roon .swara is all ready in peach color lehenga  sanskar came out of the washroom after getting ready he was ready in peach colour kurta ..swara is making junior sm ready  but he is not letting her to wear cloths .he was crawling here and there swara got angry and sat on bed ..sanskar who getting ready is seeing everything through mirror and laughing seeing adi naughtiness ..he came to him. Adi saw his papa and jumped in his arm..
San:champ y u r troibling mumma .u r good boy na ..adi nodded is hed in yes tgen no ..
San:champ dont trouble mamma more and be a good boy and get ready ..u want to come to ayu mamu function na ..adi nodded.
San: then u hVe to wear new dress no come saying this sanskar brought adi near swara she made him wear cloths ..adi as good boy listend his papa and wore the dress .Sanskar took him near mirror made him stand on dressing table. Adi smiled seeing him self in mirror sanskar combed his hairs ..swara came and wore her jwels..
Sanskar made her sit on stoolhelped her hin getting ready adi was playing with his Reflection in mirror ..sanskar made her wear mangalsutra and filled her hair line with sindoor and kissed her forehead ..adi saw this in mirror.
He kissed on swara refelction in mirror both smiled seeing his gesture ..swara took him in her arm ..adi kissed her cheeks almost he ate her mumma cheeks ..swara laughed ..sanskar took adi and wipped swara cheeks which is full wet with adi kiss .trio went down..adi was lil bit talkinh his steady step.. They came to stairs sanskar left him down holded one hand and swsra holded his another hand ..they stepped down slowly ..adi is enjoying as swasan is making him jump from 1 step to another ..all guest saw them coming its like perfect family ..guest admire thier pairs ... Aryan came running to them ..swara made aryan to hold adi hand she holded aryan hand ..they are in sequence swara ,aryan,adu,sanskar..if anyone see them they think aryan is thier child only..even thry both treat him as thier own child ..soon they came down ..soon sangeet staeted. everyone enjoyed soon all function got over in 2 days all enjoyed specially adi and aryan ..on haldi function aryan and adi are made to sit beside ayush ..everyone came alpiled haldi to ayush ..adi saw this and in his baby languge he told to apply him also ..so suju made aryan and adi beside him ..all guest appiled haldi to them also afi is enjoying it ..even he applied haldi ayush with his tiny hands and laughed who heartdly....like this
In mahendi function both father and son applied mahendi to swara ..in one hand swasan in heart and in other hand aryan and adi in heart letter mahendi artist desiged it ..like this all function got over now its big day ...its ayudini marrige ..marrige is kept in malhotra mansion as its along with ayush - nandin  its sneha and rahul marrige as swasan and all barati they did all prepatation in eveng everyobe got ready ..
Ayush is wearing cream sherwani were nandi is wearing cream lahenga ..swasan are wearing light blue lahenga and sherwani ..aryan is wearing cream colur sherwani ..suju,shomi,dida are wearing saree ..uytra is wearing green lahenga were sonakshi is wearing yeklow lahenga ..all mens are wearing white and cream combination sherwani ..soon all came out swara did ayush arti ..sanskar and arnav heloed him to climb horse aryan made to sit with ayush ..even adi wanted to sit but he is small and hi may loose balance so sankar took him in arm soon barat left reacged the venue .dr rohini did arti already rahul and his family reached..they enter inside marrige rituals started ..both couple exachanged garland  swara did gathbandan ..then they took vows adi is enjoying as flowers petal is falking on him ..he was enjoying ..soon 7 voees completed..after that both couple made to sit ..then both groom made wear magalsutra to thier respective brides and then filled hairline with sindoor pandit declare  marrige is completed both couples took blessing all family member toom group photo ..
its time for bidai sneha and nandi cried hugging rohini ...raj came near them.
Raj:rohini ji im taking daughter to our house dont worry she will be like our other daughters .soon they did bidai ..suju,shomi,and sona already left with ram ..they arraged all grahpravesh ..
Bidai took place ..in one car swasan ayush nandini and aryan in another car raj,arnav,dida anduttra ..soon they reached the swadiyush mansion..shomi did thier arti..adi pulled arti palte with is in sanskar aram ..
Shom:han baba han i will ur arti also..shomi didi adi arti he roted his head according to arti thal rotation eveyone adore him..nandi kicked kalsh sona brought red water plate she stepped in and left her foot print..then swara brought yellow paste in plate ..
Swa: nandu do u remeber this riyuals ladt time when we did to maa..she rembered how she blurt that next hand print will be hers ..she bowed her head down Shyingling..everyone laughrd rembebring that incident...nandini put hand in yellow paste and pasted her hand print on wall..adi steuggled to putt hand in it ..swara smiled seeing his son antict brought plate near him he out hand in plate so roughly thta all paste splash some on his face some on swara face ..sanskr laughed seeing mother son face ..adi who saw sanskar laughing on them he pasted his hamd print on sanskar face ..sabskar who was laughing is shocked ...everyone laughed seeing sanskar face ..
San:u mumma ka chamca ..
Swa:sanskar dare u tell anything to my baby ..
San: see what ur baby did.
Swa: then who told u to laugh on us ..both nok jok staete.
Suju:bas stop ..both stoped thier fight ..
Suj:shomi i wonder how they both becane parents even aryan and adi dont fight like them ..both swasan felt embarrass..swara took adi and went up to clean sanskar to went ..they came back after cleaing thier face ..
Suj: so now this is last ritual .i will put ring in milk u both gave to find and the one who fibd first will be rule over other life long ..are u redy both nodded..suju put ring in milk and stir it ..after that both ayush and nandini started to search some are cheering nandini some are cheering ayush ..
Suj:common handsome fast ..suju cheers for ayush ..ram got jealous ..
Ram:common beautiful we will win..everyone saw toward ram in shock..
Ram:what ..if suju cheers for this ayush and call him handsome then i will cheer for my daughter and she is beautiful so i will call beautiful  .nandi got tears hearing ram calling her daughter ..they again start to search ayush got the ring but he kept quite and saw nandini who is Engorrosed in ritual he  saw everyone they all are fighting that their team will win he silently passed ring to her hand nandini saw him and smiled ..nandi took ring out ..swasan who was seeing game saw this and saw eachother smiling .ram jumped in happiness everyone clapped
Ram:see suju my beautiful won ..now my daughter rule on ur handsome ...congratulations beta saying this ram hugged her and kissed her scalp ..after so many years she got fatherly love ..tears came on her eyes....ram wipped tears and told her to he is like her father and ca him dad ..after this all are tired ..shomi sent nandini to ayush room ..sona and uttra took her ..after that ayush went to his room .left all went to thier respective room..
In swasan room..
Sanskar went and got fresh ..he came and lied on bed ..swara changed adi dress ..washed his face .she came and handover adi to sanskar ..sge went and changed her deess got fresh and came and saw both father son are playing she went and sat on bed. .sanskar kept his head on her lap..and adi on his tummy he was playing with sanskar t shirt button..sanskar slowly started to caress hrr breast on her top swara holded his hand but sanskar is sanskar .he slowly lifted her top and kissed her tummy ..swara is controlling her moaning . .swara adjusted her top correctly and glare sanskar .adi saw his mother and sanskar sleeping on her lap he to went and kept head on her lap and startd to play with her dress ..adi started to pull her dress ..swara hold his hand ..adi again pulled her indicating he is hungry ..
Swara saw sanskar who is already seeing her he moved a side swara lied adi down and  she to lied beside him ..she lifted her top along with bra ..her niple juped out ...as soon adi saw he put her nipple in his mouth ..he started to drink milk he is biting her breast with his jaws due to irritation ..he often get irritate due to his teeth coming. Swara winched in pain
Swa:adi stop biting its paining ..but adi is Stubborn like his father he again bited swara again winched in pain but she kbw how it irritate she caressed his hair soon adi slept ..swara removedcher breast abd did her dress properly ..and made him sleep in centre..they all slept hugging each other ..in night sanskar woke up he kept pillow beside him and came and slet swara side he put hand in her top and started to caress her stomach due to touch swara sleep broke she saw sanskar who is seeing her with desire ..sanskar came abobe her and kissed her she to Reciprocated ..he them came to her neck and bitted  swara winched in pain he kissed to soothen her pain..he again kissed her neck and started to caress her breast ..she mouned ..swara and sanskar saw adi who is moving sleep ..sanskar got up and lifted swara in his arm and adjusted pilow around adi ..he came and made her lay on couch ..he removed his shirt and came above her he started to kiss her and his hands are travelling inside her top ..then removed her top now she is in her bra ..he kissed her cleavage then removed bra..her breast bounched out ..je kissed it then suchmk it like a child ..swara is mouning .she is fewling his hardness on her wet..soon sanskar  discarded all cloths now bothbare nake after teasing sanskar adjusted himnself then both look toward adi ..sanskar slowly slowly wnteed in her she was feeling pain..sanskar is half in he given force and entres full swara gaspsbin pain and coved her mouth so that adi should not listen sanskar mobed sloely after some time swara to adjusted and her pain full voive turn in moaning ..both did love making till 1both are tired ..sansjar slept above her and both are planting heavily soon they heard crying sound ..sanskar woke up and wore hi pant and given blanket to swara. .she drapped banket and came to bed ..adi was searching swara .. swara moved blanket lil bit down and fed adi sanskar came and slept behind her and kissing her neck ..after adi slept sanskr again started his romance they did live making till 3 ..after that they wore thier cloths and slept on respective place swara head on sanskar hand and swaea hand on adi and sanskar hand on swara waust they trio sleot hugging each other ..
Next morning
Nandini did her pheli rasoai .everyone praised her and given naik evening is reception party.
All are busy in decoration..everything is ready all went to get readuy and came  down after getting ready ..
Ayudh wearing black blszer with white shirt and red tie .nandini in red gown ..
Swaravin black gown sansjar in black suit and adi and aryan also in black suit..uttra wear in orange gown .sonakshi in grey gown,shomi is wearing silver saree with black border and black blouse,sujata wearing pink and cream combo saree,dida is wearing yellow and black combo saree ..all mens are in suits only colour diffrent..so party start all guest came ..everone danced swasan rimantic dance then couple dance..
they all had fun enjoyed the party is swing. Everyone enjoyed then they took family photo..center  newly wedded couple right side ayush and left side nandini ..beside ayush raj ,arna,shomi,sona,beside nandini dida,suju,ram,sanskar,swara,uttra and
Aryan infront of ayush and nandini adi is in sanskar arm ...tgey all had dinner went to thier respective rooms. After 3 years ..
Ayush had a 1 and half year daughter they name her Aditi  Ayush singhania  ..and swasan had a daughter who is 1 year her name sanjana sanskar malik...uttra after completing her studies joined sm office and nandini joined Singhania office ... Sahil brother  nikhil who came in ayush marrige saw uttra and fall for her  as sahil and nikhil is orphan and they call shomi as maa raj adopted them ..then both family happily accepted nikhil allience for uttra ..soon she to got married and she is now 6 month pregnant ...They all are in garden sitting ..sanskar came with camera all sat elders on chairs and youngers on ground and children on thier parents lap ..sanskar adjusted camera on auto ..he ran and sat beside swara taking his angel in his lap ..soon cmera clicked flash came ..they all saw adi he smiled wid bye to all..his soul rested in peace seeing his happy family ..that true seeing this family love no can say that some are not blood related but  relared with hearts ..its thier love which doesn't have ending ..raj lost one son but he got 4 son in the face of sanskar,sahil,ayush,and nikhil ..thats ay thier princess always use to say ..
                 ~:The end:~

TRUE LOVE NEVER ENDS -SWASAN FF Where stories live. Discover now