part -4

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Recape:sanskar found swara ...
Today episode..
Sanskar thinking abt swara..suddendly he went out ..and drive to the hospita.
Bose family came to hospital and asked in receiption..
Ayush:excuse me where is miss swara gadodia
Recioptionist: she is ICU ..
Shomi:plz can u tell way to ICU..
Rec:sure mam...she pointed her right side and told go straight and turn left ...
Shomi:thank u...
They all went rushes to ICU..
saw doctor coming out
Shomi:doctor hw is my shona
Doctor:we can tell anything if she didnt gain her sense then she may sleep in coma...
All are shock ..
Shomi(crying & foldding hands):
Doctor pls save my daughter .
Doctor: we are trying out best ..

Dida and ayu consol shomi and doctor left ..ayu went near ICU door and watched her sis frm small window with teary eyes...
This all watched by a piar of eyes ..
That man came front and kept his hand on ayush shoulder..
Ayush turn and saw with confusing look..that man no one else sanskar
Sanskar: she ll be back soon ...dont worry be strong and take care of ur family..ur love never let happen to her anything..
Ayu: thank im sorry i dnt knw u ..
Sanskar smiling befre he tell doctor intruputted.
Doctor:Mr S.M u are here .. ..
Sanskar: ya i was going home so came to check that girl
Doctor : dnt wry sir her family came .
And doctor told swara family
Doctor: mrs gododia ..he is mr SM ..he only brought ur daughter here..

Suddenky ayu hugs sanskar ..
Ayu: thank u very much sir ...
Sanskar : no thanks...its my pleasure ..
Shomi : i dnt knw hw to thank u ..u havr given my daughter back
Sanskar:its my duty mam..plz dnt thank ..
Dida: u given our happieness back...
Sanskar : plz dnt ..its my duty ...
Shomi:bhagwan aap ko sari khushiyan de..
Sankar smiled and lookeed at swara with loving.. suddenly he notice swara movement .....nurse came and told
Nurse: doctor patient got conscious
All are happy by knwing swara is fine...they all went in to meet her...swara slowly open her eyes ..shomi came sat beside her and carres her hairs and kissed on her forhead.
Shomi(tears): i thought i ll lose u.
Swara didnt talk anything they are worried.
Dida:shoro get up fast we will play pranks on shomi ..
Ayu:han di now u join our team ...
Swara havnt respond anythinng..
She is thinking hw her life chage hw her own sister to kill her ..tear flows from her eyes ..
Shomi: what happen beta?
Swara havnt responding came and checked her..
Doctor: she is very weak let her take rest...tmrw we will discharge saying this doctor went and sansakr beed bye to every one and left form there..

In mm
Its ragini 1 st rasoi..
Ap: beta today is ur first day in ur house u have to make sweet.
Ragini :ok ma
Sujju: u knw cooking na
Ragini: han chachi
Sujju: ok good go and prepare food.
Ragini made kheer and served to all .all praises her blessed her . As day pass
In night ..raglak room
Laksh was standing near window lost in thought..suddendly a hand came on his shoulder ..her turn and saw ragini
Ragini: laksh what ur thinking ?
Laksh :i m thinking to forget the past and move on my life.
Ragini(teary eyes):laksh take ur time ..
Laksh: no ragini now i ll give u all rights ..and i wnt punish u for other mistek ..i ll give ur wife hearing this ragini huggeg laksh .starting laksh stood numb then he also hugged her and they consumitted..
Precape: swara back to badi.

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