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Lets start ..
Its a beautiful morning
All  family were having breakfast in singhania mansion..shomi and suju prepared everyone fav dish sanskar fed swara ..she had breakfast with lot of Tantrums..this is daily routin she always show tantrums and sanskar use to feed her forcely ..soon eveyone had bf and left to respective work mean while in gadodia house dadi and shekar was worried for ragini bcz she went to temple but its been 2 hour and she didnt returned  ..they are Roamnig here and there and waiting for ragini soon ragini came they both ran to her
Dadi: ladoo where were u ..u went to temole what took u this much time..
Shek: han ragini we were so much worried y u are late.
Rag:i went to meet lawyer..
Shek:lawyer but y beta.
Rag:to bail laksh ji..and lawyer told that bail is possible bcz laksh ji crime is not that much big its only cheating case and he will bring laksh ji out..
Dadi:really ladoo.
Rag:han didima but.
Shek:but what beta.
Rag:his fees is very expensive as he knw im maheswari daughter in law and laksh wife he given discount bcz he is laksh ji friend he is ready to help.
Shek: how much fees he asked.
Rag:han papa but he told to give half now and half after bail. so now we need to arrange 2lakh after laksh will come he will give 1  lakhs
Shek:but beta from where should we bring money bcz of them my shop is closed and i dont have any work .
Dadi:we will keep this house Montage..
Shek:maa we cant keep this house for montage bcz this house is on babuji name .
Dadi:dont worty i will ask him. parvati called dd but he didnt recived her call trio got dissappointed..
Shek:im sorry beta i cant help
Rag:dont worry papa ill   manage.
Dadi:but how ladoo.
Ragini: i ll sale my all Jwelery.
Shek:beta if u sell all then u ll have nothing in future .
Rag: dont worry papa i will get my most Precious jwel my laksh ji and once he will out he will buy me new jewellery..now i have to bring laksh ji out..ragini brought her jewelry and dadi also giver her some jewellery  shekar came and given his gold chain and shomi's mangalsutra ..ragini saw that chain and then shekar. Its swara's gift for him on his wedding and shomi 's  mangalsutra
Rag:papa thus chain is  swara gift which she have given u on ur wedding ..and thus us maa mangalsutra.
Shek:han beta and i dont  need it anymore bcz we dnt have relation with them then y should we keep thier belongings and if it help my daughter then i must give u ..i just want to see u happy ..ragini got emotional and hugged her father..dadi saw them Emotionally..soon shekr and ragini went to jewelers shop   and Saled the jwelery it cost 2 lakh 30 thousand ..and they both went to lawyer office and given him his fees ..he assured he will take laksh out as it is saturday the court will be half day and it will re open on monday ..they both went and meet laksh and told him about his bail.. And came back to house ..ragini given 30000 rs shekhar.
Rag: papa take this money and open ur new bussiness
Shek:no beta keep this money with u need it .
Rag: no papa i only needed 2 lakh and this is extra ..now u ll start new bussiness
Dadi: ladoo is right shekar take it and start ur new bussiness..shekar took money and hugged ragini ..then trio had lunch shekar fed ragini..soon day passed like this .
its monday and ragini went to police station and waited for lawyer ..soon lawyer came and did all formalities and bailed laksh ..
Jailer:come out u bail is done ..dp ap and laksh was happy ..laksh came out dp and ap about to come out but jailer stopped them and locked the jail.
Jailer: where are u going..
Ap:iur bail is done na.
Jailer:who told ...
Ap:now only u told na .now open it.
Jailer: i told only thus man inly his bail is done ..not urs so both of shut ur mouthand sit.
Dp:ye how dare u to talk us like this..dont u knw who im ?
Jailer:who are u ? I don't knw ..i only knw u r a criminal go snd sit .
Ragini came and hugged laksh.
Ap:ragini u didnt did our bail
Rag: no maa ji .
Rag:bcz i dint had money and ur crime is big so lawery asked lots money i dont have that much.
Dp: laksh u apply for our bail as soon as possible.
Ap:ragini u dont have money to bail us but u have money bail laksh..
Rag:yes bcz i sold my jwerlry to bring laksh out..
Ap:dont lie i knw ur purposely not biled us.
Lak: maa stop balming her .what u both do when u come outside
Rag:papaji and maa ji for u info i want to tell u if u both come out u sont have shelter to live bcz mm is on adrash bhai name and he will not allpw any of u and laksh ji will stay with me in badi and i cant that much expenditure bcz we dont have money to look after u ..
Ap: we will also come and stay in badi.
Rag:o plz no maa ji bcz papa lost his shop and we are living with very much difficulties and if u both come then we will be on road.
Lak:and what u both do outside and u have less life left so keep quite stay here only...come ragini sating this raglak went from them living shoked ap dp .they never thought thier only son will leave them like this..they both went and sat on corner crying and cursing thier fate ...
Jailer1:look how thier own son and dil left them to die here..
J2:its karma u knw his  younger brother use to devote him like a god but he himself ruined it..
J1:yes rp sir is gem he never gone against his brother even though he was step brother but he ditched and cheated him now see no one is here to look after this both oldies..the hailers talked like this ap and dp relised their mistake nad waited to ask rp suju and his family sorry for all thier mistakes before thier death..
Here raglak came to badi ..laksh got fresh and had lunch after that he went out by telling he is going to meet his friend.. Like this 3 days passed but no one got to knw that laksh is out ..one day laksh went out and followed swara everywhere he got to knw that swara is under tight security ..he waited for the chance ..
In SM office
Sanskar was in meeting his phone was on silent mood and it is continues ringing..
After meeting sanskar came directly to hospital to pick swara but to his disappont swara already left  he came back to home and asked about swara then shomi told she went to Orphanage  with ayush for regular check up..sanskar sat on sofap and took his mobile saw 30 missed call from his man ..he called back..
San:hello suraj is everthing ok.
Op:sir laksh maheswari got bail he came out.
San:what..sanskar shout ..by his voice everyone came to hall he disconnected the call.
San:when he got bail
Op:on monday.
San:its been 3 days and u r telling me now .
Op: no i was out of station bcz my mother was not well when i came back i got to knw he got bail.
San:ok fine ..he disconnected the call
Suj:sanskar what happend.
San:laksh got bail..this shoked everyone sanskar felt rest less ...he losen his tie and continuously calling swara and ayush but both didnt picked everyone is tensed..sanskar about to when he saw ayush coming everyone felt relief ayush saw all confusing.
Ayu:what happed all are looking so tensed is everything ok.
Sho:ayu y u didnt picked call and where is shona .
Ayu:maa actully i was driving so didnt picked and di is in orphanage.
San:u left her alone.
Ayu:actully di firgot to give one file to dr rohini so  i came to take that why what happend.
Suju:ayu  laksh came out.
Ayu:what ..saskar rushed out followed by ayush ram raj and arnav and ladies stayed in home..
In orphange
Swara was treating patient but she is feeling like some one is watching her ..from morning she is feeling like someone kept eye on her..she ignored her thought and continued her work..her phone rang she saw its from sanskar she recived.
Swa:hello sanskar..
San:hello swara where are u ..y r u not picking my call..
Swa: sanskar im not able to hear u ..ophrange is outskrit  so network issue she came out for network ..but call got disconnect she called sanskar but due to poor range call didnt connected here sanskar was calling her continuously but it showing out of courage area..swara saw she came out of the orphange for searching network ..she tirned to gi back but someone pulled her she dashed person..she lifted her head but shock to see the person..
Lak: yes baby its me ..swars pushed him and about to run but laksh holded her hand ..soon a van came je took swara and went from there soon sanskar and ayush ram ,raj and arnav reached orphange..sanskar came inside running..he searched swara but she was. Not there he asked the orphanage head.
San:mam where is swara.
Oh:she got call so she went outside ..
san:what...he came runnibg out side shouting her name but hr didnt find swara
Sanskar called police and told them to search for swara. He sat on his knees and took sand in his hand angerly to remove his anger but something pierced in his palm ..he open his feast saw its swara brecelate which arnav gifted her ... Everyone was got tense bcz of bracelate fell on ground  and blood on it means she struggled lot to get out pf laksh hand and she is pregnantif something happed to her or baby during that time raj sat on the road side bench holding his chest ..ayush saw  and came to him.
Ayu:Bade papa are u ok...
Raj:ya im okay ...
San:no bade papa u r not well u go home..ayush take everyone home..
Raj: no im okay ..i want to see my dol ..
San: bade papa i will bring her u please go home..after lot insist raj arnav and ram ledt home..herr sanskar deove his car seacribg swara here and there.
They all came to home shomi ran to them.
Shomi:where is shona is she ok..
Ayu: maa jiju is searching her dont worry nothing will happen to her ..shomi saw raj his health is detouring
Shomi:raj bhai sab are u ok.
Raj: ya im ok shomi ..they made him sit on sofa sona brought water ..he drank the water..ayush went to search swara arnav stayed in home bcz raj health is not good ..ram is calling his all links and ordering them to search swara its bewn evening sawara no news of swara....sanskar came home back hopelessly

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