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San:yea aditya is ur bade papa raj singhania son aditya singhania...and sonakshi is my elder sis..aditya is like my brother who knw everything abt me
.and u r singhania family princess .u knw the name shona was kept by raj uncle and adi bhai use to call u doll..ayush is adi bhai real brother.
Swara was shocked to listening the truth..
San:u knw di and adi Bhai love each other bt dp opposed them they both eloped and married...adi bhai have his bussiness in mumbai so they shift there after 2 yr of marrige they both came to kolkata bt that was adi bhai last visit ..di was 7 mnth pregnent that time mom dad and me are dp and his family showed fake happiness and di was staying with us next day was di baby shower function was there ..adi was going to mumbai for some wrk adarsh hired goons and killed him and after listning this news di gt labour pain...after i hired detective ..and gt to knw that it was planned by ap and adarsh...and when adarsh got to knw that i gt to knw they hired goons . So he blamed me for molesting case...
That day was baby naming ceremony i was heart broken after knwing that the person whom di treat as god snacthed her husband i was drunken that day .taking this opportonitues parish came to my room..they handed me paper.
Adarsh: sanskar sign this
San:what is this.
Adar:property papers . Ur transferring ur property on my name .
San:no way i ll not sign
Adrsh:sign othr wise u have to pay for that...
San:no i ll never sign.
Adr:ok now pay ...and he signed pari ..she distroyed her makeup and tore her blouse sleeves and and presented herself in bad condition ..i was shock to see this all..i came to sense when i heard pari caring bitterly sitting in corner and adarsh holding my collar..soon all family gatherd thier..they start drama..
Dp:whats going on.
Adr:papa this blo*dy sanskar try to force pari ..thank god i came on time..ap saw pari in corner and went near to her console her.
San:no i did nt done anything he is lying .
Ap came front and slapped me ..
Dp : sanskar i never thought u ll do like this..
Sona:bade papa sanskar will never do like this plz let him explain..
Ap:oo so u ll give advice to us who eloped from house .both brother and sister are same..i could nt handle my di insult..
San: dare u say anything abt my di ..i will kill u .
Dp slapped me and order me leave the house
Laksh:papa atleast listen to bhai..
Ap: laksh u r supporting that person who try to rape ur bhabi ..that was engouh for me .i leaving home lucky came and hold my hand .
Laksh: i ll also come
San: no lucky everypne need u ..u stay here plz.
Lak:bhai..sanskar cutted him
San: u have my swear..
When i was leaving di brought her laguage .
San: di what is this .
Sona:i cant live her i ll go to my home.
San:di hw u ll go ..
Sona:dnt worry i called papa ..he sent driver ...we both left home both went to raj uncle home...after 1 week di and raj uncle family left mumbai ..i stayed in mumbai and i established my own company..u knw adi bhai knw everything abt me ..when first i saw my angel i told him..and he knw my angel so he helped me in getting her pics and knw abt her like and dislike...and u knw he always talk abt u .he secretly watch u ..and arnav uncle kept bodygaurd for u .raj uncle and arnav uncle never think that ur not thier blood ..

Swa: then y they divorced ma ..

Bcz i love mr gadodia ..they both heard a voice from back ..when they turn they saw shomi and ayush was stamding there.
Shomi: i loved shekhar and for my happiness he left me ..i was wrong that time i never saw arnav love ..i was blind in shekhar love ...when adi was small he use to spend time with me.and when u born u are angel to them and priti bhabi i mean ur badi maa she kept ur name as swara bcz she love music... and adi never let anyone to touch u bcz ur so small and ur clean and fair ..whenver anyone touch u ..u turn red and all have to listen ur big and protective brother scolding ..we all as like Obedient kid bow our head and listen him...When ur 5 yr small ..priti bhabi met accident she died and ayush was small so i took him with me and adi ,arnav and raj bhai shift to mumbai ..after when adi grown he went to abroad to further studies ..he always call me and talk me and always ask abt u ..when he came back he was last year in mba and he joined kolkata university.. He gt to knw abt shekhar betyral he was going to tell aranv abt that bt i stopped him giving him swear..he use to come daily night and spend time with u ..u knw shona u get secret gift on ur bday..sawar nodded..that gifts was given by arnav adi and raj bhai.. then he met sonakshi and they both fell i love and raj bhai took allience bt dp rejected they both eloped . He use to talk me daily and sona also talk with me..she is very sweet after that last i saw him with sona when they came to invite me for baby shower....last i met him..that day he took promise that i should give ur hand to his bil..and i accepted..
Aftr his death i was heart broken and sona came to me and told everything abt his murder..i determined to take revenge ..and when laksh allience came for ragini .i wanted to stop that marrige bcz i promised adi i ll make u marry his bil laksh like u and i accepted it ltr u knw what happen ...i thought my promise was broken bt god was my side ..i fulfill my adi promise his dream..
All are having tears in thier eyes..
Shomi: ayu im sorry beta i hided u this truth with u.i hided ur parents identity i told everyone that i adopted u.
Ayu:maa u hvnt done anything wrong ..whatever u done that for my betterment im happy that shona di is my real di.....
Both swaysh hugs ..swara brke the hug and asked..
Swa: sanskar wr is bhabi and baby.hw r they.
San:they both are safe..they ll soon come here and di always ask abt u ..
Ayu:bt wher is bhabi and my champ or doll.
San:di and champ are in singapoor with raj and arnav uncle..
Ayu:wow champ what his name?
San:aryan ..aryan aditya sighania.
Swa:wow nice name..
San: bt no one knw that di is alive..
Swa: what u mean .
San: dp and his family think raj uncle and arnav uncle are middle class family..and that blo*dy parish had fear that dp will take di back home and he will give property share to her ..while di was in park with baby they saw di there and took all detail abt di and hired goons to kill baby and di raj uncle given double money to goons and told them to tell lie that they killed both baby and di raj uncle said they told same to parish .parish told all family member that di and baby no dad and uttra are shattered by hearing this ..i called dad and we four met then di came met dad mom and uttu and for di and aryan safty raj uncle left india with di and aryan....nw di is handling raj uncle bussiness and next u and ayu handle arnav uncle bussiness..
Swa: me and ayu ..hw
Shomi: bcx the hospital which u wrk is arnav hospital which is on ur name ...and arnav have transfer his another hospital which is mumbai on ayush name.
Swa: ya bt hw we will handle his bussiness..we are doctors and he ia bussiness man.
Shomi: arnav is not bussiness man ..he is a famous asian cardiologist..after him ur famous swa: wait ..u mean the famous asian cardiologist Dr.A.M.S mr arnav singhania.
ayu:u mean di's ideal person.
Shomi: yes ..he wanted shona to become doctor so i have joined her on raj bhai told ayu also become doctor to handel mumbai u also got admission in medical...letter they talk random things
Shomi: shona u told u ll come home
Swa: han maa..sanskar is gng to USA for his wrk for 15 days ..i ll stay there.
Shomi: actuly beta i wanted to tell u that ragini is staying in our house.
Swa: its ok maa.
Ayu: bt i dnt want that lady to stay in our home..
Swa: ayu what ur telling she is guilt for her wrk then y u are still angry.
Ayu: di she is acting.
Swa:ayu she is really changed ...
Shomi: now both of u stop..i came here to talk sanskar..beta laksh listen to u ..u tell him to forgive her and accept her.
San: ok maa .i ll tell him.. u dnt wrry..
Shomi: ok nw i leave ..
Swa:ok maa
Ayu: di tmre u ll come na..
Swa: han ayu..maa plz dnt tell ragini abt my marrige and where i live..if she ask tell her i do job and shifted to flat ..
Shom:y beta.
Swa: plz maa.. i ll tell u reason ltr.
Shomi: ok..
Both shomi and ayush left ..swara was in deep thought ..which is notice by sanskar.
San: swara wt happen.
Swa: nothing ..both went to thier night both had thier dinner but sleep was far away from both eyes..
Sanskar was in tense what swara will think abt him after his past..she ll accept me or leave me.
Swara sleep was far away bcz she is confuse .for what that will reveal ltr ..both are thinking soon sleep took over and both doze off..
Nxt mrng both woke up and had brkfast and both are ready to leave there destination ..both sat in car ..sanskar drop swara to drop badi and he went to airport

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