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Lets start
In swasan room..
Both swasan  are sleeing..
Swara was sweating she was remebering morning incident and murmuring..sanskar who was in deep sleep his sleep got disturbed by swara movement..he saw toward her ..
Sw:plz leave me laksh..dont to any thibg to my baby ..sge was murmuring in her sleep and tossinghers head .sanskar swaher.
San: jaan ...nothing happen ..im hear na jaan relax..swara sat with jerk holding her baby bump..she was all sweating and voice is not coming from her mouth and tears are making its way. .
San:jaan relax.
Swa:sanskar he will kill our baby ...he touched me with his dirty hands ...sanskar made her drink water ..she dranl water and took glass from sanskar hand and poured water  on her head and started to rubb her neck her cheek and hands..
San:jaan what are u doing..
Swa: im feelling disgusting ..that cheap touched me with his dirty hand ..she again startd to rubb jer body harshly sanskar holdee her and picked her in his arm and took her into washroom..he made her stand opened the shower tap and let water fall on her. ..swara didnt said anything sge just under shower ..he slowly caressed her cheeks abd kissed on cheeks he slided her top and gentaly rubbed her nevk snd shoulder and kissed on her neck and shoulder..removed her dress no she is fully naked ..she tightly hugged him he made her stand properly dhe holded his shirt and closed her eyes ...sanskar romantically rubbed her all parts and kissed showing that now only his mark ..aftervgiving bath he wrapped towel around her and lifred her took her he made he sit on bed ge changed his dress which are wore only pant and ge took his shirt and came near her he made her wesr his shirt After wearinghis shirt he Gentely wipped her to dry it ...after that took her to bed layed her properly he to. Slept beside he taking her in embrace covering with duvet. Swara kept her head on his arm and hugged him tightly he kissed her scalp and crassed he hair soon sleep took over to her he saw her slerping he kissed her forehead and slept hugging her...
Next morning
Sanskar  woke up and saw swara sleeping he removed her hand and stood kept pillow beside her and her hand on pillow that she dont fell her absences..he went to washroom  got Fresh and came near dearssing table adjusted his hairs and saw swara through mirror who is sleeping peacefully hugging the  pillow...he came near her and kissed her forhead and came down.
.everyone present on breakfast table.. Sanskar came near them..
San: Good morning eveyone.
All:good morning.
Ram:beta wher is shona.
San:she is sleeping.
Suj:sleeping till this time is she okay  bcz she never sleep this much late.
San: ya mom she is ok..just night she was scared and got dream about morning incident so didnt slept well on night ..now she is sleeping so i didnt woke her up...
Suj:no no let her sleep she is very scared and tired and this time she need full rest ..ok u have ur breakfast..when she will wake then she will have ..
Everyone had bereakfast ..then sona took raj breakfast to his room ..
San:ok i need to go see u in lunch.
Shom: beta u r also tired u  to take rest na.
San: no maa im and its very urgent so need to go ..and han take care of shona .And dont leave her alone
Uttu:dont worry bhai i wll be with bhabi   only i will take her breakfast and will be with her till u come. .sanskar smiled and went from there..
Here in gadodia mansion..
Ragini was Continuous seeing toward entrence with tension..
Dadi:ladoo relax damaj ji will come..shekar have gone na to search him
Rag: no did from yesterday he didnt return back im feeling very bad ..abd even papa also didnt came back ..shevis roaming here and thier in tension .holding her 6 month baby bump..
Here in police station everyone was doing work but suddednly  thier face expression change all got scared seein sanskar  who came angrilly ..seeing him coming everyone got scared bcz he never come to police station..
SI: good morning sir u here
San:i told u not to leave that bloody laksh maheshwari then why u released.  him.
SI:sir his wife brought bail paper with out any choice we need to leave him..sanskar angrilly  punched on table .
San:atleast hu should inform me ns thst he is out ..
SI:sir i called u but mam revived the call we told her to call us ba k ..
San:what ..but she didnt told me any thing ...anyways leave both dp and ap.
San:do what i told and i will u what to do nect ..he nodded his head and told constable to bring ap and dp out ..constable brought both ap and dp ..they saw sankar ap ran to him and hugged him.
Ap: i knw sanskar u love me very much ..thats way u took us out ..
San: who told ..i will not forgive u never ..now lets see the hell he told Dangersously..he called his man and them to take them to thier secret place ..his man took both..then sanskar told something to inspector which will reaveald soon ..he agrred and sanskar went from there...
Here in sm mansion swara woke and saw sanskar was not there she took to calm him but saw sanskar msg ..
Swara smiled seeing his msg she got up slowly went to get fresh...she came out from washroom until then uttra brought her brkfast.uttra helped her to come near bed and made her sitt
Utt:good morning bhabi...how are u nw
Swa:good morning uttu..im good
Utt: bhabi here ur brkfast ..bhai told he will till lunch ..
Swa: thank u dear..
Swara had breakfast while talking with uttra after her brkfst uttra went down swara was alone in room ..
Other side sanskar came to mansion ..he parked his car went to basement which is very dark ..soon he enter the basement is secured woth bodyguards ..he enter a room where laksh is tied are tied to a stick his head is hanged ..he was lifeless full body coverd with blood ..sanskar men brought dp and ap and tied them to pillers yhey both saw laksh and cried seeing his condition..sanskar came near laksh and pulled his hairs made him srand staight..
San:i warned u stay away from my jaan but u didnt listend.u have done grave mistake eyeing my jaan..u molested so many girls and forced them.  now i will show u how it feels when someone snatch ur dignity . He saw towards his mens ..they freed him and trown in room where so many peoples are seeing him with lust .he got scared..
Lak:sanskar please leave me plzz...but sanskar didnot listen ...he saw his man they nodded and closed the door ..laksh was crying and begging to leave him but they didnt listen his voice is ecohing in all the basement ..dp and ap closed thier eyes and cried for thier son...sanskar saw towards them
San: u dp and ap i wanted to punish u mow but u are my di and raj uncle culprit and i ll let them give u punishment till then enjoy ur son show ...and mr dp if u also want tk enjoy then i will areange another room for u ..even there are so many members are threre who love to enjoy with bald man.. saying this he went from there .before going he told to his mens.
San:only 1 hr is enough ..after that give him food ..then give him nice shower and make him ready for night session..saying this he went from there..
Here swara got bore she slowly got up and came out of her room with support of pillers she came near stairs ..she looked to stairs she felt dizzy so she sat on stairs only..after some time she stood and slowly descended steps only last 3 steps remain she wasbtired so loose her balnce she was about to fell a strong arm protected holded her due to fear she closed her eyes and coverd her face with palm ..feeling no pain she slowly side her finger but and closed seeing a angry glare ..again opend her fingers and saw that glare she slowly removed her palm made a innocent face with cute pout ..the person anger reached high level seeing her antict he lifted gher and made her sit on sofa.
San:why u came out of room..
Swa:i was feeling bored so i came ..
San:swara cant u understand i told u dont come down..if i didnt came on time then dont knw what happen..hearing his sound everyone came to hall..
Suj:sanskar what happed ..y are u shouting hon her
San:ask ur lovely daughter..he said angrily..
Suj:shona beta what happed ..and y u came down.
San:that only im asking her..and u are asking me y im shouting ...
Swa: mom i was feeling bored in room so i came down and i wantrd to meed bade papa also ..but its not my fault mr sm its all ur fault..
San:what i did.
Swa:y u made this much big house ..cant u make small ..if u made big also u should not made this much steps ..see how much are they ..now u built lift bcz i cant climb steps my leg will pain she said with her cute expression ..sanskar mouth hunged ..everyone is Supperssing thier laugh bcz now sanskar class will start now he have to handle her mood swings ....
San:what ?my fault?
Swa: yes urs fault..before only u knw na if ur wife get pregnant then  she cant climb steps so u have to built lift for her but no u are dumb..before building mansion u should think about it ..sanskar was seeing swara with shock ..he was angry on her he wanted to shout her for being careless but here she is blaming him for her carelessness..eveyone is enjoying this drama..to tease sanskar more ram instigate swara..
Ram :yes sanskar my shona is correct .u have to think about this before only na ..how my pregnant daughter climb steps..u have to make lift na..sanskar glare ram but he didnt cared bcz he was enjoying this ..swara saw raj who was on wheel chair she started to cry and complaining  like baby .
Swa:bade papa u were right sanskar is not correct for me i should have listen u ..see he making me to climb this much steps see there ..she showed stairs and started to count but missed some steps..again started to cry
Raj: whathapped doll ..he came near her ..she hugged him and sobbing .
Swa:bade papa i lost the count ..this monkey sanskar build this much step that i dint rememberd how much i counted....sanskar who was beside sona..
San: what the hell .di did she ate something she is talking nonsense..
Sona:chill bro its her nood swing now u have to handke her Mood swings carefully ..lil lil things make happy as well as sad .. Some times she will behave like child..its common dont worry u just pamper her its the time when she need u lot she will not express but  have to understand her  rest we all r there na ..sona made him understand .sanskar went near her and said who was sobbing in raj embrace.
San:jaan see here ..she noded no ..he cupped her face and made her look to him..
San: u r having problem to climb na..she nodded yes .
San: ok then dont climb ..
Swa: but how i will go to my room without climbing...she asked cutely.
San: im there na ..i will take u to room when u want and i will bring u down when u want.
Swa:but ur hand will pain na ...he saw her loving she is acting like a kid but still she think about him ..
San:no i love to lift u in my arm and iwill be happy i do whatever u tell..
Swa:sacchi she adked cutely ..he nodded and kissed her forehead ..everyone adore them.indeed they are best couple..after some time swara was normal she was talking with everyone about daily exercise..everyone is pampering her..sona who was sitting saw a lone tears escape from her eyes ..when she was pregnant adi use care her like a baby ..after adi death its difficult to her ..she was missing her parents to take care but no one was there accept adi raj arnav and sanskar ..she always missed her mom but bcz of her child they didn't met ..its not safe for her child..she was seeing this all emotionally shomi saw her and went near her caressed her hairs..
Sona:i knw beta u also wanted care and pampering during ur pregnancy but we didnt given u that..
Sona:no maa ..i never felt alone that time bcz adi,papa,chachu and sanskar were with me just i missed mom lot...that time i demanded new new food ..but poor mens they alwys try to make me happy but they dnt knw how to cook that time i wished if mom would be here then she would have made my fav dish ..even they all tried thier best for me they even learned cooking .but no one can take mother  place .. Sujram who heard her felt bad ..suju was crying ram came and side hugged her and console her.. sona went near swara and kneeld infront of her .
Sona: u knw shona u brother always wanted to pamper u and fullfill ur all demands but he is not here ..and i promised him that i will fulfill his all wish .so if u want anything u can tellme freely ..dont consider me as ur bhabi ..conside me as ur elder sister..and i will be very happy to fullfill ur all demand .along with u even i can take care of ur junior carbon copy and if he will be with u then he will not bother me much so its easy to handle him.....so feel free to tell me anything ..if u feel like to eat anything u can order ne ..some time sanskar may be busy in work if he is not there then i will be always there bcz u r my adi's 1st child ..and its my resposibility to take over my adi's resposbility..saying this kissed her forehead..swara wipped her tears and hugged her ...
They all had some family time then had lunch ..after lunch shomi suju,  and dida sat in hall talking something swara ,ayush,raj,and uttra are busy in doing uttra project ram,sanskar,arnav, and sona,are in study room.
San:laksh hetting his treatment ..
Arn: sanskar give him worst punishment bcz of we would have loose doll and bhai .
San:dont worry papa he is getting best pynishment ..he told about laksh punishment ..then he went near sona holded her gand 
San: i have brought both dp and ap..now its ur time to give them punidhment
Son: but sanskar how i mean they were in jail then .
San: smiled and told them what he planned with inspector..soon all came and sat in hall then sanskar mobile started to ring.he recived the call aftrr talking for 1 min he discoonected rje call with devilish smile..swara who was observing him got suspicious on him.saskar felt gaze and saw swara who is giving him wgats going on look..he smiled and told ayush to switch on tv.
San:ayush switch on the tv ..ayush nodded on the tv where news is coming with bold headline ..
When sanskar went to bring ap and dp
San:Inspector release them
Si:sor but case and charge sheet if filed ..
San:u just release and anout charge sheet .do what i will say .
Si:dir i didt understood .
San:if we leave them here then they may run or get out of here .
Si:then what should i do.
San:fake death news
San:yes..u pretend that they try to run from jail and  while running they dashed with truvk and died ..and  i ll arrange 2 dead body .as iys accident face will be destroyed and no one will recognise them
Si:ok sir ..even i want they should get punishment specially dp he destroyed many life he have to see hell..sayung this sanskar left from there
Flashbsck ebds ..
Everyone got shock except mens who present study room and sona..swara turn and saw sanskar. He avoide her gaze
Suj:they got punishment for deed.
Shom:yes now my adi soul will get peace ..hearing this sona saw towards sanskar .before she colud tell swara said.
Swa:sanskar u only pubished this 2 person death u should add laksh name also na ..all mens saw her shocking.
San:swara how u knw this ..
Swa:if u r sm them im ur wife..she told with smrik..
Swa:and maa adi bhai soul still didnt got peace bcz still they need punishment ..
Suj:shona what r u telling beta.
Swa:mr sm if u care to tell or i ll only tell...
Sanskar closed his eyes..sanskar told them everything.
San:i wanted badepapa and di should punish them bcz they thuer culprit.
Suj:sanskar even i also want to punush them..
Arnav:even me too and what about laksh .
I will show him hell .
San:no need papa he is already enjoying his hell.
Sona:sanskar i want to go there..
Swa:even me too ..
San:ok i will take u all and u give whatever punishment u want but not now tomorrow..everypne agreed ..
San:waise swara u didnt told how u got to knw about our plan..
Swa:bcz i heard u talk when i came to call bhabhi ..she smiled sheeplesly...
Its evng eveyone had snacks and went to room to take some rest ..at night a had dinner and sleeped hopping for best day and ending the bad chapter..

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