part -11

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Today episode:
In swasan room sanskar was standing near window and he was in deep thought staring moon.
San(mono): i have to prove her innocent bt how ..i have to do somthing ..while sanskar was in deep thought swara enter the room.she saw him and went near him.his chain of thought is broken by swara voice
Sanskar turn  and asked
San:do u need anything?
Swara: ma called me .. so she invited us for lunch.
San:ok u go
Swara:and u?
San:swara i have imporyant meeting.
Swara was disappointed..sanskar saw her face and feel bad ..
Both went to thier respective place. And sanskar slept on couch and swara on bed.
Swara was hurt bt dont knw y she was hurt by sanskar rejection. A tear are maling uts way.she is uknown to her feeling..and doon doze off. Sanskar was pretend to sleep woke up and went near swara a tear marks are clearly visible .he feel bad ..he peck her forehead and went to sleep on couch soon doze off.

Next day a beautiful morning ..a sun rays fall on our sleeping beauty her sleep was disturb by sunrays she sat on bed and  rubbed her eyes and slowly opend her eyes.when she open her ahe sees  sanskar who was sleeping peacefull ..she lost in his innocient face …soon she came too sense when she saw sanskar movement..suddenly she stood and took cloths form wardrob and went to washroom.soon sanskar woke up and search for swara he was tense when he heard a voice from washroom he feel relife..he took his cloths and went to other room to swara was thinking
Swara(thinking): what happen to me y im feeling diffrent when he rejected to come with me then y i feel hurt ..what happening with me..
She came out wash room and sat in front of dressing table.soon sanskar enter the room was outstruck to see his love .she is wearing blue anarkali suit he went near her she feel his presrnce and  saw through mirrior both are having beautiful eyelock ..he went and took sindoor and filled her hairline and adore her neck with mangalsutra.both was staring each other..soon they came to sense when sanskar phone rings ..both didnt talk anything  sanskar left the room while talking in phone swara came down and arranged the bf and soon both sat on dinning table both are silent .. sanskar broke the silence
San:swara u ready i ll drop u badi while going to office ..swara jst nodded..after bf both left to badi..after reaching badi swara was abt to step down from car she turn to sanskar
Swara:if u dnt mind can pick me in evng ..
Sanskar noded..swara step down and went in badi were sanskar was staring her till she disappear..he also left
.while she enter she saw raglak also present der ..she ignore them abt to go in her house when  dadi started her badmouthing.
Dadi: what a shamless girl is she after eloping on marrige day also see how she is roaming without shame….she igore her and abt to go when her anger peak to level when she heard next sentence and stood there.
Dadi:jaisi maa waisi beti(like mother same daughter)..
Swara:mrs gadodia dare u talk abt my mother .
Ragini: swara how ur talking she us our dadi..
Swara:correction ms gadodia opp mrs laksh maheswari ..she is ur dadi ..
Shekhar: maa is right she is same like her mother.. im feeling shame to call u my daughter..Giving daughter like ..i was happy if i was punished for fatherless.. shame to be father of a character less girl like u..dnt knw with whom and with hw many men ur sl..before completing his sentence he feel burning sensation on his red cheek ..all turn to that direction and shock to see shomi with blood shot eyes.
Shomi:dare u tell anything abt my daughter ..she is my daughter u dnt have right to call her ur daughter i thought i u ll change bt know i was wrong ..u are the same ur mother tale and a spinless man.  Who differ in his own daughters …what u told she is charecterless and same like happy she is like me ..unlike u ..u trusted ur lovely daughter ragini na . See one day she will make u so much proud that ur not able to show ur face ..U wanted to god should punish u fatherless but do u know even the meaning of being father mr shekhar gododia no na then let me explain u meaning of father…father is Who make their daughter feel protective…who stand beside her in every good or bad Situation but not letting her feel burden on himself…who will treat her like princess but u were never their for her soo how can u be called as father of swara han never mind mr shekhar gododia do what u want never try to point ur blo*dy Finger on my daughter…. And u mrs parvati gadodia  u pointed me on my upbring na then lets see ur upbringg .when her truth comes out then will see whose up bringg is charecterless ..and u mr gadodia..untill now i was silent bcz of daughter bt u crossed all ur limits and im shame on me that i loved u bt not now i dnt want spinless man in my life and  my daughter dnt need a man as father who is thinking her unwanted child  ..saying this she wiped her sindoor and removed mangalsutra and and throw on shakher face ..
Shomi:ferm now i and my daughter  dnt have any relation with u…i ll never forgive u..and ill send divorce paper to u sign it …by telling this she hold swara hand went inside home .all went in there respective home pair of eyes saw all this  with blood shot eyes bt feel proud for shomi decesion and her courage  .. soon he left fron there and  went to office and sat in cabin (guys i think u understand who is that person)..soon a man knocked on door
Man:come in
Man2:SM sir all are waiting in conference room( yes the man is sanskar.)
San:ok after conference cancel my all meeting.
Dev:ok sir soon both left to conference room .after meeting he left to badi..

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