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Let's start..
Ap: Adarsh u knw we have to attend sm function and u r still staying in maheshwari mansion they invited u also ur papa told u both to get ready.. And Pari dress good and wear jewelry.. U shoud look maheshwari bahu... Pari saw Adarsh face.. She have kept her jewelry on mortage for Adarsh treatment.. Ap saw both.
Ap: what happened. Y r u seeing each other face..
Adr:o maa actually Pari don't have her jewelry.
Ap:y where it gone.. Before Adarsh tell something Pari told.
Pari :its with my mother..
Ap: y u kept there.. OK call and tell her to bring all ur jewelry..
Pari:mom went out of station.. She will come  after 3 days
Ap:ok come to my room.. I ll give u some jwels... Return back it after party.. Pari noded .and followed ap.. Ap given her jewelry.. She went to get ready
It's SM  and singhania party then it should be best ...party will be going to held in RAj new mansion which is beside sm mansion.. Swara was excited Bcz it's surprise for her.. Everyone had saw mansion except her.. She wanted to see mansion but raj told she can see it during party.. Soon it's evng all got ready...
swara came to house temple joined her hands and closed her eyes..
Swa:thank u God..today I will prove my sanskar innocence to all and I'll punish my  adi bhai killer.. I will punish all who hurted my family... Plz give me strength.. She came to others who are waiting for her.. All went to Venue guards are making way for them.. As soon she came front of the main gate. She saw name plate.. SWADIYUSH she caressed it and Lil foot prints are printed below the name.. She got confuse and saw towards raj.
Swa: bade papa who's foot prints are this..
Raj:its ur foot prints doll.
Raj:yes when u born we took ur foot prints on clay and kept it safely when we took Singapore house I wanted to put this but I kept it when u ll come we will put but now we took New house  and surprise for u so added Lil more surprise so thought now I can put.. How's it...u like it?
Swa: it's so pretty.. I love it ..then they enter inside.. Floors are full of rose petals.. A big name board with neon lights ..everyone was waiting out side all  bussniss partner, friends .. She saw all confusing..
Then they all went to main door.. A ribbon on tied on main door.. Ayush passed a plate in which scissors is kept surrounded by rose petals.. She saw raj he told her to take scissors and cut the ribbon.. She cut the ribbon everyone clapped.. As she entered a balloon blasted and rose petals fell on her.. Ragini was jealous seeing this.. She saw towards her Dadi with crying face.. Parvati also jealous seeing them all happy.. Swara saw mansion was shocked Bcz it's same like sm mansion..
Swa: it's same like our mansion
Arn: doll Bhai wanted all interior shoud be same like ur mansion that u shoud feel comfortable but Lil bit change in this mansion..
Raj: some extra rooms and bedroom interior according to everyone like..and ur room interior was decided by ur lovely husband.. Swara saw toward sanskar and smiled.. Bcz she knw sanskar will do according to her taste ..media people surrounded them.
Press reporter(pr): sir u were sm but u worked in ur office like a simple employe why?
San: well before I'm  boss I'm  also employe. I work in my company and who are work in my company they are my family.. And my company is home we  all live like a  family. infact more than me they all work.. So sm group of company is in on no 1 place bcz of thier hard work and dedication..
Pr: u hided ur identity never came Infront of world and handle all projects and meeting on calls..do u think without seeing u ur investors invest in ur project and clients will work with u.. U hided ur identity to them is it good?
San: well  u wanted to tell me I cheating them.
Pr: no sir I was just asking Bcz everyone is talking about that.
San: about what. That only na I m sitting behind and hiding my identity to steal their project bits and all.. For ur kind information those whom with I work they knw who is sm.. My staff, clients, investors all knw who is Sm I didn't hided my identity to them.. If u want u can ask them..he showed hands to  his left side where his investors and clients are standing.. Sanskar was in angry mood..
One men from reporter asked a question which made maheshwari smirk but soon thier smirked turned confused face seeing swara smirk and Sujram calm nature..
Pr:sir we heard u r maheshwari and Mr durga Prasad maheshwari threw u out bcz u molested ur sister in law.. .
Swa: I will give u answer.... It's true sanskar was Maheshwari before but now he is Malik.. Sanskar Ram Prasad Malik... And about molesting his sister in law.. I want to show u all something ..she saw ayush he nodded his head. Soon lights got of a projector is on  it's a video of Pari and Dr priya coverstion ...
Dr:i have saw ur files but u don't have any problems..
Pari: I knw..
Dr:then y u need treatment.. Y u lied to everyone that I can't be mother..
Pari :bcz I want to save my husband respect..
Dr: what do u mean..
Pari:my husband can't be father..  He is impotent..
Pari:yes and I need to do his treatment.. I ll pay how much u want but plz help me in this... Priya was silent for some time then asked her Adarsh report she pretended to read file and  saw towards camera.. Swara told if she need any help or want to tell her something then see towards camera and blink her eyes.. Priya blinked her eyes.. Swara understood she need help.. Priya and swara was connected through Bluetooth headphones.. Swara speaked to priya..
Swa:ask her if she is normal then u should had get pregnant.. As her family backgrounds and previous history she was raped.. Priya nodded her head..
Dr:mrs maheshwari I have one question.. did  u get ever molested..  Pari was silent she was sweating...
Dr: we always keep patient family background and health history.. To knw more about our patients disease. According to ur family history Iu father in law thrown ur brother in law out of house Bcz he molested u.. But I have took ur test and scanned but I didn't found anything like that..
Pari :no it's not true..
Dr: what report is false or the molestation allegations is false.. Pari was sweating.. She was tensed..
Dr:listen Mrs Maheshwari  u cant fool us.. Never tell lie to doctors Bcz a single mistak can take patient life so never hide anything.. And of u want to treat then u should tell the truth. Now or after we will get to knw the truth.. .before that u only tell. Now tell me what is truth.. Pari started to cry.. Priya given her water and consoled her..
Pari: whatever happening with us is our karma.. I am dying to hold my child.. My sister in law is now pregnant but I'm childless. its all Bcz of my deeds.. Sanskar innocent he didn't molested me.. He is pure gem...i did it to blackmail him to get signatures on property. First we told him to sign but he refused then we given money to waiter and told him to give juice... We intentionally mixed alcohol in his juice after when he drank his head started to spin Adarsh took him to room..we asked him sign but still didn't agreed so I tore my sleeves and messed my makeup and hair... Then shouted to gather all.. Rest all blamed him and threw him out.. He was innocent he always treated me like elder sister. Pari cried..
Dr:if u really sorry then repent ur mistake.. Ask them sorry may they will forgive u.. And  as I promise I will help u to  get ur husband treatment.. Pari thanked her left her cabin... Other side swsana and ayush who was watching this was all in tears.. Tears of happiness.. Swasan hugged each other. Ayush hugged arnav.... Video end and soon lights came.. All guests are shocked.. Someone came and slapped Pari... Pari saw the person it's non other then her mother..
Pari mom: I never thought u will sloop this much low.. Bcz of property  spoiled his life.. U seperated him from his parents and family.. I don't knw  whats wrong in my upbringing that u became like this.. Pari I never thought u would ever do like this.. Sanskar always treated u as elder sister he always supported u but what u did with him.. Have u ever thought about sujata she always treated u like her daughter never differentiated u..when everyone was busy calling u banj.. Not even ur mother in law supported u.. When u wanted mother embrace sujata was there ..i shamed of myself that I have given birth to u.. Thank God ur father is not alive to see ur this face.. U said correct ur karma fallen back on u.. That's way u both are dieyng for child... She went near sujata and joined her hands.
Pm:im sorry sujata ji that I believed my daughter and told whatever came in mouth.. I really sorry plz forgive me..
Suj:arrre no what are u doing.. Why u r saying sorry plz don't say..
Pm:Ap ji I knw my daughter did wrong I m apologizing u behalf of her.
Pari:mom why are Asking her sorry
Pm:what u Mean Pari.. Sanskar was ap ji fav son u separated him from her... Swasan were holding each other hands Listening this sanskar closed her eyes.. Tears came in his eyes... Sanskar tighten his grip on swara hand she saw him and kept other hand on his hand...
Pari:mom even starting I thought mummy ji love sanskar more but I was wrong.. This all master plan was given by mummy ji only.. And Papa ji and laksh are also involved in it... They all planned this but only we both got caught.. Even now mummy ji planning to kill sanskar child bcz according to will the first grand child will get 70 %of property.. And they want to take that all property and ragini be aware of them..bcz after ur delivery they will throw u out of the house Bcz laksh have affair and if u give birth to girl then they will throw u both out.. They just want property..swara ur baby life and ur life is  in danger ..bcz laksh is obsessed with u.. He have lust for u. And this Dp given him offer.. If he get sanskar sign on property paper then he will get u to his bed... He want to make u his slut..
Swara closed her eyes and hided her face behind sanskar.. Sanskar tightened his grip on her hand.. Ayush tightened his feast.... Everyone eyes turn red in anger..
Pm:pari what are u talking.. Are u in sense..
Pari :im telling truth mom...this is all done by durga Prasad Maheshwari and anupurna maheshwari.. And they made me and Adarsh their pawn and used us... Even dp only sent goons to kill sonakshi and her baby and blamed adarsh sent them.i did wrong with sanskar but I was helpless ..Adarsh never think to hurt sonakshi or sanskar Bcz he loves them most.. But they blackmail us When he heard about her death he was devastated.. This both husband wife and their lovely son laksh want all money..
Ram:for what they blackmailed u?
Pari:they blackmailed us if we didn't do what they are telling then they will kill Adarsh parents..
Ram:what ..his parents are they only na..
Pari:no dp and ap given birth to dead child  Dp given money to nurse and swipe the child.. And Adarsh is ur sister laxmi son..
This is shock for them..
Rp: what but he told di died after giving dead child.
Pari: no she is alive and dp hided her somewhere and when Adarsh heard Ap and dp talk then he got to knw he is not thier real son.. From then they are  blackmailing us we refuse to do then he killed his father.. To save his mother we are doing this...ram stumbled back raj holded him bcz he thought his sister is dead.. But she is alive.. She is dp real sister but ram love her lot.. She treat both brothers equal..
Everyone was shocked to knw deeds of maheshwaris...Pari came and joined hands Infront of sujata.
Pari: I'm sorry chachi ji.. I was helpless..i did this all to save maa..sanskar I'm really sorry plz forgive me... She sat crying.. Sujata was not able to see her like this.  She hugged her..sanskar called someone soon police officer came..
San: u all heard there deeds ..now u can proceed with ur duty.. And find Mrs laxmi...
Police came and arrested dp , ap and laksh .. They are begging sanskar to live them but sanskar turned his face ...they were about to take them samaj members stopped them.. Dp smiled that now he is saved but next moment made him shock.
Samj memb:wait..
Police :what happened..
Samj membr: I want to announce something and Mr durga Prasad maheshwari presence is must.. We Samj memebers  have given 1 week to both Dp and rp ji.. To prove their words.. According to proof sanskar is declared innocent.. So we all decided that ramprasad ji will our next samjh head.. And dp broke the marwari samaj rules.. He and his family is removed from our Samj.... One old man came who use to work in maheshwari office and dp tourched him during work he came and blanken his face  and put slipper garland on his neck.. Rp bowed his head down bcz once he devoted him as God.. Soon police took them.. Parish asked sorry from all and left..

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