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Let's start..
Next morning ..
In badi arnav and raj sitting out side. Reading news paper.. Shomi brought tea for them.. Shekar also sitting out side and watching them.. Ragini brought tea for him... Saw them.. Raj drank tea and went to get ready shomi sat beside arnav and spend time with him.. Shekar burned into jealousy arnav sat him with corner of his eyes.. He was smiling seeing his face..
Soon he to got ready.. They were having BF at that time swasan and sonakshi came.
Shom:are sona, Shona ,sanskar come beta u came on right time ..lets have brkfst..
San: no maa we already had..
Sona: yes and if u want u can feed Shona she ate less ..
Swa: no I ate lot.. U no papa  dad forcefully fed me 2 Partha and mom added 2 full spoon of Desi ghee.. And 1 glass juice. I'm full..
Raj: but beta.. U should eat lot it's good for u and baby .
Swa: bade papa after  an hour sanskar again send food to hospital.. Please show some mercy on me..
Arn: OK at least have juice..
Swa: not now papa plz.. I will drink afterwards..
Arn: OK fine ...they all had bf..
Sona:shomi maa dida I m going to office Aryan will be here..
Sho:ok beta.. Sujju Bhabi didn't came?
Son:actually mom is going to her friend daughters marriage so she will come here after marriage.
Sho:OK... But u all have to come here till lunch time.. It's my order
Raj:ok ur highness... Raj, sona, and sanskar went to office.. Swara arnav and ayush went to office... Dida and ayush sat seeing TV.. Shomi went to keep plates in kitchen.
In mm
Without drama this house feel don't digest food.
As usual Dp and ap taunt Adarsh..
Ap: someone told he killed sonakshi but she is here and joined Bussiness.
Dp: leave it ap he is useless telling him work is stabbing our own stomach  .he left to office laksh given pity smile on Adarsh and left.. Ap also left to meet her Friends..adarsh left to search job.. Pari left to do house hold work..
In Hospital.
Swara and arnav was in OT... Swara was doing operation and arnav was observing her he was impressed by swara.. Soon operation got over they came out side.
Arn:doll I'm impressed.u r very talented.. The way u handle operation and encourage ur patient it was excellent..
Swa: thank u papa but i learn it by u only.. I read ur all books which u written on surgery and as well as how to become good doctor.. Both came to swara cabin.. Swara asked doubt to arnav about surgery and he explained her everything.. As Swara was bright she understood everything easily..
Here in sm office.
Sanskar and sona was busy in preparing presentation raj and ram went to see the site... Raj wanted to built a music school so ram took him to show the land .
Soon it's afternoon everyone came for lunch.. They had lunch going masti ...
San:maa,mom,dida Tmrw we to go award functions ..we all are nominated...
Suj:thats  great..Shomi and maa Tmrw we go for shopping..
Shomi:shopping? already we dress then y..
Suj:uff Ho Shomi Tmrw our children will get award we should look good..
Son:mom is correct shomi maa.. After lots of arguments shomi agreed...sujram and sanskar went to sm mansion ,swara and sonakshi stayed there.. They will go on night.. Swara was roaming out side using mobile.. She saw ragini is coming with clothes from Terrace she was about to fall swara ran and holded her while shouting her name everyone came hearing swara voice.. She made her sit on step
Swa: ragini are u OK.. Ragini was scared she was sweating...
Par:ladoo are u OK... She nodded Dadi saw swara holding ragini ..she got angry.
Par:u .hw dare to touch my ladoo
Saying this she pushed swara. ..swara lost her balance she was about to fall.. Swara closed her eyes holded her stomach.. She got fear of loosing her child.. Before. She touch the ground some one holded her... She opened her eyes and saw her father who is safely holding her.. Everyone came running to her
Arn:doll are u OK.. Swara hugged her father tightly..
Arn:dont worry doll ..im there nothing will happen to u..
Shom: Shona are u OK beta.. She was so scared that not able to talk.. Tears are Making way.. Arnav hate tears in her eyes.. His eyes turn red in anger.. He freed himself from swara..
Arv:bhai can u plz hold her.. Raj came and holded swara..she was not ready to leave arnav hand..raj freed arnav hand and holded her swara saw raj and hugged him.. Arnav came towards Parvati given a tight slap.. Everyone is shock.. Arnav is silent nature person he never rise voice to any one but today he rise his hand .
Arn:i never slap anyone  specially old people and ladies but u forced me ..u hurted my doll.. I wish I could kill u.. Shekar got angry and holded arnav collar..
Shek:u bastard how dare u.. Seeing this Shomi got angry..
Shom: shekar leave his collar.
Shek:y u getting anger shomi if I hold his collar..
Shom :shekar shut up and leave his collar..
Shek:y are u supporting him.. O now I get may be he is ur new lover. Nice Han..this time a trapped rich person.. How much money he offered u to sleep with h.. Before he complete his sentence he got tight punch on his face he fell on ground.. Everyone saw towards sources its non other than shomi lovely sons...sanyush
Ayush holded his collar and made him stand  .
Ayy:  how dare u talk like this to maa.. what nonsense u were talking  ..and y u r so bothered about her.. U r nothing to her so stop interfering in her life.. He again given him tight punch he was about to fall but sanskar holded him with his collar.
San:i already warned u to stay away from my family but u will never change.. Now u will have to pay.. He punched him he fell down both sanyush kicked him black and blue shekar shouted in pain. Parvati came to recuse them but Shomi holded her hairs and given her tight slap...
Sin: shomi maa even my hands are itching can i plz..
Shom:sure sonakshi also slapped her. Dida came with fish garland and ties it on her neck Parvati started to shout and jump. Aryan laughed seeing her jumping like monkey ..all badi members laughed on her . Ragini saw everything got scared and ran from there to mm...finally they left them.. Both shekar and Parvati went in house in torn dress messy hair and shouting due to pain... Raj made swara stand.. He holded her carefully took her to home but before she step up she fainted in his arm..
Raj:doll..what happened.. Plz open ur eyes ..arnav see na what happened to her ..
Arn: let her take in.. Sanskar came and lifted her and took her to room and made her sleep on bed.. Arnav came and checked her..
Arn:she got fainted due to stress.. Let her take rest.. She get concision in sometime .. Everyone left room.. Sanskar came and sat beside her caressing her hair.. Outside shomi was crying seeing her daughter condition.. Arnav came and kept hand on shoulder she hugged him
Arn:shomi stop crying.
Shom:arnav my Shona.. Is is OK na
Arn:nothing to worry she is OK.. Stop crying.. Come sit here..he made her sit.. Sonakshi brought water for her.. Arnav made her drink water and wipped her tears.. Dida saw arnav care and thanked God for sending best life partner for her children.. Sona side hugged dida.. Raj sat on sofa holding head.. Ayush came and holded sat beside him and holded his hand.. Raj saw ayush given smile.. Until then Sujram also came.. Suju console shomi.. After an hour swara got conscious every one met her.. Starting she was scared but after sometimes she became normal  it almost night after today's incident no one left swara alone all are sitting with them so Ram order food from outside.. Everyone had dinner.. Swara was refusing to have but seeing her strict husband and father's she ate.. It late so shomi insisted to Sujram to stay there they agreed ..
In mm
Ragini came and told whatever happened ap got scared imaging herself in place of  Parvati.. They had dinner.. Dp told them about award function ..he told Adarsh to join them Bcz till now no one knows he is not part of Maheshwari family.. Adarsh came and told Pari.
Adr:pari be ready tomorrow evening we have to go award function.
Pari: award function..which.
Adr: Tmrw international award function is there papa told we have to go there..
Par: what they do there.. Bcz they will not get any awards..
Adr:pari...we all have to go.. Plz don't argue..
Par: OK fine. Let c how many awards ur father and ur brother will get saying this left to kitchen.. ...
In badi.
Sanskar was sleeping.. But sleep is far away from swara.. She was tossing right to left she felt thirsty but jug was empty she saw sanskar he was to tired so sleep took him over.. Swara slowly came down went to kitchen she took glass pour water and drank when she turned sanskar was standing behind her and he was very angry.
San:y u came down.
Swa:i was thirsty came to drink water.
San:u would have woke me back.. Y u came.
Swa:i wanted to but u were sleeping peacefully so I thought not disturb u.. She said innocently.. Seeing her innocent face his anger wanish. He came and holded her shoulder..
San:plz if u want anything u tell me.. Don't come alone..
Swa: OK.. Both went to room and slept huggging...as soon swara slept sanskar opend his eyes and saw.
San:i knw jaan u r not getting sleep Bcz u have fear.. But until I'm there nothing will happen to u and baby.. Trust me. I ll always protect u.. He kissed her forehead and slept hugging her..
Next morning
Everyone had bf Sujram left to sm mansion but before going sujata told Shomi that she will come back and will go to shopping..sanskar, raj and sonakshi went to office. Ayush, swara and arnav got ready to go to hospital.. They are about to go but shomi called arnav.
Sho:arnav the trio turn to her.. She went near them
Som:u forgot ur cell phone..
Arn:o yeah.  Thank u.  Arnav took mobile while taking his hands touched to shomi hand.. Arnav saw Shomi same with shomi she saw him.. Both are lost.. Swayush saw them and smiled.. At that time shekar came out and saw they both are holding each other hand and lost in each other he burned into jealousy ayush naughtily said in arnav ear.

Swa:papa u both are standing in centre of badi... Arnav left her hand.. And saw other side Shomi bowed her head down due to shyness
Ayu:papa if u want u can stay in home..arnav holded his ears
Arn:u r becoming naughty day by day..
Ayu:ouch papa it's paining.. He left his ears trio bid bye to shomi and left to hospital.
Soon they reached hospital..
Swara went to priya cabin for her regular check up after check up she sat there discussing about patient.. At that time priya Mobile rang she saw swara  ..swara told her to take call.. Dr priya received the call.
Pri: hello Dr priya her..
Op: hi dr I'm Mrs pareenita maheshwari.
Priya saw towards swara ..Swara got confused and asked her what with sign.  She put the call on speaker.
Pri:yes Mrs Maheshwari tell  ..hearing Mrs maheshwari swara got alert and listened carefully.
Par:i want to meet when u will be free..
Priya saw swara  swara told her to tell her after 1 hr ..
Dr pri:u can come in hour.. I will be free
Pari: OK thank.
Pri : my pleasure.. She ended the call.. Swara told her to what to talk and what truth to bring out..
Swara told this to sanskar. After an hour pareenita came to hospital she coverd herself in shawl..  swasan arnav and ayush is sitting in swara cabin they inserted camera in priya cabin and  Priya was waiting for Pari in her cabin.  Soon Pari enterd  priya did her test.. After an hour her report came.. Priya checked her all reports.
Pri:as per report u tests are normal there is no problem in u u can Concieve..
Pari:i knw I don't have any problem.
Pri:then y u agreed for treatment.
Pari: actually  I came here for treatment but not mine..
Pri: then.  Whose ?
Pari: my husband.. He can't be father.. This is like bomb for swasan who were watching this in camera..
Dr priya again read her file then she read Adarsh report ..at that time swara told something to priya through Bluetooth headphones.. Priya nodded
Pri: there is chance of u getting pregnant and ur husband treatment..there is 75% this treatment will work.. Ur husband should do meditation.. And she saw all file.. At that time swara told something to
Pri: but I have one doubt.
Pari:what .?
Dr priya asked something to Pari she start to sweat.. After lots of insistence Pari told truth. After hearing Pari swara hugged sanskar.. He was full tears.. Arnav also hugged him... They finally got proof .. Priya told her to bring Adarsh she will do his some test then will start treatment...pari agreed and left from there as soon she left swara came to priya cabin and hugged her.
Swa:thank u priya u really helped me lot.
Pri: no mam I did my duty and bringing truth is our job..
Swa:now Maheshwaris all bad deeds will come out. Soon they left to home. Shomi dida are in sm mansion Bcz they all are going from there only.. Soon everyone came and swara told whatever happened in hospital.. Everyone was happy they all went to get ready for function..

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