part -9

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Day pass like this ..both are busy in there respective was sunday and both have leave and both are sitting in hall...having coffee.sanskar cant bear silent so he broke the silence
Sanskar:how u hospital work is going.
Swara:its good
Sansakr remain silent and after compising himself
Sanskar:swara how days we will stay as stranger..
Swara looked at him confusingly and scared also..he sense her reaction...
Swara (thinking): what he want to tell getting scared after listning him ..her thought of chain are broked by sanskar..

Sanskar:swara dnt worry i m nt telling abt we cant stay stanger also we will stay as friends right..
Swara came out of thought and confuse what to tell.
Sanskar forwarded hand
Sanskar:so will u accept my friendship.
Swara relife after listning him...
Swara held his hand and accepted his friendship.
Sanskar was beyound happiness
Sanskar(exitement) : thank u and hugged her ..she was shocked for his suddend action..and a current passes between both of them..after sanskar relise his position and break the hug.
Sanskar:sorry o for exitment i..m sorry ..he couldnt speak anything and left form there ...

Both had their lunch and after lunch sanskar went to study and
Swara went to room...afer some time swara went to study to bring her file..she slowly opend and enter in study was big and a room full of shelf and one side full of cirtificates and trophy and cornner a table is presnt ..on which neatly arrangement are presnt and and center a sofa is preant with a table which is full of mess of file and ..on sofa sanakar was sittong using laptop..who is engrossed in his work ..he didnt notice her..she called him
Sanskar after listning sweet voice he turn and saw swara was standing near door.
Sanskar: aare swara come inside.
Swara:o actuly i wanted my file so came take that.
Sanskar:ok take ..its all urs only .whenver u want u come.
Swara:where are my files?
Sanskar pointing to shelf ..
Swara:thank u..she went and took her file and was busy in arranging it neatly..sanskar was staring her with love ..he is lost in her expressions .and smiling like a mad..swara feel his gaze and turn to him .

He suddenly act as he is busy in thinking somthing keep his index finger on his chin and seeing roof..she took file and was abt to go
Sankar:swara where are u going
Sankar:sit her..u can do ur work her
Swara:its ok i ll do in room only
Sanskar: we are frnds right ..she nodded..
Sanskar:then sit with ur frnd plz..i promise i ll nt disturb u ..she dint have any choice so she accepted and sat and was engrossed in her work ..where as sanskar was busy in his work..he was busy in staring her ...after a timr he also started his work...they are fully lost in ther work evn they didnt saw time ..after swara complete her work and left frm study wer ..sanskar was alone and bore ...

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