part - 26

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Let start..
After traveling for 1/2 hr Both swasan reached destination is outskirts of the city ...sanskar came open the swara side door .she came out. Both went its a Forest.
Swa: sanskar wr we are gng ..I m getting scared.
San:shona I m der na .hold my hand ok..swara holded his hand after 5 mins of walking they came to spot ..there is path with is covers with rose petal and side of the path light are present... Both walked on the petal and there at centre a table and chair is presented and latten is hanging on tree giving beauty to spot ..
San: do u like it.
Swa: no infact I loved it.
San:perfect then my angel also like it ..I was scared if she like it or not BT nw I'm sure she will like it ..after hearing Angel name tears vame on swara eyes she wipped it before sanskar see it bt he was watching her each and every action by corner of his eyes ..
Swa: sanskar I want to tell u something
San: ya swara tell.
Swa: actually sanskar ..o i
San(mono): come on swara plz tell I m waiting to hear that magical word..
Swara took deep breath and told .
Swa: sanskar I'm happy for u .I wish u and ur angel stay happy forever..
By saying this swara turn and cried silently.. Sanskar also disappointed compose him self.
San: are I forgot we came to meet angel na ..come let's go he holds her hand took her to a corner .we're a red curtain hi hanging with rope.
San: swara u want to see my angel na ..go and pull that rope ..u ll see my angel standing there .swara was standing quite ...unable to believe she us going to she her sanskars love ..she was lost in her thought ..came to sense by sanskar voice.
San: swara what are u waiting for ..go Angel is standing there for long time .plz go fast ..swara nodded her head .stepped towards the curtain her heart is beating fast ..tears are coming ..she stood near curtain closed eyes and took deep breath ..with shivering hands she pulled the curtain and closed her eyes ..sanskar came her back and hugged her ..
San:open ur eyes ..u dnt wanna see my angel ..swara slowly opend her eyes and saw sanskar hand which idms on her belly ..and saw towards him.. Both had eyelock..swara eyes showing love hurt ..where sanskar love is showing immense love ..Sanskar smiled and told..
San: stop Staring me .my Angel is seeing us.. After hearing this swara bend her head ..
San:swara see my angel ..she is most beautiful girl I have on the earth isn't she ...see na..sanskar make swara see front ..swara was shock to see the scenery in front of her ..its a lake which is shining due to moon light .cool breeze is coming she saw around fount no one.

swara saw sanskar confusing.sanskar smiles seeing her confused .
San: what searching my angel .. Swara nodded.sanskar make her stand straight ..and point toward the lake .
San:see there
swara saw toward the direction and shocked to see .its swasan reflection ...swara saw sanskar again turn toward lake .again turn to sanskar bt to her shock .sanskar is sitting on his holding red rose bouquet.
San: shona .when first I saw I lost my heart ..again when I saw u helping to children fallen for ur beauty ...u came in life like angel .the day when I saw u ..u became my lucky charm . I dnt knw any cheesy line ..I ll simply tell.
I LOVE U SWARA U R MY LIFE..MY HEART BEATS ONLY FOR U ..will u accept my proposal ..swara was shock the person who became her life ..he is also love her ..she have no boundary for her happiness.. She sat on her knees and hugged him ... Both are lost in there movement.. Sanskar broke the hug and both stood ..
Swara beated him on his chest with her tinny hand .
Swa: u scared me
.u knw hw I felt when u talk abt angel ..then she started crying ..sansakr took her in bone crushing hug ..she hugged him tightly I'd she loose her hand then he will go ..Sanskar to lightened the mood .
San: shona u have not given my answer ..Swara looked his face confusing..
Swa: which answer ..
San: madam I sat on the knees told u romantic lines and u r asking which answer ..Swara shyly hugged him..
San: shona I wnt my answer..
Swa: I love u too sanskar ..sanskar was beyond happy he heard the 3 magical word which he is waiting form last 7 yrs ..
San:finally I got my answer after 7yr ..seriously I have lots patience I waited for 7 yr ..great ..he self praised ..Swara who was hugging him broke the hug ..
Swa: sanskar seriously u r loving me form past 7 yr I havnt saw u anywhere .
San: its long story I ll tell after word .now come he took her to centre table ..where a cake is present on which written HAPPY ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE...

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