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Now start:
Both swasan reached their mansion.. They went to room and fresh up.. Swara went to kitchen and sanskar sitting on sofa using his mobile Swara came with coffee and handed him on cup ..sanskar kept his mobile a side and took cup and both went and sat in balcony ..its their daily habit ..after their friendship they both spend time like this ..drinking coffee and telling abt their day …like this they came to knw abt their likes and dislikes …
Swa:so mr sm how’s ur trip..
Swa: only good ..I thought u enjoyed lot
San:han I planed to enjoy bt wt to do my bestie is here and hw can I enjoy alone
Swa:liar .
San: shona I went there for my office work not for holiday trip…
Swa: I knw I was jst kidding..
San:ok so u tell hws ur day ..
Swa: as usual tired ..
San: so what u did today …its Sunday and what u all done..
Swa: nothing much ..went out with ayu and sneha nandu ..done lots of shopping and all.
San:o so hws my sister’s and all
Swa: ya all good
San: shona everything ok ..u seems tense .
Swa: sanskar I’m thinking abt nandu ..she tell everything to sanskar …
San: hmm so this is prblm..let do one thing call everyone we will go out for dinner and spend some time ..then we can talk both ayu and nandu ..what say.
Swa: that’s good idea ..let me call. And sanskar call uttra also .
San: madam get ready at 8 dnt be late ok
Swa: ok boss ..and both burst into laugh ..( guys in this days sanskar met swara all frnd and knw everything abt them bcs swara share him everything so he call sneha and nandini as sister).
Its evng and sanskar got ready in red t shirt and blue denim with blue over coat ..he is looking cute .. He is waiting for swara ..soon swara came ..she is wearing blue knee length frock ( guys remember she wore this frock on thire date) hairs left open no make up only kajal and lip gloss ..she was descending stair ..sanskr saw her and mesmerized ..he came on sense when swara tap her ..

Swa: staring is bad mr sm
San: what to do Mrs sm ..when my wife is so cute ..after listing this she blushed which not gone in notice by sanskar ..he smile seeing her blushing.. Both went and sat in car and drove to there destination ..both reached a seven star hotel ..sanskar stepped out and came to swara and opened the door like a gentleman ..she came out ..both went inside ..and greeted by manager.
Mang: hello sir hello mam
Swasan :hello
Mang: sir this way .. Both heads to there place and sat ..soon everyone came ..
Ayu: hi di hi jiju .
Swasan: hi baccha/ buddy
Snehndi(sneha+nandini):hi di hi bhai
Swansan: hi.
Sans: sneha where is rahul..after listing rahul name she blushed .
She: on the way bhai
Swa: o someone is blushing..
Sne: di ..stop ..i ll open ur pole .
Swa: what ..tell I dnt scared
Sneha: o really.. U knw jiju what she did yesterday..
San: no ..what she did
Swa: nothing ..sneha stop plz
Sne: no di ..
Swa: rahul tell her to shut her mouth ..everyone turn toward where swara is seeing ..thier came Dr rahul mahera ..Dr Siddharth oberio and Dr Smitha
Rah: sneha stop troubling di ..u knw she cnt blush more ..bcz yesterday after hearing bhai name how she turn red .
Sid:exactly I was confuse ..its di or cherry ..everyone started pulling swara leg this all nandini is quit ..sanskar observd this ..
San: I ll come on a minute ..nandu and ayu can u both come with me plz ..both nodded and came near the pool .. Talked ..sanskar make both understand abt relationship and all ..soon they came and order thier food ..had dinner ..
San: do dnr is over now what ..everyone is silent girls are gazing each other and asked though there eyes ..boys are seeing them with confuse ..
San: what’s going on .
Swa: nothing..
San : ok then let’s leave … Boys went a head and girls are following them bt their are gossiping something which irritating boys.
Sid: guys stop murmuring ..its hell irritating.girls bowed their head ..and starts to walk..sanskar stoped in mid and turn back side ..and rised his eyebrows..girls who are gossiping ..actually not gossiping pushing each other to tell something.
San:whats the matter.. All girls stood silent bt that silence is broken by nandini .
Nan: actually bhai we want something ..
San: and what is that.
Nandini saw towards girls who told her to say .
Nandini closed her eyes and in one breath told.. WE WANT ICE CREAM..
Boys are Seeing them wit open mouth.
Ayu: that I’m thinking y this devil is silent .
Nan: what u calles me devil ..u uu monster u gorilla ..
Both started fighting ..swara went near Sankar and whisper .
Swa: thank u
San: for what
Swa:for making nandu normal..both smiled and watched tom and Jerry show ..everyone present at restaurant is watching them bt they are not stopping even frnds try to stop them bt they are not listening.. Bt stop by hearing shout ..
everyone kept quit and saw towards the owner of the voice ..its non other then our swara.
Sanskar was seeing her with shock..bcz this is first time he is seeing her in this much angry ..
Swa: are u both kids..nw stop this fight and lets go ..I want ice cream said with puppy eyes ..everyone saw her with open mouth ..Sanskar shook his head in disbelief and all went to I’ve cream parlour and ate ice cream and went to home in swasan car ..swara was talking non stop ..and sanskar was admiring her start raining she shout ..
Swa: sanskar stop the car ..
Sanskar stoped the car with jerk ..
San: swara what happened..
Swa:I want to play in rain..
San: for that u shouted like that ..ur impossible.. Swara smile showing her teeth’s .before he could tell anything she stepped out and started to play in rain like a kid ..sanskar was admiring her..swara saw him and pulled him in rain..he was denying bt swara didn’t listen and took him in rain ..sanskar who is seeing his wife in wet fully drenc in rain ..he stepped near her. And holded her hand ..pulled her ..he came near her face ..she is feeling his hot breath on her face ..they were inch part they came to sense when they hear thunder ..swara hugged him hearing thunder sound again..
San: shona ..are u ok .
Swa: sankar I get scared by thunder..
San: let’s go it late ..and u ll fall sick.. Both came to home fully drench ..went to their room and changed their dress..after some time sanskar started to sneeze..
Swara who saw him sneezing continues went near him touched his forhead .its hot
Swa:sanskar u have fever .
San: no shona ll go in some time.
Swa(tears):its bcz of me ..I only took u in rain ..if u didn’t drench in rain then u ll not fall sick s bcz of me..sanskar cupped her face .
San: its not ur fault shona..even I enjoyed lot ..
Swa: bt bcz of me only u are… before she complet sanskar kept finger on her lips .
San: shhh. I told na ..I’m ok..I ll take medicine then until mrng I ll be fine ok ..
Swa: ok u sit I ll bring coffee for u have to take medicine na..she left and came with coffee ..he drank and took medice and took pillow was going near couch
Swa: sanskar u sleep on bed.I ll sleep on couch
San: no shona ..u ll not feel comfortable there I m ok I ll sleep.
Swa: no sanskar..OK ..we both sleep on bed ..its big enough..
San: are u sure.
Swa: yes ..
San: ok..both slept on either side of bed..

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